February 16, 2006


Croes under pressure

ARUBA – There are some indications that the visit of the Dutch ministers Rita Verdonk and Alexander Pechtold to Aruba has to do with the work of Rudy Croes (MEP) as Justice-minister. This would have weakened his position in the cabinet even more. However, Croes' spokesperson denies the rumors that the minister is considering his position.

According to his nephew and spokesperson, Edward Croes, these are just rumours and the minister continues on as agreed. "There is pressure on the Justice-position, but it is not true that he wants to resign." Edward Croes says that the pressure comes from the opposition. "They are targeting the credibility of the Justice Department."

The visit of the Dutch ministers should be considered as a political stunt, just to turn the attention away from their own political problems in their country. According to the spokesperson, during the visit they talked about the integration of the different departments that have to do with resident- and work permits, just like the Netherlands did with the Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND).

"The Netherlands hopes that we can learn from their mistakes. That's the reason why they came with a lot of recommendations." Minister Croes had other obligations to tend to; that's why he was not seen on any of the pictures made after the visit. "He did sign the covenant, but had to leave afterwards and could not stay for the settlement of the protocol."

His spokesperson confirmed that the minister met with his family and confidents yesterday to talk about the political pressure. "But that happens more often." Edward Croes says that the minister will remain in office for two years, just as was settled during the formation of the cabinet.

He wants to finish some projects and will then step down and make room for a younger person. This way, this younger person can gain ministerial experience." The MEP does not like the opinion of the minister.

Prime Minister Nelson Oduber had preferred not to see Rudy Croes, as well as Ramon Lee, minister of Labour, Culture and Sport back in the Oduber IV cabinet. Insiders within the MEP fear that, after the agreed two years, minister Croes will mobilize his supporters and so try to stay for the full four years.

It was decided during the cabinet formation that part of Croes' portfolio, the immigration policy, will go to minister Booshi Wever. But up till today, this transition didn't seem to go very easy, but with the visit of the Dutch ministers, it was settled that Dimas, the new administration that falls under Wever, will be the only instance in charge of the admittance policy.

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