This letter and report are real and came directly from Dave Holloway to be posted.

Layered Voice Analysis Report on Interview of Joran Van der Sloot
File: Joran Van der Sloot on ABC’s “Primetime”
Report Date: February 28, 2006
By: V
980 North Michigan Avenue
Suite 1400
Chicago, Illinois 60611
Contact: Richard D. Parton, Ph.D.
President and CEO
LVA Definitions:
LVA 6.50 analyzes statements and places them on a TRUTH spectrum output that indicates the statement’s distance from 100% mathematical accuracy. The further down the LVA spectrum the statement falls, the further the statement is from the complete truth.
This spectrum runs as follows:
LVA software also has a DECEPTION spectrum output. The further down the DECEPTION spectrum the statement falls, the higher the indication the subject is being deceptive.
This spectrum runs as follows:
Use of the above terms, from the TRUTH and DECEPTION spectrums in ALL UPPER CASE letters represents the data outputs of the LVA software.
Use of these terms in lower case letters indicates the LVA analyst’s findings based on the data outputs, training and experience using LVA.
While the definitions of these LVA indications have very specific meanings as qualified by a variety of data factors, for the purposes of this report standard dictionary definitions of the above terms are sufficient to accurately convey the meaning of these LVA indications.

LVA Data Outputs:
Joran’s statement indicates heightened use of IMAGINATION throughout the interview.
Reporter asks, “You were not courting her, you were not pursuing her?”
Joran responds, “Not at all, not at any point.” (LVA Segment 49)
Reporter asks, ”Were you trying to get Natalee drunk?”
Joran responds, “Not at all.” (LVA Segment 57)
Joran explains, “I told Deepak to drive to the lighthouse.” (LVA Segment 92)
Joran claims Natalee said, “No, no, no, I don’t want to go to the hotel.” (LVA Segment 122)
Reporter asks, “Was Natalee more drunk than you’re letting on?”
Joran responds,”No, not at all.” (LVA Segment 274)
Reporter asks, “Did you harm Natalee Holloway?”
Joran responds, “No.” (LVA Segment 303)
Reporter asks, “Did you see Natalee Holloway in distress?”
Joran responds, “No.” (LVA Segment 305)
Joran states, “There is not one girl who will ever come forward and say something like that, because it’s just not true.” (LVA Segment 444)
Reporter asks, “Have you ever gotten a girl drunk, so, you could make advances on her?”
Joran responds, “No, never.” (LVA Segment 446)

LVA Analysis:
LVA analysis of Joran Van der Sloot’s statement, the ABC’s “Primetime” interview by reporter Chris Cuomo, indicates that Joran provided deceptive and/or inaccurate answers on the relevant questions throughout the interview.
In the above results on relevant segments of the interview relating specifically to his involvement in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway, LVA analysis consistently indicates that Joran Van der Sloot is deceptive and/or inaccurate in his statements:
Joran indicates inaccuracy or deception in many statements related to Natalee’s state of mind and/or level of intoxication.
Joran indicates inaccuracy or deception in many of his statements related to his level of interest in Natalee and his description of her pursuing him throughout the evening.
Joran exhibits stress and high tension in discussing his house as it relates to his intentions to take Natalee there. Joran indicates deception when saying that Natalee didn’t want to return to the hotel. Joran exhibits excitement in discussing his intention to have sex with Natalee.
Joran exhibits extreme stress in discussing his conversations with Deepak in the car the evening Natalee disappeared. Joran indicates inaccuracy when stating that Natalee wanted/agreed to go to the lighthouse and shows high stress when he mentions not going to the lighthouse.
Joran indicates inaccuracy when stating that he has not taken advantage of other girls and used alcohol to help his efforts.

