Listen here Greta...just know that this email you spouted off to another viewer DOES NOT apply to this blog or anyone related to this blog, so get off your high horse with your new boyfriend Joran Van der Slut.
"I am inclined to believe it...incidentally, I have worked hard to help find the facts. Can you explain to me what you have done to help Beth and her family? So far it appears your time on this matter is limited to sending a nasty e-mail? If you can't think of any way to help, let me help you come up with an idea. You could start by helping Texas EquuSearch. They need financial help. Go online to their Web site and contribute."
Inclined: To be disposed to a certain preference, opinion, or course of action.

"Everyone, including the experts can be taken in, manipulated, conned and left bewildered by them. A good psychopath can play a concerto on anyone's heartstrings...your best defense is to understand the nature of these human predators."
-Robert Hare (The Sociopath Next Door, Martha Stout, 2005.)

Hey Greta! Wanna come and hang out with me and my sorority sisters? You can come down here and party with us, Joran and 'da pimps' as soon as we get you off the hook with the ALE. Hee heee! I hope you will consider being a pledge with us. You are such a role model to people like me.

(Aside) Wow...I'm honored! I've never felt so cool before! (To Julia) Ok Julia, as long as I get Joran first, then I'll hang out with you guys. Don't forget to bring Freddie...I might want my picture taken if I'm feeling naughty!
Julia Renfro is a wannabe. She's always in the back of every picture trying to get her 15 minutes of fame. Apparently she was neglected at home. Remember the story where she hunted Jug down and said Natalee was found dead and she jumped in the console of their van and it was all a big joke?? Remember her on tv in January saying Natalee is alive on another island and the search has been called off while detectives go there and the next day Dompig said they do not think Natalee is alive and it was false. She's a sick twisted woman who would do anything to get attention. Greta knows all of this too.. ArubaTruth. their one sided fantasy. Greta should hear the way they talk about her and refering to Beth as Batty.
With his inner circle friends Joran told them he falls in love with Greta and he wants to marry Greta (Wait a minute, Joran, is Greta separated or pending a divorce?) We don't know how the heck Joran get hold of Greta's
glamour picture. Joran is showing the postcard to all his beer friends in the bar. Greta was really look much younger than Joran, and cute and pretty in that particular picture. She hasn't changed a bit at all. Joran defends his love for Greta. He said Greta is my true love and a great teacher to him, is there anything wrong with me wanting to
marry my teacher. No, God Speed, Joran.
Is that who "Batty" is?
Joran's lawyer said Natalee was over the top intoxicated, Joran says she wasn't drunk.. Now are they going to testify against each other? Arubatruth is an oxymoron. It's a propanda newspaper Here's what we want you to think today..drink the koolaid. Make some more koolaid Julia.. I'm sure you can find some more lowlifes to drink it.
I think your alittle harsh on Greta
She has done everything to keep this story in the media and she said she would keep this story alive and anytime there is new information she will get Beth or dave on the show..
I think you have misunderstood what Greta has said..
If Greta and Rita Go away we will never hear about this case it would have been dead in teh water long ago If they had not stayed on it.. Please be patient Michelle we are all frustrated With the process
You are truly despicable people. How desperate you all are. Funny everyone loved Greta before, now that you don't want to belive what she says you reaort to bashing. How funny. As Joe T said the times of calling Joran those vulgar names is going to end. I hope this site is on the list for the slander suit. It has been forwarded to him. You have crossed the line from fee speech into slander and libel.
Who ever said that I LOVED Greta? And by the way, they are both public figures and to sue for libel, they have to prove DAMAGE.
OH please at your site you have told all kinds of things about Greta and Beth. They have been forwarded to the proper authorities also, months ago.
Oh lord...are you ignorant? I've never said a bad word about Greta UNTIL NOW. Show me where. Didn't think so.
And why would I EVER say anything bad about Beth? I am on her side and I am working with her and her family.
Idiots come from everywhere...
I'm glad you forwarded this to the proper authorities. Good for you. I'm sure they have all this time on their hands and huge amounts of manpower to deal with all the bloggers.
Not you Michelle, the other poster talking about despicable people here. Many have seen their sick comments about Greta, and Natalee's family on their sites.
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