This is the real deal...Paulus Van Der Slut is now a lawyer and is working for the firm and the lawyer that represents Joran! Why should I even ponder? It's obvious Aruba's legal system is half-ass backwards, and their ethics are pathetic and evil. And to think the majority of the Aruba population is Catholic. Such good Catholics! Do you confess your sins every week so you can be absolved of your sins so you can justify and forget what you've done to your country and Natalee?
These pictures are both hilarious and pathetic. Check out how happy PVDS is! The funny thing is he thinks he's won the war with Natalee's family. Including a HUGE part of the American population who are behind the family 100% and we are taking action. But I can assure you Paulus, this is just the beginning. Enjoy your freedom while you can. However, I've heard that you like dropping the soap in prison.

We can't claim credit for the two pictures posted today. They were given to us by Julia Renfro (The backstabber and opportunist) of Aruba Today newspaper. The pictures show Paulus van der Sloot being sworn in as a lawyer yesterday in Aruba.
He had wanted to be a judge, but that did not quite work out; (Poor baby...where is my little violin?) and I have heard a few reasons why and still don't understand why. (Maybe because you are stupid, Julia? I sure am glad you are in Aruba and not the U.S. You don't deserve to be an American, so stay away you expatriate!)
He is now sworn in as a lawyer and working with his son's lawyer in the law firm.

"Oh, gee guys are great to look past the fact that I
covered up for my son even though you know I said, 'no body, no crime'.
Thanks for overlooking that!"
Check out the men in the background--they don't look too thrilled...

