Purpose: Spreading the word of a VOLUNTARY boycott to the island of Aruba. This consumer grassroots movement urges everyone to abandon any plans to travel to Aruba or the Netherland Antilles until this case is resolved.
Labels: Boycott, Miscellaneous
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Labels: Boycott
“Too much aggression in the community”
Premier Emily de Jongh-Elhage (PAR)WILLEMSTAD -- Premier Emily de Jongh-Elhage (PAR) is concerned about the increasing aggression in the community. The tone of the political debate and the campaigns concerning the referendum harshens, but also the society becomes more and more aggressive, says the premier.
This from the ‘Wereldomroep’. According to De Jongh-Elhage politicians as well as the entire society has harshened. “We are too aggressive with each other. When I listen to the Island Council, I wonder where have I put my people.” Also the media plays a role in the hard atmosphere, according to the premier. “We attack each other in the media. It’s no longer about the subjects, the attacks have become personal.”
Also the halfhearted response on the two family dramas in one week, in which two men murdered their ex-wives, has surprised De Jongh-Elhage. “We no longer tolerate anything from each other and are ready to attack each other.”
The society doesn’t even pay much attention to the murders; People talk about it for just a while, and then forget about it. That has become the most common thing in the world. “People used to talk for weeks about a homicide, but now it’s like it has become business as usual.”
She wants to come up with a plan to stop aggression and change the atmosphere. She wants to do this with women. As a mother I think: this cannot be. This must be tackled via schools and the family. Money is not important in this case. It’s about love and how you treat each other in your family.”
According to the Prime Minister, the hard tone that the opposition parties use in the run up to the referendum on the 15th of May is very harsh, because the opposition can never agree with the government.
“Certain people want to be independent, and we will never agree on that. But others only oppose because they are in the opposition. They take a hard stand, because they feel that they won’t change their opinion.” She stays very hopeful though about the result of the referendum.
Labels: Beth Twitty, Boycott, Corruption, Murder and Crime, Natalee
Labels: Boycott, Corruption
A seemingly wealthy felon-turned-philanthropist who pledged rewards in high-profile crimes is due back in court for sentencing Thursday in Philadelphia.
Joseph Mammana of Yardley is being sentenced for failing to report about $4 million in income from 2000 to 2005. He has previously agreed to pay at least $400,000 in back taxes.
The sentencing is also expected to cover a felon-in-possession gun charge. Mammana admits he kept a revolver by his bed.
Mammana has a criminal record for aggravated assault and drugs, but had appeared to be doing well running an egg-processing plant.
He lived lavishly, mixing with community leaders and pledging reward money in cases such as the 2005 disappearance in Aruba of Alabama teen Natalee Holloway.
Labels: Corruption, Money Laundering