*Another great article from Natalee's Freebirds
PICKUP TIME - 11:00 PM or 4:00 AM?
John Kelly has stood firmly behind Beth Twitty's claim that approximately three weeks into the investigation Paulus Van der Sloot changed the story that he gave on May 31/05 regarding when he picked up Joran from McDonald’s. Paulus has said that Beth and Jug were mistaken when they insisted that he said 4:00 AM on the morning of May 30/05. He claimed that he had actually stated a pick up time of 11:00 PM on the evening of May 29/05.
Investigator Roy Tromp confirmed that Paulus changed his story. Jug could not understand why statements were not immediately obtained from all witnesses who were present on that morning that would have all reflected the 4:00 am pickup time.
On June 5/05 Beth requested that security cameras from McDonalds be checked. As of Dec. 12/05 Aruban authorities had yet to comply with her request.
However, in the second week of Feb /07, it was revealed by the Aruban Justice Department that Paulus originally declared 4:00 AM on the morning of May 30/05 as the time he picked up Joran from McDonalds and they therefore, had justification for his detainment.
If this information was forwarded to the presiding judge by the prosecutor, why was Paulus released from detention; why was he declared no longer a suspect and why was he initially awarded compensation for wrongful arrest?

John Q. Kelly 'Rita Cosby Live & Direct' = Jan. 12/06
KELLY: ...He also made contradictory statements about when he had picked up his son Joran that night.

Beth Twitty On the Record w/ Greta - Oct. 2/05
HOLLOWAY TWITTY: I think I just saw specific little details that just have started eating me alive just, I mean, from details of that first night, when we met Joran and Paul and Deepak, you know, just little details that have been eating away at me on this pick-up time at McDonald's, you know, Paul van der Sloot stated specifically and emphatically he picked them up at 4 a.m. I have it documented in my journal too many times to know that...

Beth Twitty On the Record w/ Greta - Oct. 2/05
HOLLOWAY TWITTY: Yes, 4 a.m. on May 31, he stated — I documented in my journal — that he stated to the police spokesperson that he picked Joran up at 4 a.m. Again, on June 17, I have it documented in my journal that they were going to question Paul that day about the 4 a.m. pick-up. And then it changed. That's why I was so shocked that day that you and I went to his home. That was the first time that he had changed to it 11 p.m., to the 29th. So that's just one example of many little details that are just driving me crazy now that I'm back home.

Beth Twitty Nancy Grace - Aug. 12/05
HOLLOWAY TWITTY: Oh -- oh, it`s a very critical detail. And the night that we arrived on the island -- you know, Jug does not misinterpret a 4:00 AM time pickup to 11:00 PM. I mean, Paulus Van Der Sloot stated that he picked them up at 4:00 AM on May the 30th. Then -- we don`t know who they were, but then even as far as June 16 and June 17, Mr. Van Der Sloot was still stating this 4:00 AM pickup. Only until around -- maybe it was when he was picked up or arrested did he change it to 11:00 PM that I had knowledge of.

Beth Twitty 'Rita Cosby Live & Direct' - March 21/06
HOLLOWAY TWITTY: ...He had initially told the witnesses that he himself had picked up Joran Van Der Sloot at 4:00 a.m. on the night of the 30th. But he later changed it about three weeks into the investigation that he did not pick up Joran at 4:00 a.m. on the 30th.

Beth Twitty ARUBAN BOYCOTT - Dec. 12/05
MICHELLE: "One of Joran's and PVDS's alibis was that Joran was picked up at the McDonald's. PVDS originally told you the first night you met him that he picked Joran up at 4:00 a.m., but he later gave a statement that he picked Joran up at 11:00 p.m. Do you know if there are security cameras in the McDonald's parking lot to prove this claim?"
BETH: "On June 5, we asked officials to check to see if there were security cameras, and to this day, nothing has ever been done. No one has looked into it."

Roy Tromp 48 Hours Interview - Aug. 5/05
Tromp, who declined to provide details about exactly what investigators believe happened to Holloway, said that Paul van der Sloot has also changed his account the night Holloway vanished. "Why should you do that if you are telling the truth?" he said.

Jug Twitty 'Scarborough Country' - Aug. 11/05
TWITTY: … Those people that were with me that night, had they taken our statements at least a week after it happened, we would have already had the answer. But when they take my statement 33 days later, and they take the other guys‘ statements that were with me and ladies that were with me, you know, like 19 days later, it‘s like they didn‘t want to find the truth.

Claudio Eldridge Letter from Benvinda de Souza to Karen Jansen - June 23/05
"Also understood by Claudio is that Mr. Van Der Sloot said that he picked up Joran around 4:00 am close to McDonald’s." Translation Credit - Arubagirl

Paulus Van der Sloot Official Witness Statement - June 18, 2005
On May 30th 2005, in the nightly hours, I did not pick up Joran from anywhere. I slept solidly through the night without waking up.