"You've done a smart thing. As I promised, your family won't
be harmed because I got my way. So, now that we are 'all good',
would you be interested in joing me in the gay sex club in town?
I'm a regular and it's great fun...prostitutes, young girls and boys,
homos, whatever--they'll do whatever you want. Don't worry, I won't
tell your wife, because mine doesn't have a clue!"
It's Incredible Missy how your arrogance makes you turn against an American like Julia Renfro, Just because she's on our side? Very sad, I believe you have some serious problem missy, you were dropped on your head when you were small right? Because I think you have some lose screws ;)
First of all, Julia is a heartless backstabber. And she is NOT an American. She is an expatriate. In the dictionary expatriate means:
1 : to withdraw (oneself) from residence in or allegiance to one's native country
intransitive senses : to leave one's native country to live elsewhere; also : to renounce allegiance to one's native country
Julia denounced her homeland and developed shady relationships with certain people in Aruba in order to advance her 'so called' career. All the time she is smiling she is really lying, backstabing and hurting innocent people.
Another Point:
Our side? Your side? There's NO SIDE. We are against your government and police force...or shall I say LACK OF.
We are not against the Aruban people--as you know many Americans have CLEARLY stated this countless times.
Gabriel, I'm not arrogant...I just care about decent human beings, which Natalee matter what garbage they put on the news or specific blogs.
I may say mean things, but you know what, it's my blog and I'm damn mad at this whole situation. Why blame Beth and the Americans?
You need to BLAME Joran, Deepak, Satish, Daddy VDS, Koen G., Steve Croes, Freddy and countless others. They are the ones that have destroyed your country and gave it a bad name.
Here's an analogy... I don't care for George Bush. Part of that reason is because he gives Americans a bad image because of his flippant attitude and his mistake of starting the war. Now outsiders think that ALL Americans are like that. However, not true. So instead of blaming this on someone else, I blame GW. Why can't you think the same about Joran, and the others? They are the ones giving Aruba a bad name. Be mad at them!
I will continue this subject with you; however, I will not tolerate your personal insults. You say I was dropped on my head because I have loose screws...but guess what? I would bet my last dollar that I am smarter than you and I'd beat you in a landslide.
Gabriel, don't judge me, just comment about the case. It's not about's about Natalee and this conspiracy.
Next time come up with some good arguments instead of calling me Missy and arrogant.
Thank you.
Gabriel is a "Misser" in the way he lost his penis in C & C during a fight with a brazhemale over the Ecstacy. He is a laughing stock because now he cannot fuke. His wife wants to divorce him. His daughters want to disvow him because he is such a disgrace to the public. His own families can no longer bear. Misser Gabriel is a devout Aruban Catholic, so what, seldom anybody knows or cares he messes around with the beautiful young altar boys in that awesome grand cathedral downtown Aruba. The new motto going around in Aruba besides "No Body, No Crime", this current one reads "No Penis, No Morale"
Again, I will say this about expatriate is:
1. To send into exile.
2. To remove (oneself) from residence in one's native land.
1. To give up residence in one's homeland.
2. To renounce allegiance to one's homeland.
1. One who has taken up residence in a foreign country.
2. One who has renounced one's native land.
Believe me, I've seen the real world, unfortunately, and its future is very sad. I'm glad I am surrounded by decent people, because there are an enormous amount of seriously evil people in this world. I'd rather not be associated with those types.
YEAH!!! Good luck to Paulus and Anita! They've got an incredible amount of support here in Aruba and from many US lawyers! With this island behind him and his family, he'll be very successful. We love you Paulus and Anita!!!
Michelle...these folks are "side-tracking" again! How typical. Pay them no mind and keep to the truth that you are presenting here on your blog. You are doing a great job! BTW..those that follow your blog are increasing tremendously and it is fast becoming the place to check first!
Thank You!
THANK YOU for your very kind words. It's refreshing to hear the positive people speak out...instead of the nasty and evil bloodsuckers that post here.
The Arubans are forgetting something:
There is NOTHING to prevent Beth and her supporters from reminding America about what happened on this 'safe, happy island' for an indefinite amount of time. Spring Break is coming up; you can bet there will be extra effort to make sure coolege kids know about all the equally nice Caribbean alternatives to Aruba. In May it will be the one-year anniversary of Natalee's disappearance, and you can bet the media will be all over it again. Next winter, next spring break, next anniversary of this tragedy- who is going to stop us from bringing this to America's attention all over again?
Nothing. You won't hear the end of this for a long time, Aruba, and even if Natalee is found tomorrow it will take years for tourism to be back where it was. All because the Aruban people choose to blame a desperate mother and the U.S. media instead of a corrupt judge wanna-be, his soiciopathic son, and his corrupt buddies in Aruban legal circles. The best thing Aruba can do for itself now is tar and feather Rudy Croes and Nelso Oduber and run them off this island. Get the VDS scumbags and the Kalpoe lowlifes and break their kneecaps- and tell them that if they keep lying it'll happen again. Or you could let the FBI have full partnership and access to all interrogations, evidence, and suspects.
I don't see any of this happeneing, though, because to date Aruba has amde the wrong choices from the PM down to the average Joe on the street. I guess we shouldn't expect anything to change anytime soon...
An observation: go to any blog devoting time to this tragedy and count how many people support Beth and the boycott on the message boards. Look at how many do not...there seems to be a pretty skewed number in favor of Beth and her boycott.
Arubans, are you blind or just stupid?
School shootings, eh? Nice try krass, but you're comparing apples to oranges.
This is not about what happened to is not about murder, rape, or kidnapping (and it is not about school shootings). It is about how there is no accountability or oversight in Aruba, how the system allowed PVDS to call the shots to keep this crime from being solved to save his own rotten kid's ass, to spare him and Anita the shame of what terrible parents they are. You see, in the U.S. we manage to solve all kinds of crimes (including yes school shootings all the way down to where and how the kids got the guns), even while (gasp!) keeping the victims, their families, and even the media informed of the progress. Why? Because there is always someone making sure the police and investigators are doing their jobs correctly and without any political interference. We expect and demand proof that ALE is even marginally competent and honest, not more and more spin. Maybe in Aruba you blindly accept whatever drivel the government spoon-feeds you, but in the U.S. we have a saying: talk is cheap.
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