April 05, 2006


Hey Dompig, Here's Your Ticket to CLUELESS

By Meri, Aruban Boycott Blogger

I have been waiting a long time for this moment...not patiently, but waiting nevertheless, to see this poor excuse for a human being thrown out and to watch him slink out of the office with his tail between his chunky legs. I wish that Donald Trump could be on scene yelling, "You're fired!! I wish it could all be filmed and shown on every single media outlet in America, Holland and on Aruba.

Poor Joe T. found MAJOR information in the police files...information provided to the Keystone Koppers by Dave Holloway! Whoopee...what a find...Joran must be totally innocent.

The Dutch have FINALLY wakened from their stupor and reacted to Deputy Dompig's competence and relevance to this investigation (and I use those terms lightly and with tongue firmly planted in cheek). The Commandant...Capo...whatever he thinks he is...has embarrassed the Dutch, the Island of Aruba and himself (although he is to busy appearing on television shows to notice), by making assumptions, giving statements that hold no merit and generally making a total ass of himself. Did the Dutch finally make a move in the right direction? Could he be GONE????

Did the Dutch step in and attempt to fix this mess...did the Queen start shouting, "Off with his head" and the Hague finally decide to try and redeem its glorious name and reputation which has been so badly sullied by this so-called Police investigator?

How many more fake clues and pronouncements about "Critical last phases" would we have heard before Dompig got tossed out on his ample ass? I lost count. Did they finally realize that the man is more suited to giving out parking tickets than investigating the disappearance of a young woman?

Did they realize that American's aren't as stupid as Dompig believed we were in his pathetic attempts at playing Kops and robbers. Did they realize that the vain-glorious Deputy Police Chief is incompetent and has caused their protectorate to lose all kinds of revenue from disgusted Americans.

Tourism? They will forget what the word means before this is over...who in their right mind would allow one of their kids to travel to an island where they can't even follow up on something as simple as the handing out of a room key? Where they interview suspects and ask NO follow up questions, where, if you should suddenly go missing it will be treated as the equivalent of someone losing their wallet?

Aruba...the land of pristine beaches, casinos, sleazy bars and Chief Dompig former Kop supreme. He should have his picture printed on all of their travel brochures so that everyone who even thinks about going to that place will be scared off. The writing below the picture should read:

Come to Aruba and disappear without a trace...you can OD, be murdered or be abducted by space aliens...we won't care and we won't find you! The perfect place to escape from your mundane life! It's Gilligan's Island without Gilligan! The Captain and Mary Ann were replaced by Chief Dimbulb and that means you have no chance of ever being rescued. Come for the ultimate escape from reality.

Do you think that I am being sarcastic? Do you think that what I write here has no merit? Just follow the dots and connect them...they all lead to Dompig (and those he's a figurehead for) and that leads to NOWHERE.

Damn...it worked...wishes do come true...he's gone! Wonderland has a new inhabitant...Gerald Dompig has finally found his true home!

We should NEVER forget citizen Dompig because he has become the symbol for all that is wrong on Aruba.


Anonymous said...

Dompig wasn't fired from the Police Department.

Someone else is handling the Holloway investigation.

Stop overacting....

Anonymous said...

PEOPLE: Dompig was fired as lead investigator and no replacement named-- because there is NO replacement, and no further investigation. This is their way of signing off....
At this point they just want everyone to go away. They are not interested in solving the case.

Anonymous said...

Michelle,I was thinking the exact same thing with regards to your Donald Trump idea.What a coincedence.
Great minds think alike,I guess.

Anonymous said...

Just boycott Aruba! Don't go there and leave your money or possibly your life because it is obviously a renegade Dutch possession and people commit crimes and then flee to the Netherlands. I used to know a woman from Aruba who was married to the bandleader of my ex- husband's vocal group and her first name is Tina. Her husband was a first class crook and went to prison and she went back to Aruba to her Daddy who was Minister of Health and a medical doctor. ocnoreen