January 06, 2006


Satish Says "NO" to Interview

He obviously has something to hide...or SOMEONE to protect.

Thanks Getagrip and SM

ORANJESTAD(AAN): Recently, the Public Prosecutor’s office sent a letter of invitation to attorney David Kock and his client Satish Kalpoe, for them to come see the Deepak Kalpoe recording that Jamie Skeeter made, which appeared on different American channels, to comment on these.

Some time back, the attorney explained to DIARIO that he and his client will think about this invitation, however, Thursday attorney Kock explained to DIARIO that he was sending a reply letter that day to the Public Prosecutor to notify them that he and his client are not interested in giving comments about something that doesn’t concern them.

He also said that he finds it very strange that after so much time that this video has come out, that it is now that the Public Prosecutor finds the time to call his client to comment.

Kock also explained that it is a fact that the Public Prosecutor cannot force the three suspects to come back to be interrogated.

If they are interested in doing this, they have to have very key and urgent reasons to try to convince a judge, to permit them to interrogate the suspects once again.


Anonymous said...

You obviously know nothing about the law!! EXCELLENT move Satish and kudos to your attorney, Mr Kock. You did the absolute right thing. It would akin to legal malpractice to let Satish talk to the authorities, voluntarily!! It was reported in the local paper that Satish's lawyer, Mr Kock, waited a few days to get back to the prosecutor due to the fact he couldn't stop LAUGHING!!!!

Anonymous said...

I can.t stop laughing myself at the stupidity of aruba and it's laws so I can understand the humour you feel anonymous. May retribution come fast to the three boys.
"Mr Kock, waited a few days to get back to the prosecutor due to the fact he couldn't stop LAUGHING!!!!"

Anonymous said...

Yeah, sure, folks. In your good old stinky homeland of apple pie and firearms, suspects ALWAYS volunteer for interviews. Innocent or guilty, suspects of crime with lawyers who aren't mentally unstable are usually advised to keep their mouths shut. Don't act like it would be any different in your violent country or that it proves anything. You're walking right into the steoreotype of the ignorant American. It's sad, really.

Michelle Says So 2.0 said...

That's a pretty sad statement "ANONYMOUS"--gotta love those anonymous cowards.

Of course it's a smart move as a SUSPECT not to talk to investigators, but if Satish maintains he is innocent, then a REASONABLE person would do everything in his power to clear his name, and move on with his life.

Also, this attorney KOCK (Mr. Cock) attorney is a complete jack-ass. Cock...keep laughing. All the way to the bank...your account may be overdrawn soon.

There are hundreds of people that have banned together to crush your island. We mean no hatred towards the citizens of Aruba...only the ones that are involved in this conspiracy and those people whose lives have been threatened if they talk. Where are your consciences? Ever heard of them?

Something like 80% of Aruban is comprised of Catholism. That's not being a good Catholic now is it? I am Catholic and I know you will meet your maker and burn in hell.

We all know PVDS has a lot to lose if his cover is discovered...he's a real life PIMP. Where do you think Joran got his name for his 'cool club' "The PIMPS" (that is pretty pathetic by the way). Talk about a DORK.

If your country wants to avoid this boycott and gain back the respect of your American tourists who comprise of approximately 70% of your livelihoods then come clean and let's work together to solve this case. Utilize our help if you don't have access to equipment or the money for finding her. What do you think Joe Mammana's $1,000,000 is for?

You are backstabbing us and covering up to protect yourself. Officials and others don't give a rat's ass about your 'foreign visitors'. It's obvious that Aruba doesn't care about the welfare of their tourists that spend money in Aruba in order for you to put food on your table and have some extra cash left-over for gambling and engaging in dirty and appauling prostitution that you would only see in some really nasty porno.

My proof of the officals lack of empathy: As quoted by Investigator Dennis Jacobs who was obviously annoyed by Beth, said, "I haven't had my frosted flakes yet! And I haven't shaved." What a guy. I wonder if he has a daughter? Or does he pimp her out, too?

Americans...go to Hawaii if you want something tropical. It is a U.S. state that FBI and the like has jurisdiction and access to. The American FBI are the top investigators in the world. Be patriotic...keep your American dollars here!

College students: for spring break consider U.S. states and cities such as Panama City, FL, Daytona Beach, Padre Island, TX, Lake Havasu in Arizona, The Gulf Shores in Alabama, Myrtle Beach, Austin, Texas for the awesome and popular 6th Street. I can go on.

There are so many options for your week of fun...why not stay in the U.S.? Why spend your hard earned money on a corrupt and hateful island like Aruba? How would you feel if your best friend, daughter, or sister was raped and possibly murdered? Put yourself in these people's shoes.

