February 03, 2006


I have been among many who have been accused of belonging to some nefarious agency called the HMI. I'm not even sure what those letters stand for but I have gathered that it means that I, along with others, are being paid large sums of stolen money for writing about and caring about Natalee Holloway.

I gather that from what the anti-HMI (their own term for themselves) forces are saying online and probably in public bathrooms as well, Beth Twitty is a regular George Sorros with access to unlimited funds that were supposedly collected from kind-hearted but unsuspecting citizens who wanted to help her find her daughter. As if this theory weren't ludicrous enough, Beth has purchased her son a Tundra and is probably at a SPA somewhere getting a mani/pedi with the rest of the funds. From what I have read about this HMI thing I expect to see Beth on the red carpet at the Oscar ceremonies in a $50,000.00 dress wearing NOT borrowed jewels from Harry Winston..but those she also purchased out of this so-called HUGE fund.

I must be really missing something here because I haven't received any money and neither has anyone else that I know about who is interested in discussing this case. Not one red cent has been paid to any of us. Those who continue to call us agents of this fictional HMI group fail to realize that there are actually people in this world who care about one another; who want to see some justice for that lovely girl who disappeared one night and who's absence has broken the hearts of her family and all who knew her and cared about her. They fail to see that even those of us who NEVER knew her still care about her because she is one of US and there but for the grace God could go one of our own children.

I am not a writer by profession and I make all sorts of typos and misspell all sorts of words so anyone who paid me to be a writer or a messenger would be out of their mind. I have been paid during my career to research things and to provide some minor legal services but have retired from doing that these days so the only pay that I personally receive is from our Government.

To those who insist on keeping blinders on and refuse to see the truth, that there are people who care, I pity you and I hope that one day you are not forced into a similar position to that of Beth and Dave and that you need other's to offer you support in the only way that they know how. That support comes in many forms...prayer, writing articles, volunteers like Tim Miller who spend their time searching, Art Woods who travels far from his home to try to find answers, people like our friend Susan who organizes things and takes a whole lot of flack for merely being generous with her time, and others who simply want to help a family in grief.

Try it sometime, you'll feel better about yourselves and perhaps you'll be less cynical about the world. Also, if you should ever (God forbid) need our help, we might be there for you for FREE.

Meri-Boycott Aruba Blogger

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