The fraction-leaders (can someone define what a "fraction leader"
is and their PURPOSE?) pose for the picture at the Cabinet of the Governor
shortly after their delayed arrival (MUST have been Jet Blue...) in Aruba this morning.
is and their PURPOSE?) pose for the picture at the Cabinet of the Governor
shortly after their delayed arrival (MUST have been Jet Blue...) in Aruba this morning.
October 26, 2007--
ORANJESTAD – The delegation arrived in Aruba around 10:00 this morning. Chairman of Parliament Mervin Ras (MEP) and the Representative of the Netherlands in Aruba, Rens Knegt welcomed the delegation at the airport. They then paid the governor a visit.
Some matters that need a solution will also be discussed in Aruba, like the complete cooperation between the Netherlands and Aruba.

They will possibly talk about the moneys that Aruba is supposedly in credit from the proceeds of the Marriott-buildings, also called the Plant NV-matter.
It seems that the sun (that one lost me in translation...) has propitiated the Dutch politicians up till now. Considering the program for Aruba, they seem being supplied with sufficient information.
They will visit KIA; they will speak with education-representatives, with the government, and with representatives of the hotel- and tourism industry. (GEE? I wonder WHY?? Wait a minute...ough...cough...haaackkk! Ewww...I just coughed up something. Oh, I think it was my reaction to Aruba's inevitable ass-kissing of their Dutch "daddies".)
They will visit KIA; they will speak with education-representatives, with the government, and with representatives of the hotel- and tourism industry. (GEE? I wonder WHY?? Wait a minute...ough...cough...haaackkk! Ewww...I just coughed up something. Oh, I think it was my reaction to Aruba's inevitable ass-kissing of their Dutch "daddies".)
The Netherlands also tries to get an idea of Aruba's position on the new polity of the Neth. Antilles, in particular the experience that Aruba has gained since the status aparte in 1986. They will also talk about the importance of the Kingdom games. (Oh yeah...TOP of the agenda, right?)
The rest is "Fiesta" time...lay around fat and lazy and NO NOTHING.
Typical of politicians anywhere...including THE Dutch Delegation..
The Dutch delegation spends the night in the Renaissance Hotel. The program for Friday is as follows: a tour of Parke National Arikok; director Roy Croes hopes that there is enough time to take the fraction-leaders by bus from San Fuego to Boca Prins and Dos Playa. "That will be nice for pictures." They will visit KIA and will fly back to Curacao after lunch. The fraction-leaders will visit the Windward Islands next week.
The rest is "Fiesta" time...lay around fat and lazy and NO NOTHING.
Typical of politicians anywhere...including THE Dutch Delegation..
The Dutch delegation spends the night in the Renaissance Hotel. The program for Friday is as follows: a tour of Parke National Arikok; director Roy Croes hopes that there is enough time to take the fraction-leaders by bus from San Fuego to Boca Prins and Dos Playa. "That will be nice for pictures." They will visit KIA and will fly back to Curacao after lunch. The fraction-leaders will visit the Windward Islands next week.
First "business" THEN PLAY...if you know what I mean...
Visit the choller houses and don't forget to stop by "Boeti's "beach booth"!
Visit the choller houses and don't forget to stop by "Boeti's "beach booth"!
Fraction-leaders are trouble-shooters hired by the Dutch Parliament members to deal with the regional Kingdom issues that the Queen Beatrix failed to address. The Aruba governor is facing the mounting pressure from the world acceptance of Beth's new book which unmasked the real ungly evil voodoo god face of Aruba government. The Dutch delegation flew on the empty seats offered by Jet Blue into the governor's backyard and informed him that funding are available for translation of Joran's book into American english language. The new English version of Joran's book to counterbalance the impact of Beth's book. The new book translation will be offered completely free to all the American high school students. Since Joran is such an well known name in Dutch, the Dutch Parliament can collect massive tax dollars on the advertsings bought by the big supermarkets in US.
So they are going to go to Curacao after Aruba?
Very good ... in Aruba they have the opportunity to ask some questions about Natalee Holloway.
And in Curacao they have the opportunity to ask some questions about Amy Lynn Bradley, who was identified several times after March 1998 as being on Curacao, in a situation of duress and in apparent captivity.
(In March 1998, remember, Amy vanished from a cruise ship that was docking in Curacao at the time. Funny coincidence ... for coincidence it must be ... that the night before she vanished, several members of the crew who had been 'stalking' her asked if they could take her to Carlos 'n' Charlies on Aruba. Yes, THAT Carlos 'n' Charlies.
