January 06, 2006


An Open Letter to the people of Aruba

from Russ and Dee of 101.1 FM
The Source in Alabama, USA

I have received many e-mails from Arubans...many of you are frightened about an American boycott. I don't expect those of you who have written to me to understand, because your anger with me is too great for you to allow yourselves to see what we here in America are seeing and feeling.

You continue to refer to your island as crime free, and many of you foolishly compare our country of 288 million people to your country of approximately 92,000. This is ridiculous. Aruba has had 3 murders in just the first half of this year (and, that is not counting the potential murder of Natalee) and just a few days ago we know there was a man who was found decapitated!!! This for a so-called "crime free" island!!!

Americans are seeing everyday how Natalee's family are being left in the dark concerning evidence about their daughter's disappearance. When we continue to hear from your officials..."this is Dutch law"...."this is how we investigate crimes" and, "this is just how it is"...... and when most of us have a bad feeling about this so-called investigation to boot... you can expect Americans might choose to enjoy beaches, ocean views and sunsets someplace else!! We are the ones who are angry, not at you, the people of Aruba, but what seems to be the victimization of Natalee's family by YOUR government.

All Natalee's family wants is to be kept informed on how the investigation of their daughter's disappearance is going.. then hearing they had to hire their own lawyer to get this information, and now learning that the judge in charge won't even consider their request, would not make most of us want to run and book a trip to your "happy island!" When jobs are lost and when we Americans and others boycott Aruba.... blame it on your Dutch law, and how Natalee's family is being left in the dark.

Your island has become the focus of much attention. We now know that your island is a gateway for drugs for South American drug lords and hearing about human trafficking could also cause future travelers to choose to NOT make Aruba one of their vacation destinations. How many others have disappeared? and, by the way, do your crime statistics have a column for the missing or disappeared? We know for certain, that if Natalee's family had not pursued this obvious crime, their daughter's disappearance would have never come to the attention of the world. Knowing what we now know, may be enough to keep Americans from your island.

Your anger at a boycott should be directed to YOUR government...Americans refuse to live in darkness ...we expect families of victims who are searching for their loved ones to be kept informed.. we have a press that demands information...and we live under a constitution that gives us many freedoms and protections. We know Americans are not loved throughout the world, we are also aware that we are only valued for our spending power... I believe strongly, that the time is long over due for Americans to spend their money in America. We need to support our own vacation destinations, and support our own economy!!! See America first!!!

I have heard from thousands of Americans who believe, as I believe, the so-called chaperons must bare some responsibility for this unfortunate incident!!!! Also, when parents, such as those Mt. Brook parents who ALL signed a form releasing chaperons of any responsibility for the welfare of their kids, was just stupid and irresponsible!! The chaperons who have decided to hide from questions are only adding more speculation and suspicion to the tragedy that is unfolding in Aruba. Shame on them and shame on all those parents who allowed their children to go out of the country with the understanding that there was no supervision and only a noon check-in for a 24 hour period!! This is nuts!!

I will close by saying to those who want to boycott America....this is a line from Uncle Remus, a children's book, "please don't throw me in the briar patch!"...

Dee Fine


Anonymous said...

YOU GO!!! If you want to go somewhere warm and beautiful go to HAWAII!!! Keep our US DOLLARS HERE!!! Besides, it's a U.S. State, and if anything were to happen to someone, at least we'd have the U.S. government and officials on the case...not sitting around picking their asses like the lazy Aruba officials.

Anonymous said...

Have you looked at the cold cases here in America lately? Unsolved crimes? Murders? Sexual Preditors? The list goes on...Drugs are everywhere not just in other countries. I've been to Hawaii. I've seen the so called side streets not a pretty picture. All countries, states, cities and towns have their own share of shady characters. Be responsible when traveling and watch your back. Dont play the blame game. When was the last time your boss gave you the afternoon off to look for someone missing in your home town, NEVER... How much did you, The AMERICAN TAX PAYER, donate or give up your own time to participate in a search. Look out your cubicle, dishonesty is everywhere. One more question. Out of all the unsolved cases here in the good ole USA, who then should we blame, boycott, etc.. Not us right?

Anonymous said...

Cooperation is over. Oh yeah, how's that boycott working for you!!!

Anonymous said...

On behalf of Canadians everywhere, thanks for your Aruba boycott. YOu see, we are treated much more hospitibaly once the people of the world realize that we are not Americans. An American boycott of Aruba will help these kind island folk recognize us quicker. Then we can start receiving the kind and gracious treatment granted to those who aren't mistrusted as abrasive and ignorant. The good people of the world know that Canadians are humble enough to assume that our government doesn't rule the world, and wouldn't be so stupid as to cast a pall of evil over a tiny island if our own streets were rife with violence, guns, racism and murder. Sadly, while the majority of your 300 million odd citizens are people of innocent mind, it is the mentality of the bully (i.e. your silly boycott movements ) that stands as the image of the American in most of the world.

Anonymous said...

Well said. Unfortunately Fox-fed morons and all the viewers of these crime shows (Nancy Grace-less, et al.) give thoughtful, reasonable Americans a bad name.