January 06, 2006


Looks like Joran made it out to the parties when he was in Aruba afterall! Check out the shirt URINE is wearing during his nights out in Aruba while was at home...pathetic scumbag.

It's something unpredictable, but in the end is right. I hope you had the time of your life. --Green Day

Joran loves those DOG kisses..was this a 'threesome' like you always brag about?

Here's the T-Shirt he was wearing...VERY CLASSY. Does that get the women, Joran?

Here's Joran checking his laptop to see who is talking about him...he basks in the limelight, and LOVES every minute of it.

A new girlfriend, or just a 'one nighter'? Did you drug her too?

Joran with his precious Daddy...Hey, at least he's wearing a different shirt this time. No more blue plaids, Joran?


Anonymous said...

Grow up. Djeez... You might ask yourself the question who really is pathetic here.

Anonymous said...

You know, seeing him like this either he is innocent or down right crazy...I dont know what to think at this point, but I would love to see what Deepak and Satish are doing and how they spent their holidays. I notice there are no pictures of them at all.....

Anonymous said...

I think he did not have to wait for your advise Michelle,
Even to decline the invitation to come voluntalilly to declare..
I hope this will give Beth a lesson that they are in the wrong track..
Learn your FBI in the link NATALEE is in the missing persons. IF YOU HAVE TIME contact ..to give info..
think Beth and DAVE Fund is going to be investigated. Hope that Beth also keeps the receipts from the expenses in her white bind.
Besides I do not have to insult anybody in order to transmit my msg.

Anonymous said...

What a cutie pie he is! He's really a very handsome young man, probably way out of Natalee's league.

Anonymous said...

Is that you, Joran? Or one of your slaves?

Anonymous said...

do not tell me that in order to post my msg. I have to send all my condeleances to the Twitty/Holloways??

Anonymous said...

By the way, you might want to invest in a thesaurus...you always seem to use the word 'pathetic' when defending yourself. It's become comical to MANY of us.

Plus, LOSE the blue short sleeve plaid shirts. Do you have OCD? Do you keep 7 of the same shirts in the closet, or do you just continue to wear the same shirt over and over because you like to keep that slut smell on your clothes for your sick pleasure?

Here's a good PR move since you love the limelight and media attention. Take this advice...you COULD get more chicks this way, you never know. cough...cough...

First, your look is from the 80's. Your hair is military-looking and seriously boring. We are sorry to inform you that you aren't hot-shit like you think you are...you're no Brad Pitt. A dorky guy from a stupid reality show is better than you hands down. Get over yourself.

Your flicker site is a joke. And most important, you have no personality...other than when you are drunk or on drugs. You have no friends, you have slaves.


Anonymous said...

Grow up
whats the matter? wheres your scummy buddy Joe? Now that is one pathetic man....
Dp you always sleep with wife beaters like Joe the BIG man

Anonymous said...

lol - that last comment is hilarious

Anonymous said...

Antoinette---what in the F are you talking about? You make no sense...live in Aruba I take it?

Anonymous said...

Jurine, enjoy it while you can, a little mcvey is in store for your family....somethime the future...papa, mama and you psycho go boooooooom. Hope you don't wait long, they're gonna love a cutie like you in hell. Say hi to Gacey and Dan Riehl when you get there.

Anonymous said...

ewww..hope those girls like licking pus filled pimples

Anonymous said...

That ugly smirk belongs to someone who think he's on top of the world and is invulnerable.

But a more valuable view is seen of the two vdS's on the rooftop. The father looks disgusted at something ... Joran looks smug as always.

Do yourselves and the world a favor ... tell us where Natalee is, and then JUMP.

Anonymous said...

Hey, does everyone remember that New Jersey bubblehead and her mother who came out in the summer and said how wonderful dear little Joran was?

I wonder how she'd feel now, after looking at these photos and that sanctimonious smirk.

Anonymous said...

He should have a Shirt on that says "There's a fine line between hobby and mental illness" I think he crossed it long ago.. Ever notice how everyone he's around is hiding in shame or has a dark cloud over their head, while he's out in the public loving it.. He has no shame. Nothing like a 200+ pound, 6'4 guy and his two buddies whining they are the victim of a 5'4, 105 pound very drunk girl.

Anonymous said...

How old are those girls, 12 or 13? Since they don't prosecute rape in Aruba they probably don't prosecute statutory rape either. The girls look like the shit my dog took this morning.

Any girl that thinks he's a good-looking person needs to have their eyes examined. He looks like the dude Sloth from the movie the Goonies. His head is 10X out of proportion with the rest of his body. His head keeps getting bigger and bigger, probably takes a lot of human growth hormones.

The guy is a straight up loser, with his girl still wearing training bras, kissing all over him.

Anonymous said...

Innocent? Prove it...no one believes his bullshit and lies. And we know that daddy has everything to do with his release. He has everyone in his pocket in that country. He has blackmailed many high officials and has threatened lives.

Innocent? I say NOT. Bring him to the U.S. and let him be tried by a jury. I'm sure it wouldn't be an OJ case...more like Scott Peterson. DEATH SENTENCE.

Anonymous said...


How do you know what posters here are American? I mean, just because you make crass, ignorant statements, it doesn't PROVE that you're from Aruba!

People worldwide are following this case, and since Aruba's own deputy police chief Dompig said the three "suspects" are "guilty as hell," one can make logical presumptions. Haven't heard from Dompig recently ... think the Aruban Mafia warned him off?

Anonymous said...

MrsKrass: (or should I say 'ass')

The aruba legal system is different from the U.S., as all of you keep reiterating. So, don't compare your pathetic system to ours. And by the way, I DO KNOW about the U.S.legal system. I am not a practicing lawyer, but I went to law school. IN THE US...where the law schools are known to be the most excellent in the world. What kind of law schools do you have down there? Community College Law Schools?

How do you know I'm a bitch? I'm all man, baby. Just like your precious Joran...but not a psychotic and sociopath who likes to see himself in the limelight.

Anyone who is NOT GUILTY would not post their pictures (including his arrest pictures and news pictures) proudly and with no conscience on the internet for everyone to see. He is a classic narcissist. Anyone who is innocent would want to get on with their lives as an unknown. He's getting on with his life in Holland, but hasn't lost the addiction to his sick fame.

Perhaps he gets off from people like you...I've heard he's into the prostitutes and child sex slaves from the casino. Could you be one of them? Are you being paid by the Van Der Sloots to say nice things about their psychotic son?

Sorry to say MrsKrass, but YOU are the sad bitch. Keep your panties on and do your homework...read up on criminal acts and how their minds work. You MAY learn something, but something tells me that you won't. Try reading the book, "Criminal Law for Dummies".

Anonymous said...


That man-bitch, U R Guilty, thinks the photopage is really Joran's blog.

Anonymous said...

he is turning into a real fatass...looks like he has "kankles"

Anonymous said...

This guy seems to have no problem getting women. Makes me think it is very unlikely that he would resort to drugging a plain jane from the US. JMO