Amy wasn't interested.
She vanished the next night.
And soon after an American sailor reportedly saw her in a makeshift brothel in Curacao, where she identified herself by name and asked him for help (he laughed it off, thinking it was a joke), Amy's parents in Richmond, Va., one night were notified by neighbors that strangers were photographing them, and the Bradley house, from cars.
When the Bradleys approached the cars to find out what was going on, the cars sped off.
Surely a coincidence ... or could it be that the photos were shown to Amy, along with a threat of "You try anything, and you AND your family will die. See, here they are ... we know where to find them."
Yes, quite a lot of questions for the Dutch to ask in Aruba and Curacao.
And while you're at it, Dutch, why not stop off at Saba island, where an American man vanished in December 2006? You see, his family believe they know where his body is ... but the locals can't be bothered to search. So the family are trying to raise money to reclaim it.
Some of us would call this ransom.
Some of us would call this treachery from our "allies."
And some of us would say this treatment merits a travel advisory.
You have a lot to talk about, Dutch representatives ... and a hell of a lot more to do before you get our trust again.
Beth's book signing tours draw many photogenic pictures. A famous producer was looking at these artistic screenshots yesterday, and decided to contact her about a movie to be filmed in Thailand. It also prompted a deep pocket donor to sponsor Tim Miller's search ship expenses.
The fraction leaders told Oduber that since all the books (Dave, Joran and Beth) had been published. Nehterlands have nothing else to investigate. the case will be closed in December.
There is a political dark force stopping Tim Miller's sea search campaign.
Someone higher up in our government does not want Tim Miller finds Natalee's body in the ocean. Maybe the message is from the American Congressman, a good freind of Aruba.
Our government have been dragged deeper into the murk of the Aruban coverup and scandal just like watergate scandal in silence and blackout of news. government officials and agents were suspiciously obsevered in taking the drug money for the political and lobbying motives. Not good for the future of America.
BFN are being shutdown. ArubanBoycott will be too. Only FOBRU are operatiing, they are supported by the joint Dutcu-US goverment funds.
Aruba has paid someone advertizing heavily in our primarues. An Aruba sign is seen together with some candidates in one house's backyard facing the corridor freeway.
"BFN are being shutdown. ArubanBoycott will be too."
Oh really? I didn't realize my blog was being shut down.
The primaries next week will decide your future. You'll see. The Dutch are gloating.
Maybe be not. You are a Mamba Wonderwoman. They view you sometimes as their good luck charm, as we speaking.
Our government are corrupted to the kernel by the Dutch disease which killed all our elm trees in the last century. This new Dutch virus is from Aruba.
An email has been sent by the higher Overseer in Congress to the Congressman to ask him why Aruba is his all time favorite over other Caribbean islands. They want the quick answer from himby this weekend and decide his future political prospects with the party leaders.
He was asked to resigned from his post, but he is a diehard Aruban liason. He intends to keep his job. He knows he can.
Aruba has been a thickening agent in traficking between Amsterdam and NYC. Aruba, Amsterdam and NYC have formed a golden triagulation in illegal drugs and stolen military weapons ebays. The State Department is very aware of the abuses of diplomacy immunity enjoyed by the Dutch.
Oduber found out he could make more money by lethal weapons dealership. The Chavez Russian submerine deal was concluded by him. He also sold the Iranians the high energy emitter coil. Now the Iranian madman has his nuclear weapon produced successfully. He plans to have a nuclear test soon in the mountain caves.
The party leaders want to recruit Beth. They thought the Natalee story will help the party's dynamics. But the Congressman from home state is a big obstacle that the party leaders determine to remove.
Beth is well qualified for the job. She has written about Natalee's vision for America in her book.
The international travel safety is in line with the public poll belief in next Tueday Iowa primary election day.
There are a lot of arm-wrestlings behind the scene. For the survial of the party, the elders have to weed out the inmature, unproductive and corrupt members of the rank and file. It will all happen after the assestment of the primaries election results.
One law professor complained that USA had been long on the Dutch, there is no latitude of justice for our missing American citizens in the Dutch Antilies because of their corruptive LE.
The Dutch is at the brink of losing all their trust and political capitals vested in their International Court of Justice and Hague Convention system. The world doesn't not believe the Dutch any more. The Dutch or Beatrix has destroyed NATO's ability to deploy troops to fight the terrorists since the Arubagate started in May 2005.
Finally someone figured this out. Dirty Hand is Dutch Holland. There is an uproar and outrage in the foreign relations focus group.
