January 21, 2006


Yet, another week and the Aruba Cam continues to show not much tourist activity...no wait, if you look REALLY close you can see a couple people!

Can anyone say deserted island?


Anonymous said...

Yeak, the island is deserted. No more American tourists coming, they are so afraid to come there and becoming missing persons. The tourists dollars dried up, and the government has to let go the beach rangers. No rangers will water those poor palm trees, and they will wither and vanish under the shearing hot sun. Aruba is quick becoming a desert where a few desert donkeys will roam and gloat.

Anonymous said...

Most US schools and colleges have their Spring Break starting at the last week of February, some could start a week or two early, depending on which part of the country and school district. However, you should see the tourists are coming now. The peak season begins at first week of March. So it doesn't look good. Some travel agency advertise 50% off the Sun and Fun vacations to Caribbean. That might help, and we don't know yet.

Anonymous said...

Partly because of Steve Cohen's statements emphasizing the importance of "consensual sex" among the MB Alabama girls in Dr. Phil's show. The parents are so scared, and not letting their teenager daughters visiting the island. Without the girls in the company, the boys lose interests in coming to Aruba. Is that simple? It's all sex related. Mr. Cohen is right on the button.

Anonymous said...

Do you know how many people go missing in the United States, and in the state of Alabama alone for that matter? A lot more than just one girl who was probably behaving irresponsibly and innappropriately. Aruba is a peaceful and safe country where I wouldn't feel the slightest bit threatened and will continue to visit as much as I can. You need to quit pointing the finger and come to the realization that people get kidnapped, and however devestating it is, Aruba is not to blame, and it happens everywhere. So stop pointing the blame towards Aruba and maybe at the suspects involved in the kidnapping.

Anonymous said...

We, as fellow Americans, have endured the sufferings from hearing Natalee's case, just crossed the point of no return. Whether the large number of American tourists will not come and support the boycott, and or not otherwise, will determine the outcome of this battle for justice for Natalee. The words of Steve Cohen on "consensual sex" between the rape victim and the rapists/murderers are mind-bending and vicious. His words is a direct attack on our American values on human rights and dignity. Natalee is missing and she cannot speak for herself to rebuke Mr. Cohen for all his slander remarks on her and all her friends. Steve said the American tourists support his view and will continue to spend money on Aruba, now the Web Cam on the Aruba beach will be the true one to tell the truth.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHA..You just keep cracking me up Missy..

Michelle Says So 2.0 said...

I'm glad I entertain you. I can be a quite funny woman.

Gabriel...if you present a decent argument instead of throwing insults like you have in the past, I will definitely post your comment. I think intelligent debate on this subject is crucial. So, let's keep it clean and no Beth bashing...that doesn’t solve anything. If you do that I will have respect for you, post your comment and listen to what you have to say.

FYI--My posts will usually be sarcastic at times, so just get used to it like everyone else. I am too opinionated and too involved emotionally in this case. It incites emotions I've never felt. Why does that make me bad and evil?

And I just want to clarify to everyone who thinks I'm being paid, or a part of Beth's "PR team" is absolutely ludicrous. I'm just an average woman who got involved and was contaced out of pure luck. I always felt a calling to help in some way. Maybe that was fate.

So bottom line--Gabriel, if you'd like to post a comment and present an intelligent argument, I will respect that and always post what you have to say.
