A white pretty girl from Alabama, U.S.A. disappeared in Aruba May 30,2005 - Last seen with white Dutch boy belonging to a very powerful and influential family that is well-connected to the head of the heads of the justice department in Aruba.

All evidence that could have been accumulated to keep the white suspect detained was ignored and overlooked solely because the white man's word weighs more than the black man's word. "If you are a white Dutch suspect in Aruba, you can easily be turned into a witness as long as you point your fingers to a black man/Arubian," says Edwardo Mathew.
Mathew is uniquely suited to provide commentary on the situation. A native of Aruba who served a sentence at the KIA correctional facility in Aruba from 2001 to 2004, it is widely believed that Mathew was wrongfully convicted. His case is currently being heard before the European Court of Human Rights.
The laws governing Aruba reflect a customary practice of unequal and discriminatory treatment reminiscent of the 1800's when blacks had no rights in society.
"How can Natalee's family find justice in Aruba if there is no justice under the Arubian Dutch laws?" asks Mathew. "No man in a civilized country or island anywhere in the world should be held in prison for kidnapping and murder or any other crime by a public prosecutor behind closed doors - yet the public in Aruba is not allowed to receive information. Why?"
The Dutch have most often attempted to portray their disposition as strong advocates of human rights, which stands in stark contrast to a legal system that can hold a suspect without bail for 116 days or more with little or no evidence in a four foot by four foot cell - without a mattress, accompanied by rat and cockroach infestation.
The Dutch/ Arubian justice system permits cases to be heard behind closed doors, providing free reign by the public prosecutor to withhold and/or tamper with information. The Dutch legal system allows judges and prosecutors to function without checks and balances - rulings may be swayed in any direction or favor that suits them personally. "The world should be concerned about this mysterious case as it clearly poses a personal concern for the Dutch public prosecutors and friends," states Mathew.
"The overriding question is - can justice prevail in Aruba if those who are in charge

As the current government, MEP reportedly stated in the Arubian national media that the Dutch judges are not to be trusted.
"We must remember that the Netherlands, 'The Dutch,' for personal reasons held onto their slave trade 15 years after it had been abolished by using this same Dutch legal system," concludes Dr. Arianna Mathew. "Based on the legal system's past patterns and history - can we trust this system now?"
Edwardo Mathew
PHONE. 4018645592 or 4018869965
dear readers what a poor blog!Is a grand jury in the US public or behind close doors? All the accusations about Aruba, Dutch judges, the islands history! What drives a person to make such a blog, without any further knowledge of the background than searching some specific sites on the net. What about if the three boys are innocent? What about all the speculations? By the way: did you ask Holland to help you to solve the OJ Simpson case????
Archie Viser from Amsterdam/Holland
Dutch is an offensive word cussed out by the bartenders when they were real busy. "Just don't dutch me, ok, you son of bitch" said the bartender lady when she was real pissed off by all the complaints about the services. There were four full companies parties going on in the New Years Eve. "I just don't have enough girls, and you guys just don't tip fast enough, just bottom up and shut up, or I will fuke you. Leave me and my girls alone, or I will dutch you, I don't care". Rumors floating around some rape drugs been used in the bar. That is pretty. Everybody is nervious. Want to find who does what. They just asked the ladies to pour their drinks into the toilet when they went to the restroom. And always order and safeguard their own drinks, never leave their eyeballs off their drinks.
Yeah, he sounds like a really nice guy. Check this out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eduardo_Mathew.
"On October 9, 2001 Mathew was arrested on Aruba on a charge of inflicting grievous bodily harm"
"On November 29, 2001 an incident took place in which the acting KIA governor was very seriously injured (broken eye socket, cheekbone and skull)"
"following an incident on 13 February 2003, when he ripped a piece of metal off his wheelchair and used it as a weapon against prison staff."
You failed to mention that Michelle....
You also failed to mention that justice was served (as it should be) and he was awarded 1010,000 euros (EUR) for non-pecuniary damage and EUR 3,000 for costs and expenses.
Not at ANY point did the European Court of Human Rights say that this treatment was because he was black. Or is that court corrupt as well?
Michelle, are you brave enough to publish the full statement from the European Court of Human Rights? It paints a slightly (ahum) different picture of Mr Mathew....
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