July 02, 2006



So now we find out, and not surprisingly, that "Carlos the Columbian", the so-called newest witness, has been imprisioned for about six weeks, on immigration and charges that he lied by giving false information. As of right not, his formal charges are for perjury in addition to extortion for the money he said he wanted in return for his bogus information.

If I remember correctly, according to Aruba law, witnesses CAN'T LIE. So answer this, Aruba? Why is Steve Croes out in the streets? Explain that? Explain these other false witnesses who were not punished? All the fake stories to confuse and direct people in the opposite direction...the landfill, the pond, the dunes... What about those lies?

It seems clear that laws apply to those only when it suits the government or the ALE. In fact, I should just say there are NO laws...just selective ones for those who have no money, no power, no influential friends, and no white skin.


Anonymous said...

Several mistakes in this article, but one I'd like to point out is that hard drugs are not legal (neither are soft drugs, by the way), not sold in coffee shops and definitely not used in coffee shops.

The whole "coffee shop" idea was set up so that the police and council can "regulate" the sale of marihuana and the police can spend their valuable time on fighting hard drugs.

I do find it funny though that an American finds it necessary to tell us (the Dutch) we are immoral. The Dutch are MUCH more family oriented than the average American family. We still eat all our meals together, for example (at the table and not in front of the tv!). Our Sundays are still proper "rest days" with most shops being closed and families doing activities together.

We might not go to church often enough, but does that make us immoral?

You really should come to the Netherlands and experience what life is like here.

You WILL be pleasantly surprised, I think!

Anonymous said...

There are NO laws in Aruba, anything goes. Joran could a suspect one morning and then turned loose as a witness 6 months later. Aruba's game plan is to run the clock to May 31, 2007 and declare Joran is no longer a suspect in Natalee's disappearance. The Bush Administration plan to accept this proposal from Aruba and Holland. Then Joran can be allowed to come into this country for college, and under the protection of the US Miltary Police. There is NO laws in the Bush Administration. He can lie, spy on the American people, exposed the CIA agent and totally ignore Natalee's disappearance by Joran's drug raping. He is above the "laws" somehow and don't have to account for any of his wrong doing. Our children all said we support our troops 100% but not Bush, for he is the root of all the troubles we have now on this day of July 4th. The American people have lost more freedom due to the lie about the WMD and the wrong war. The right war to start with was to capture Osama bin-Ladin in Aghanistan. Our right grassroots Aruba Boycott War is to bring Natalee home. We Amercan bloggers never lose our focus.

Michelle Says So 2.0 said...

I agree with several of the errors as you pointed out...and the entire article was much to churchy for me; however it was the overall message of those in the Netherlands who exercise no conscience...no morals.

I'm no holy roller, believe me, I've done my share of bad things--I'm no angel; but there has to be a limit set on society. What is considered wrong and what isn't. Otherwise all the mentally ill and sociopaths would take over and wreck havoc on society.

I used to want to visit the Netherlands for many years. However, after what happened to Natalee, and the fact that the Dutch had the power to come in and take over but chose not to has made me boycott The Netherlands in addition to Aruba and The Netherland Antilles.

Everything I've researched has opened my eyes to not only what is going on now, but dutch history; their cavalier attitude towards the treatment of women in the past and present; the 'in-your-face' hookers standing in store windows; the accessibility to easy money laundering; and human and drug trafficking. Beauty has its facade.