These three 'boys' will be charged by June or July? Whatever…this is clearly another smoke screen they are throwing to “appease” us like dogs. The Aruban police are saying such things as, “Yes, we are actually doing something…we are wrapping up the case and all three boys will be arrested at that time." If anyone actually believes that line of bullshit needs a really hard slap in the face.
Let’s just say in real nice terms, and I’m being really nice here…I’m not holding my breath.
Dompig has indicated that he is going to solve this case, “These boys are guilty as hell”, “I have witnesses, but I won’t tell you who they are…blah, blah, blah.”. However at the same time he won’t allow any help from the
Here are some points taken from the Rita Cosby Show last night:
No plea bargains
Panel of judges decides guilt or innocence
Kock doubts it would be first degree murder because it wasn’t premeditated. I don’t think I trust him (Deepak) at all. “Just because they are friends, sometimes friends lie for each other, sometimes I think a lot.”
“You know he (Joran) gives different statements, I mean he didn’t go much into those statements that he changed, but there were a few changes. He indicated that yes, they lied at first. If you are compelled to tell the truth, then why did you change your story…why all of a sudden say “I had nothing to do with it…they took her.”
To start they didn’t pick him up. So that is a fragrant lie. He (Joran) said he called Deepak to pick him up and now Satish became the one who picked him up. That is a lie. Second, Joran indicated he left his shoes on the beach. Why? Satish pick up and drop Joran all the way to his home at like 2:30-3:00 in the morning, and then come and look his your shoes! I mean how logical is that? It’s a beach and he doesn’t even know where his shoes would be. He (Joran) stated that these shoes were very old shoes…but they were bought a month before during his trip to the states.
Cosby: What do your clients maintain what happened?
Kock: Deepak and Satish dropped him there (at the beach) and went home. There is a phone call from Joran to Deepak and afterwards there is a chat message from Joran to Deepak (Which Deepak never responded to. Sounds like Joran is trying to establish an alibi by making a phone call and then instant messaging him as soon as he got home. What teen guy do you know that calls his friend of “three months” to say he got home ok? C’mon!)
Kock: “No.”
I’ll believe it when I see it. There is another agenda here, or they have something else going on and need to wait until June. There is no way this case will be solved unless someone turns on the other. I can’t believe they have a rock solid case that they didn’t have a month ago!
I am not concerned about any fact finding litigation in this Holloway/Van der Sloot matter. I’m just not. Joran has always said and maintained that he had nothing to do with Natalee’s disappearance or harmed her in any way…he does maintain that there is no evidence to the contrary and if they want to bring this case to trial, for the sake for getting a ‘monkey off their back’, I’m not talking about the Aruban law enforcement and government and the Holloway’s. I think that would be a huge perversion of justice.
If this case is supposed to be resolved with a quick shotgun trial just to say ‘we made arrests, we brought it to trial, there was no evidence, so there was an acquittal’…and
Cosby: Who would be on your witness list?
I can tell you that there are about 75-100 I’d have on my witness right off the bat that are very helpful to Joran. (Where have these witnesses been all this time? No one but himself, Paulus and Anita have been defending him about his whereabouts, etc. And I’m not talking about witness that say, “Oh, he was a really great guy…he would never do such a thing.)
And I really hope that the Aruban law enforcement is investigating all leads, not looking just to get this monkey off their back. What is out there, what has not been on the airwaves and the media and is so powerful as far as being really clues to what happened to Natalee. (What is he suggesting? The internet possibly?) I hope there is some resolve to case for them as well as my client.
Again, without pointing fingers and casting aspersions at people, I will point back to that attorney (Kock) and his own client’s very first statement was that they maintained for some time that they picked up JVDS at the beach. Their stories have changed as well. (Pass the blame game…)
Joran has told his story and it has not changed and wavered since the initial days of this incident. (I beg your pardon? Let me collect all the lies he’s told since day one…and let me tell you Taco boy, those weren’t “small variations”.)
I’ve heard that there are 20 different versions, the police force in
Joran has said it, and has maintained that position, and as crazy as it sounds…John and I would have a conversation where he wanted to set something like this up I am absolutely certain we can do with without a media event, not on TV. Once this civil lawsuit is disposed of (mighty cocky, aren’t we?) with these allegations that are ridiculous (I would say that Joran’s statement of Natalee “going in and out of consciousness isn’t a ridiculous allegation, Joe.)
If they are willing to do that, Joran will sit down with them for sure…myself, Joran, John, and anyone he wants to bring from his team, including his clients. We will answer all their questions in a private setting, If they really want answers from Joran, they will get them. (Hasn’t Joran supposedly told the REAL TRUTH on Greta’s show? What, if anything new would he say? Would he just make up more lies? This is obviously another PR move to show the American public that he is a good kid willing to discuss this with the family. While just a couple weeks ago he told Greta that he didn’t want to talk to them. Lies, lies and more lies. When are people going to GET IT???)
John doesn’t discount the murder 1 charge. He believes this evening of assaulting an unspecting tourist was premeditated. (Joran himself has claimed that he’s done this at least 20 times, remember?!) It could have been a plan put together ahead of time, and those are things we are exploring.
I would be more than happy at some point to sit down with Joran and his father (notice he mentions the father and NOT just Joran.) …one thing I would want to make sure is that Joran is under oath and that we have it all recorded because we don’t want them to be saying afterwards that he was misunderstood, mistatated or misrepresented by something. That’s a fine offer and I would like to take him up on it.
We’d like to go through all the details in terms of what happened from the moment they left C&C’s that night. You have Attorney Kock saying Joran is flat out lying on national and international TV when he says that Satish picked him up and he has flat out lied about what happened to the shoes. Those are the two of the most crucial elements of the circumstantial case that are being said that are not true to a world wide audience.
We are a little skeptical and we are not ready to get into a lump fest with Joran for PR reasons to wipe away his guilt… To sit there and say he’s being forthright and forthcoming and honest and baring his soul on the circumstances of the case are apparently not true.
Unbelievable. Carin came out this mrning denying Koch's whole story! Not her actually but the prosecuotors office has said they "have no plans to prosecute anyone for any alleged crime that may or may not have occured in regards to Natalie Holloway. This case will be turned over by April 1, 2006, most likely, without resolution" Now why would Koch come out and blatantly lie? He doesn't gain anything from lying? Does he? It was something that was easily checked out. There's been a lot of lying in this case, but there's always been a motive to lie. This only makes Koch look stupid.
The prosecutor isn't going to come out and make that announcement at this I don't believe that. They have until April 3rd to make up their minds. Furthermore why is Dompig coming up on 48 hours saying we will solve this and the 3 are involved.
"I can tell you that there are about 75-100 I’d have on my witness right off the bat that are very helpful to Joran. (Where have these witnesses been all this time? No one but himself, Paulus and Anita have been defending him about his whereabouts, etc. And I’m not talking about witness that say, “Oh, he was a really great guy…he would never do such a thing.)"
The Refugees????
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