Things like what happened to Natalee happen everywhere...including the U.S. However, the majority of the criminals and sex offenders are apprehended and brought to justice thanks to our police investigators, FBI and Public Prosecutors.

This is not a "pretty white girl" thing. Natalee's case has opened doors to many missing people, which needs serious national attention. Including other minorities! Look up Joe Mammana on the net and read how many minorities he has helped.

Remember in the early 80's when John Walsh lost his son? No one cared about missing kids back then. He was ignored and was told there was pretty much nothing he could do about it. Like Beth, he was on a mission to find his son. John Walsh is responsible for the movement of missing people and children.

He never expected fame (like Beth), he just wanted to find his son and then dedicated his life to helping others who are going through hell like he did and probably still does. It's called public service. Does Aruba have such a thing? My bet would be NO.

You people are animals. 2006 is going to be a BAD year for you.

Dan in Tx said...

Not hundreds of people dedicated to crushing Aruba, Michelle...thousands of people!

2006 will be a very bad year, indeed, especially now that the Twittys have a tourism expert on their team advising them as well.

Anonymous said...

The issue isn't whether the Kalpoes will cooperate by showing up for voluntary questioning. The point is, Aruba specifically promised that the three suspects would be re-interrogated. And like all other Aruban promises, it never came to pass.

And as someone noted, even if they had been re-questioned, would it have been done in the same inadequate way that it was done the first time? The FBI and other PROFESSIONAL law enforcement people said the Arubans were clearly inept.

So now Aruba is trying to tell us that the voluntary cooperation of the Kalpoes is the issue? Forget it ... the cover-up continues.

In my opinion, the issue is not whether the Kalpoes will voluntarily appear for questioning. It would indeed be surprising if they would ... even though the Aruba government has said that all three remain suspects.

So on the one hand, they're still suspects ... on the other, they can't be called in for questioning?

If this makes sense to anyone, congratulations to them. It's just more of a demonstration of the discrepancies between what the Arubans have been promising (active cooperation, concern about Natalee, etc.) and what they have been delivering (one big, fat cover-up at the expense of the Holloway Twitty family; the American volunteers who went to check out the landfill and to search, even as the Aruban police laughed and sat on their butts; and the inevitable retribution that will hit the Aruban economy).

By the way, Anonymous, I see that you're tripping over your own lies. On this thread you intimate that you are Canadian. On the Art Wood thread, you said "our attorney general," in a clear reference to Aruba.

But then, I guess it doesn't matter. If you have to hide behind the anonymous label, you're a gutless coward to start. My suspicion is that you're Aruban ... you certainly seem to demonstrate the decency and strength of character that we have come to associate with that island since the Natalee case began.

Why not leave us alone and remain in your pigsty of a "happy island"?

Anonymous said...

Richard, my kind and gentle American friend, I use the anonymous button because I don't know/care how to register. I don't know if you're dumb enough to assume that everytime you see 'anonymous' it is the same person, but I suppose it's possible...Posting a first name on an internet site doesn't portray courage as far as I can see. It more likely suggests a lack of personal intimacy replaced by feeling empowered in a world of invisibility.

I have never been to Aruba, you obviously mistook someone else's post for my words. Sadly, you just did a great job of perpetuating the world's cliche image of an American- make an assinine assumption and then start with the personal insults. Believe me, my home is anything but a pigsty compared to yours. Polish up your manners, chippy.

Anonymous said...

My dear Anonymous:

I appreciate your reply, and apart from your spelling of "assinine" (sic) and your calling me a chippy (not the usual spelling, and I think the epithet usually applies to the other sex by those who use it), stand in awe of your observation about "a lack of personal intimacy replaced by feeling empowered in a world of invisibility."

Truth to tell, I use the first name because that's what people call me, but your comment sure does sound swell.

You are correct in that it's not always easy to distinguish one anonymous from another; they tend to blur into each other. If, for example, you would call yourself "Anonymous245" or "Harry Anonymous" or "Anonymous Martini," it would be a great help. In present circumstances, please bear with me as best you can.

I don't recall the personal insults which I am accused of hurling ... it seems to me that one of the Anonymous brethren that frequent this forum was fond of using them ... but I am not calling your home a pigsty. (If you have never been to Aruba, and therefore are not from there, why would you think it applied to you?) Doubtless your residence is much grander than my own, a condition which gives me nothing but pleasure at your good fortune.

Indeed, calling Aruba a pigsty is in no way an indictment of the landscape, replete as it is said to be with crack houses, abandoned animals, trash (in the non-tourist areas) and other alluring features.
Rather, it is a moral statement, meant as an indictment of the lies and deception that the Aruban government has been foisting upon the world since the end of May.

A review of the so-called Natalee Holloway investigation will, I trust, make clear the basis upon which the statement is made. And now I must return to polishing up my manners, and wish you a very good evening.