Paulus Van der Sloot NOVA Interview - June 28/05
VAN DER SLOOT: ...During the apprehension I was told that I was suspected of complicity to murder manslaughter and usurpatory freedom spoliation (kidnapping). During the session with the judge [5], it was told that the suspicion originated, because that Monday night, when so many people were standing there in front of the door, I allegedly declared that at four o'clock, I picked up Joran. And someone else, allegedly declared that I picked up Joran and Natalee, while my own declaration was, directed at police officers, that I picked up Joran at eleven o'clock at the McDonald's. That is, of course remarkable that the public prosecutor's office adds two witness statements of people who were standing somewhere in the back, and not the witness declaration from the police officers, where I direct myself to, and directed myself to, as much as possible. Translation Credit - Dugo from Riehl Worldview

Department of Justice ARUBA BOYCOTT - Feb. 15/07
The following is a literal translation (from Diario paper) as it appears in the sentencing of the Superior Court for Paulus Van der Sloot. " ...... The taped information and his declaration that he picked up Joran and Natalee by the McDonalds Palm Beach and brought them to the Holiday Inn[/color], are clearly understood by the Dept. of Justice, and could in the judgment of this Superior Court, be considered as an indication of the involvement of Paulus in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway." Translation Credit - MF at FOB


The leaked casino video recording appears to capture Paulus Van der Sloot conversing with Natalee Holloway at the Black Jack table. If it is revealed that the person is Paulus, the implication would be that both Joran and Paulus lied regarding Paulus leaving the Excelsior casino during the Poker Tournament. Another implication would be that Judge Rick Smid, who released Paulus from detention, declared he was no longer a suspect, and awarded him damages for wrongful detention was either uninformed or he gave one of his own preferential treatment.

Joran Van der Sloot On the Record w/ Greta - Mar 1/06
VAN DER SLOOT: .... And yes, so my dad had come with me. And halfway through, he — because my mom at the time was in Holland, halfway through, he had to go back home to my little brother because he was home alone. And I took his place at the poker tournament because I had lost earlier. So I went in and I took his place and I played for him.

Paulus Van der Sloot Official Witness Statement - June 18/05
On May 29th 2005, at approximately 16.00 hours, I went with Joran to the “Free Carribean Stud Tournament” in the Holiday Inn. During the break, at approximately 18.30 hours, I went back home. My youngest son Sebastian who was playing at a friends house was due to be dropped off at home around that time. Joran, with my permission, took over my seat because he had been eliminated earlier.

John Q. Kelly 'Rita Cosby Live & Direct' - April 4/06

COSBY … John, first of all, is there a possibility that Paulus might have been talking to Natalee the night that she disappeared?
KELLY: Well, if you look at the surveillance video footage, it appears that he’s the one sitting directly next to her and tries to engage her in conversation a couple of times. And it’s sort of ironic that it’s his father who brought his underage son to a casino and left him there after he left, with access to his line of credit, to put this unfortunate chain of events in process.
COSBY: And did he ever say that he had talked to Natalee or not before?
KELLY: No, it’s never even been addressed before whether or not that’s Paulus in the videotape there sitting next to her. And it certainly appears to be to me.

Kimberly Guilfoyle THE LINEUP - June 9/06
GUILFOYLE: It has been one year since the disappearance of Natalee Holloway. Unfortunately we are left now with more questions than answers. What we do know is that Joran and the Kalpoe brothers were the last people seen with Natalee Holloway, which is the reason why they still remain to this day the main suspects in the case. As for Paulus, sources say he is the person next to Natalee in the casino.

Jossy Mansur Dana Pretzer Show - Dec. 14/06
DANA: When you look at this case, a question keeps coming up. I am looking at the picture on my PC. It is the alleged picture of a person in the casino with Natalee that looks a lot like Paul. Has there been any update on this issue?
JOSSY: There have not been any change of opinion. People, including people in the casino say that is Paul. Transcript Credit: Heli from RU

Michael Posner ABC7CHICAGO - Feb. 23/06

Posner says it was he who voluntarily turned over this casino surveillance tape to Aruban authorities and that he is furious they have allowed ABC News to broadcast it.

Katherine (Madison) Whatley FBI Statement - July 12/05
After swimming at the hotel on Sunday, WHATLEY and other classmates, including HOLLOWAY, ate dinner at a restaurant next to the hotel. After dinner they went to the casino at the hotel. A few classmates were gambling at a card table along with an "older man" and YURON VAN DER SLOOT. (Whatley 302)

Beth Twitty 'Rita Cosby Live & Direct' - September 19/05
HOLLOWAY TWITTY: ..... I don‘t think there was ever a question that Joran and Paulus Van Der Sloot had been in that Excelsior Casino, and, particularly, on the night of the 29th where he and his father met Natalee.

Chris Cuomo Prime Time Interview - Feb. 23/06
CHRIS: (Voiceover) He says he was interested in one of the other girls, and on surveillance tape, we see Natalee holding a drink and talking to a different man on her left. Nowhere do Natalee and Joran have an interaction.
Natalee and her family deserve justice, and we will not let up until they have it!
Natalee's Freebirds