March 15, 2008


Here is a recent letter from Aruban Boycott Member, Richard to Sylvia Rodriguez, who is the community relations director for Valero Oil Company, an American company doing business in Aruba.

March 3, 2008

Ms. Sylvia Rodriguez
Manager, Community Relations
Valero Oil Co.
1 Valero Way
San Antonio, TX 78249

Dear Ms. Rodriguez:

Thank you for our telephone conversation of today, to which this letter is a follow-up. As we discussed, I am writing to urge that Valero consider donating money to Texas Equusearch to help it continue searching the waters offshore Aruba for the remains of Natalee Holloway. I have no personal affiliation with, or other ties to, Texas Equusearch.

It seems clear that an American-based company with operations in Aruba has an interest in promoting good bilateral relations. Since the disappearance of Natalee in May 2005, the reputation of Aruba has been tarnished by the seeming inability, or lack of desire, of its government to take effective action in this case. Many persons believe that elements of that government and its law enforcement have participated in a cover-up to destroy evidence and to prevent the prosecution of certain local residents last seen with Natalee.

In consequence, a movement to boycott tourism to Aruba has been gaining strength. Nelson Oduber, prime minister of that country, in January said on Dutch television that Aruba already has lost tens of millions of dollars in tourist revenue owing to this case.

So far, American generosity, American volunteers, and American determination have achieved searches on land and in the ocean. The latter have been suspended owing to lack of money; however, the searchers are convinced that they have successfully mapped the ocean floor and identified every possible location where her remains might be. If you call Texas Equusearch at 281-309-9500, they can certainly provide more information.

Here is where Valero can play a role. It is in the interest of ordinary Aruban citizens, as well as Natalee's grieving family, to find answers. Texas Equusearch now seems best equipped to provide them. Helping this group is not a partisan activity, or interference in foreign relations, but an action of decency and compassion. I have donated to them as I am able; were you to do likewise, it would be hailed by all those who seek simple justice.

Sincerely, (Richard)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good job as always richard