That's too bad. Dirty Holland is a volation of international casinos ethics. Aruba will be condemned by the Godfather.
The Dutch Hand has his fingerprints all over Beatrix.
Shango is the real person of Steve Cohen. He stopped writing after he was fired by AHATA. Steve's grandmother was a Shankist goddess from San Diego.
When Shango talks again, it will be the closure for the case. it will happen soon. In Aruba there are many uninsured motorists. Hit and run auto accidents are common. Natalee might have been a hit and run raped victim. Deepak's car was seen at the police station earlier. ALE went ahead to have the fender bender repalced and erased the blood hair forensic evidence. Shango saw that in the plain view. He was the one person who contacted the American Congressman about the car accident.
After the hit and run, they left Natalee's body at the crime scene by the lighthouse. Deepak needed the police report submitted to the bank loan company to justify the damages caused on his Honda. Paulus went ahead to the lighthouse to dispose the body.
Aruba is a deadbeat that makes people come to their rescue when they will face a famine.
To relief the judicial peers pressure, Paulus said to the boys, No Body and No Case. He gave Natalee's driver license to Joran and the $50 dollar bills. He said the body was cremated, and he means No Corpse. Deepak then knew Natalee had only $50 when she got into their taxi Honda. Deepak started to defame Natalee that she dressed like a slut to suppress his own fear and conscience. He was afraid Paulus and Joran were to gong to kill him and his brother Satish at the police station with the help of ALE. Paulus is a cold blood ruler of the island, a good friend of Queen Beatrix. They are well connected. Beatrix met Paulus in secrecy in the red brick governor's mansion during her visit a year ago. Beatrix wanted to talk about Joran with his alleged father.
Why would Beatrix want to interview Joran face to face live like Greta did? It smells very fishy and corrupt to the American voters this Monday morning? This incident happened in Aruba might have a big impact on tomorrow Tuesday Iowa primary elections. The Ameican people are not stupid, they are going to punish the Dutch liars with their voting rights. Tomorrow's turnouts and fallouts from the polling mass media might shock you. It will send a stern message to the lying Dutch.
The National Examiner on the news stands now. Has a picture of Natalee on the cover. They did an article in the center fold. Basically covering Beth's book and De Vries investigation about Joran being guilty. Nothing earth shattering. It's sad that the so called "rag" magazines. Are the only ones who are covering this case.
... (as demonstrated by a major seizure in Australia that had been shipped from ... facilities are uncovered, there is often a connection to Dutch traffickers. ... The Dutch are moving their GHB product from Aruba into the Australia market. Some Dutch got it mixed up with the Chinese toys for the wrong deliveries into the school children.
The Dutch oil company is the largest oil leases holder in the world. The Dutch has the Iran and Venezula majority of the good production oil fields thru the bribery and foreign government coverup and corruptions. So the Dutch can have such an awesome power to put down the Natalee murder Aruba case in this country.
It is so sickening to hear that our government is letting Natalee down and allows the Dutch stample on us American citizens on our soil.
Who's pushing the price of oil over $100 a barrel. The Dutch. For behind every barrel of oil, there is a Dutch.
Paulus explained that the Aruba Dutch juvenile justice system seeks to help young suspects, who can benefit from counseling and close supervision from the court and case workers. Children under 18 are nearly always charged as juveniles, not adults - no matter what the crime. "We try to help the child, and prosecuting them as adults would not be very helpful," Paulus said. Any finding of guilt, he added, would not follow the boy into adulthood.
Paulus explained to his two younger sons about what's going on. Sometimes a father had to lie for his son to the police in order to protect Joran. His two younger growing sons at school can no longer stand the pressure, and want to tell the true story to the Fox news.
The concept of criminal flows will pass from generations to generations if you can get away with the murder. Your siblings will want to try to murder you for their relief of gulit.
South Florida has a high concentration of Aruban migrant workers. They only observe the Dutch laws, but not the American laws. The Aruban kids under sixteen are frequent drinkers at home. They skipped the court dates for traffic tickets. In Aruba the government workers don't have to pay fine for minor auto violations. The rule doesn't apply to the American tourists.
With the bad management of the Oduber Aruba government, the Beatrix International Airport could run out of jet fuel at any moment now due to the collapse of the NYC banks and extremely bad payment record and credit history. No jet fuel suppliers would gamble on Aruba's ability to pay bills.
The grassroot effort is rentless. Aruba is suffering. Even Holland is giving up on Aruba's economy. Aruba's economy without tourism will turn to the darkside industries like printing counterfeit money, human organs warehouse and nuclear weapons smuggling.
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