Michelle Says So:
Why would the government be reluctant to change the laws of prostitution in order to protect women and children? Could it be that these "legal" businesses give handouts to the politicians so change does not occur?

WILLEMSTAD — In reaction to the public canvassing of girls for the prostitution, the appeal sounds for the legal curbing of this line of business. Prostitution alone is not punishable in the Netherlands Antilles, when it regards adults (eighteen years and older).
‘The oldest profession of the world’ also keeps up with modern times.
An escort bureau has established itself on Curaçao, and presents itself, as well as canvasses for personnel via internet. In addition, the Amigoe was offered an advertisement for webcam girls at the end of last week. Although this was refused, the advertisement still made it in a morning newspaper the next day. “I am making an explicit appeal to the politics to now grab pen and paper to have the law amended”, says the director or Social Development, Keith Carlo, former-chairman of the Child Welfare and fervid adherent of female and child rights.
“Members of parliament should consider not issuing any more permits to escort bureaus. The law should be amended accordingly.”Lawyer Berry Scheperboer also pleads for an amendment of the law. He is of the opinion that a whole lot can be done, but that the political will is lacking. “The ‘legislator should act immediately’, if this is to be tackled”, said the lawyer, as it is now a ‘free for all’.
“We have never had any problems with prostitution as we never departed from the viewpoint that females and children were objects worthy of protection”, according to the lawyer. “It concerns money and not love; the right of the strongest applies.”“If the government states that it cannot do anything, they are right, but they are legislator and they are capable of changing the legislation. Regulations should be implemented that can be enforced appropriately.”
As long as the government stands aloof, they are an accessory to these practices, according to Scheperboer.
The younger, the better
Basically the proprietors make use of the poverty, which many people, in particular females, contend with on the island. “One third of the population lives under the poverty line. The risk exists that families contending with poverty will exploit their girls to earn money.” He considers it ‘clever’ that they are on the lookout for adults. “Who checks whether this girl (or boy, as this often occurs as well) is fifteen or sixteen year of age; or is it simply the younger, the better.”
For that matter, from the language used in the advertisement for webcam girls, it appears to be directed towards girls rather than mature females: “Are you 18 years or older and not shy? Would you like to have a sideline and flexible working hours? Present yourself for the information gathering. It is perfectly alright to take a girlfriend with you.”
In addition to an amendment of the law, Carlo is of the opinion that the government should initiate an awareness campaign. “For example: Don’t let this fool or entice you.”
Deputy Marilyn Alcalá-Wallé (PAR) is in favor of that idea: “We cannot forbid it, and therefore not intervene in the business itself. However, we could warn the population and introduce educative programs. That is an important task for the government, to rear the community to obstruct this matter within their own circles.”The island service Culture and Education will make sure that the activities regarding this area will be well monitored.
Responsible deputy Alcalá-Wallé admits that with the arrival of the new technologies, such as internet, it will become more difficult to keep an eye on all of this. “I am aware that this is developing very quickly, but also the latest developments require contra-developments.”
It is common knowledge that prostitutes are active on Curaçao – Campo Alegre is the widely known example, but there is also prostitution on the outside. In the past but also nowadays, there are various escort bureaus, which simply make telephonic arrangements for their services aboard pleasure yachts. As far as we are aware, it is new that an escort bureau offers its services locally through the internet.
On the website, Relax Escort Services promises discretion and high quality. The bureau is also interested in employing males and females up to fifty years of age and weighing up to 90 kilos. By the way, these are called ‘models’, and the escort bureau therefore offers ‘dates’.
The website (relaxescortservice.com) states that the models and escorts are not prostitutes and therefore do not accept any compensation in whatever form for sexual activities or sexual contact. “Every amount received by their staff or bureau is only meant for the time spent with the model, or the modeling time for the client”, the bureau emphasizes. The prices start at 175 dollars for a topless body rub (non-therapeutic, according to the website.
The offered package is legion. The bureau offers strippers (male & female), dinner dates, and entertainment for couples, and two or more girls. It is even possible to take an escort on holidays. The hourly rate for an escort is 300 dollars.
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