Could Joe Tacopino have looked any worse on the Bill O'Reilly show? His weak excuses for his clients (the Van der Sloots) were obvious and Bill jumped all over him.
His comments that he is getting paid by the Van der Sloot family and their "supporters" was amusing as he first said that he was taking the case pro bono. Guess Joe needs the money. I guess the fifteen minutes of fame isn't enough for Joe T.
I wonder if he heard Anita vdS comment that Joran had a girlfriend a YEAR before he met Natalee? Joran stated in his interview with Greta that he had a girlfriend while he was with Natalee. Anita also stated that Joran never drinks, smokes or uses drugs. We know better about the drinking part as it was captured on video as well in the words that came out of Joran's own mouth during his recent interviews.
What else about Joran is a secret to his Mother and his new, not so free lawyer?
I suspect that if one were to dig a little deeper we would find that Joran was not an easy child to control and that Anita had absolutely NO control over him whatsoever for a long, long time. I also suspect that his Father had no better luck in keeping track of Joran's whereabouts or of his website where he was a member of "The pimps".
I can't blame Joran's parents for living in a state of denial, after all denial is not just a river in Egypt as many of us parents know but I do NOT believe that they are completely unaware of all of Joran's little adventures outside of his well protected compound. After all, didn't they give him his own apartment before he reached the legal age of 18?
Didn't Joran frequent places like C&C's (in his own words) prior to turning 18? Didn't he drink and party on a regular basis? We know that he gambled and that his Father accompanied him to Poker Tournaments. Is it legal to gamble on
The family van der Sloot is either in total denial about their son's habits or they are lying to protect him. Maybe it's a little bit of both?
As Greta reads the transcripts of Deepak, Satish and Joran talking to the police I believe that the inconsistencies with what Joran said in his interviews will become glaringly obvious so listen carefully because it may just enlighten those who believe as Joran's parent's do...that he can do no wrong.
I think that we've only seen the tip of the iceberg and when it's all said and done...Joran will be full of little surprises that may eventually lead us to Natalee Holloway.
For the sake of her family, I hope so.
O'Reilly didn't even know that Greta is 'inclined to believe Juron'
And what is this disrespect for Joe. His name is not "Joe Taco". You are always preaching respect for people. Would you call him "Joe Wop" (since he is Italian).
The 'statements' Greta is reading are unsigned. So they could say anything. Can any one substantiate that these statements were actually said by Deepak.
He didn't sign them, so they are very questionable.
If they have been 'released' they certainly don't have any legal value in Aruba. (I'm sure I don't have to explain).
I don't need to hear the kalpoe's unsigned statements...I just had to listen to [sloot] in his own words live on TV...He lies and admits he lies and even further states that he wouldn't even believe himself...He states that he probably has been with [20?]tourist and nothing bad happened an everything was fine....that establishes a pattern of behavior that [sloot] does go to bars and drink and go to casino's and gambles while he was underage and apparently his parents had no control over him and still don't to this very day...No you can throw dirt and more smoke an mirrors and use a lawyer of Mr.Tacopino's caliber to try and muddy up the waters and to try and put fear into people with possible lawsuits ...It won't fly...We want the truth..that is all we want..
I'M THE ONE who wrote the title...not Meri.
Well, Michelle, if you are the ONE who wrote the title, "Joe Taco", don't you think that that is inappropriate.
If I were to use racist titles against you, and of the authors on this site, or any who wrote comments, you would ban me.
I am sure you are not racist, and you would like to withdraw the title.
How is that racist? His last name is Tacopino. It's a freakin' joke. I'm not politically correct, and I'm not racist. But I like to give people shit...so I won't remove the title. Sorry! I'm sure Joe T. isn't crying over it. He has bigger things to worry about.
I'm sure Mr.Joe Tacopino has been called far worse things in his lifetime..LMAO!!!
As a matter of fact I and others just love taco's so in a way I guess you could also consider it a compliment as well[grin].
Anyway,the bottom line is this:Michelle Says So...LOL..End of Story.
PS: If you don't agree...jus start your own blog...its as simple as that.
I am sure it is a big fat, pimply ass, too.
Ahhhhh more words of wisdom from ""Anonymous""..and trashing me to...wow,imagine that...You know Anonymous I have tried to look at things from your perspective But i'm afraid i can't my head that far up my ass!!
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