**Another great piece by my favorite "Natalee's Freebirds"! Keep on rockin'!

"We've been working 50 years, day and night, to build up tourism,"
When questioned about a cover up taking place, Jorge Pesquera, then President of Aruba's AHATA replied,
Now that the criminal case against the 3 main suspects in Natalee Holloway's disappearance has been closed by Aruban officials, perhaps it is time for Prime Minister Nelson Oduber to make good on his intentions.On November 9 of 2005, Nelson Oduber stated that he would like an "investigation into the investigation" conducted. He reiterated this intent in late January of 2006.
We agree it is high time for such an investigation.
With the numerous questionable and downright unethical activities of law enforcement, judiciary members, and government officials - Miss Holloway's fellow U.S. citizens request the documented facts that show who played key roles in "making mistakes" in this investigation.
From the detectives involved, to the initial prosecutor handling differing suspects and witnesses in different manners, to the judges ruling inconsistently and in a biased manner - we agree with Aruba's Prime Minister, in that there is definite cause for an in-depth look into these actions.

Greta Van Susteren - April 13
Professor from the Netherlands
“The investigation doesn't strike me as an example of professionalism. The investigation from the onset was somewhat bungled.”
ORANJESTAD(AAN): Dutch criminal law experts recently expressed big criticism about the Aruban police investigation into the disappearance of Natalee Holloway. They call the investigation methods strange and unprofessional.
“It is incomprehensible that police, after an important tip about the location of Natalee Holloway’s body, to not go search immediately.” ~ criminal law scholar of the University of Amsterdam, Menno Dolman
“This is very strange. Normally the area is closed off immediately, to dig and search for clues, but not in Aruba”. ~ legal psychologist, Peter van Koppen
“Total madness. “This is a total error” ~ criminal law expert of the University of Leiden, Hans Nijboer
“The media is the last option for investigators, you do not give out information that only the guilty could know.” ~ criminal law scholar of the University of Amsterdam, Menno Dolman
Aruba’s prime minister believes that authorities made mistakes at the start of the investigation of the Natalee Holloway case. ~ Ruben Trapenberg, Aruban Government Spokesperson Aruba
The Premier also made the promise that when the Holloway investigation ends, to bring an investigation into finding out what and how things went wrong.
posted by Getagrip @ 11/10/2005 12:45:00 AMAmigoe
Jan 23, 2006
Oduber wants the discrepancies in the Holloway-case be investigated
ARUBA -- After the Holloway-case is closed, Prime Minister Nelson Oduber (MEP) wants a thorough investigation be conducted on the course of everything that had to do with the investigation on the disappeared American teenager, especially the begin phase. He thinks that mistakes were made especially in this phase.

*Will Prime Minister stand true to his own words?
*Will he finally authorize an unbiased agency to conduct an investigation into the persons and activities associated with this case?
*Will Aruba open their dossier to a competent investigative team for all the world to see what “mistakes” were made and by whom?

*Will he finally authorize an unbiased agency to conduct an investigation into the persons and activities associated with this case?
*Will Aruba open their dossier to a competent investigative team for all the world to see what “mistakes” were made and by whom?

Prime Minister Nelson Oduber has made numerous differing statements about his true feelings about Natalee Holloway, her family, and his country’s investigation into her disappearance.
*Will the world finally be able to see if Aruba's Prime Minister is a man of his word?
*Does he finally realize that coming clean with the truth about this investigation will be the first step in repairing Aruba’s damaged tourism numbers?

Natalee and her family deserve justice, and we will not let up until they have it!
Natalee’s Freebirds
Natalee’s Freebirds
Cruise tourism to Aruba started in the early fifties with combination cargo/passenger ships and the first all-passenger ship, the "Tradewind", that called in Aruba for the first time in 1957. How old is Nelson Oduber? He might be one of those "cargo babies" born on those steam boats from Nazi Germany.
The Latitude of the quay in Oranjestad is 12º 31’ N and the longitude is 70º 02’W: The Latitude of the quay in Barcadera is 12º 29’ N and the longitude is 70º 00’W. Natalee's remains had been located at latitude 12º 52’ N and longitude 70º 53’W.
There were vulture black birds circling in one mansion in Montana owned by Oduber at the time Paulus's was searched. Judge Bob Witt just igonred the sightings.
Prime Minister Nelson Oduber cannot have his true feelings about Natalee Holloway disappearance due to the current investigation of corpse dumpings into the ocean by the Dutch Parliament.
If the Natalee case were closed, Prime Minister Nelson Oduber (MEP) wanted a thorough investigation be conducted with the help of FBI. Now Oduber is fighting with the Queen Beatrix to get Aruba independence, he is not taking any chances.
It is incomprehensible that Aruba dirty police participated in the disposal of Natalee Holloway’s body, after the intial study of the data collected by the Persistence, said the forensics criminal law professor of Holland University, Roberto.
The criminal case against the 3 main suspects in Natalee Holloway's disappearance had been dropped by Aruban Prosecutors. Oduber cleared his intentions by agreeing that USA cannot prove a crime was committed without a body.
Nelson Oduber promised that he would conduct an Aruban investigation into the KLPD investigation of the Natalee cold case. He re-enforceed his conviction by flying the whole Sloot family to Holland for a new talk show interview in a government own Learjet.
Joran is the key in repairing Aruba’s damaged tourism numbers. He is under the intense pressure of the Persistence search. He threw a glass of wine at someone after the Hague interview, indicating that he worried Natalee's remains been found by Persistence. The Amsterdam gangs recognized Joran's potato head and big lobe ears, they are chasing after him.
The Vandersloots are the face of aruba's tourism!lol Starve!!!
Joran is saying Devil is responsible for his actions and lies. He is a fallen angel.
When Oduber sent you to motherland to make peace with the Dutch Godfather, you threw the cup of covenant at him. You spilled the wine of peace. Aruba doesn't want you, you are dead at the crab trap cage.
Put your money where your mouth is, Oduber!!!!!!!!!!
You owe it to Natalee, her family, your lack of tourists, and your OWN CITIZENS to have this farce of an investigation looked into!
When it's known around the world that your law enforcement, prosecutor and Dutch judges participated in the coverup of a MURDER, just who exactly do you think would feel safe on that island?
Not the local citizens, and certainly not tourists!
Tie the hands that made this coverup possible, Oduber. Make those people be responsible for their actions!
Perhaps then your island and her government could regain some respect!
Keep up the pressure, Natalees Freebirds!
Don't let Aruba forget the black eye it gave itself!
Get justice for Natalee. Please sign the petition to boycott Aruba:
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