Report Conclusions:
LVA data outputs and analysis indicate Joran Van der Sloot is deceptive and inaccurate in his account of the circumstances surrounding the disappearance of Natalee Holloway.
LVA data outputs and analysis indicates Joran Van der Sloot is deceptive and inaccurate in his account of the role he played in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway.
Joran indicates PROBABLE FALSE / DECEPTION INDICATED and INACCURACY / HIGHLY SUSPECT for DECEPTION data outputs on the relevant questions about ‘harming’ and ‘seeing Natalee in distress’ respectively. These responses are not consistent with truthful and accurate responses and deserve the greatest scrutiny.
Joran Van der Sloot should be considered a suspect in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway.
The LVA indicates Joran tried to avoid his house, the Lighthouse and the Holiday Inn, therefore the three deceptive objects were related. Highly probably the crime trail happened as follows: Joran, Deepak and Satish gangraped and
stole Natalee's virginity at Joran's house before they delivered Natalee to Koen's house where a rave party was waiting for the treat. At Koen's house Joran received the money and he paid off his gambling debts. Everyone in the rave party took turns in gangraping Natalee, ignored the tearings in Natalee's private and allowed her bleeding to death. Koen's house located near the Lighthouse. Paulus was also there at the party and he said "No Body, No Case". People then dumped Natalee's body at sea off the shoreline of the Holiday Inn.
I would really like to know what this test thought about when joran was asked about his dads involvement in this case..I want to know how deceptive that is or isnt...
Is there any way you can find out please
Joran's ABC & FOX interviews simply will not fly. Here the output produced by the LVA program is PROBABLE FLASE (You might see a different value, HIGHLY SUSPECT, depending on your individual belief) This value is obviously not TRUTH. Here is why the deception. Joran was threatened by the Mafia to pay up his gambling debts or else he would be terminated. The Mafia entertains the high Dutch government officials for corruption purposes every summer with an all out orgies party at which a young beautiful virgin girl will be the feast for the god Bifron, the Voodoo god of Aruba. Joran promised the Mafia a virgin will be delivered as soon as Natalee told him that she was a virgin, and Natalee was a beautiful young white blonde, priceless. The Mafia was excited and elated and sent out the invitations to all the officials on the Aruba island and Holland to come for the orgies feast. Joran drugged Natalee and
kidnaped her to the rave party. He and Deepak thought Natalee would re-appear after at some crackhouse bar, woke up and flew home by herself and forgot what had happened to her. Joran had done these deals over 20 times and everytime the kidnaping was fine. Only now then this time Natalee was missing and assumed being murdered. So "Something bad
happened." said Joran at the first minute of his confession at the Aruban Police headquarter. The whole Aruban government was shaken, and the coverups begun. Joran is the prime suspect of Natalee's rape and murder. He is trying to protect all the corrupted Dutch government officials. He knows the names of all the perverts in that rave party at Koen's house near the Lighthouse.
Koen and Dennis Jacobs were partners in their small drugs trafficking business. Dennis swiped some illict drugs from the Aruban police crime lab and gave to Koen. Koen then moved the drugs to the sea and sold them to the tourists in the party boats. Koen piloted one of his daddy's speed boats collection from time to time as a water spot. No one was suspecting he was doing the drugs trafficking.
Koen and Dennis Jacobs were partners in their small drugs trafficking business. Dennis swiped some illict drugs from the Aruban police crime lab and gave to Koen. Koen then moved the drugs to the sea and sold them to the tourists in the party boats. Koen piloted one of his daddy's speed boats collection from time to time as a water spot. No one was suspecting he was doing the drugs trafficking.
The NYC trial brings changes to the island of Aruba. The ALE finally believes that Natalee Holloway died in Aruba. Gerold Dompig will bring in the corpse blood hunting dogs from Holland to search the water well properties inside the prime suspect Joran VDS house. The Aruban police have just received an anonymous tip from a Holland pimphouse that Joran had shown Natalee's Alabama state driver's license to a German DVD movies maker to prove the authencity of his personal knowlege of the whereabout of Natalee's body. This is a breaking news, stay tuned.
This confirms what the posters on SM and BFN, and many other people, knew all along ~ that Joran was lying through his teeth in those "I'm Innocent ~ Stop the Boycott" Aruba infomercials.
I'd like to see all three of them take a polygraph ~ but we know they won't do that...
I noticed that Dave was the one who requested the LVA ~ I wonder if he or Beth would consider asking this guy to analyze Joran's interview(s):
Statement Analysis
Michelle~ I am trying to contact you to link Mickey John and Joe Mammama. My email is in my profile at Scared Monkeys. TIA
RE not lots of discussion about while in the car and on beach - Look, they were making out part of that time, holding hands, touching each other, sharing intimacy. This isn't something someone wants to share on national TV. Most people don't even discuss the details about their intimate time with someone with their best friends. Out of respect for Natalee, this isn't appropriate to discuss. Most parents of a girl would not want these details laid out in public. Joran has enough decency not to do it.
There is discussion today on Hyscience website about this technology. Harry, the blog owner, researched and does not think that the analysis using this technology would be reliable due to lack of a point of reference. He does see appropriate applications for it however. Go there and read about it as he explains the logic much better than I can. He also posts links to the company website where the technology was developed and you can read about it there.
I do not think the analysis is credible for the Joran interview. Try to keep and open mind and read about it, and come to your own conclusions.
You people keep talking about Koen. Koen was interviewed. I read that the PI verified that Koen was in south Florida that night with a huge group of people for a big birthday bash. The PI verified this.He wasn't even on the island.
The Mafia entertains the high Dutch government officials for corruption purposes every summer with an all out orgies party at which a young beautiful virgin girl will be the feast for the god Bifron, the Voodoo god of Aruba. Joran promised the Mafia a virgin will be delivered as soon as Natalee told him that she was a virgin, and Natalee was a beautiful young white blonde, priceless.
Whoever you are, you have been watching too many action thriller and science fiction. I am not saying that these things don't happen. I do not, however, for a minute believe that Joran would be connected to them. He was only 17 and even if he were, there are plenty of other females that would have worked just fine, other than a wealthy young American tourist who would be looked for with some power backing.
Joran didn't kidnap Natalee and deliver her to the mafia sex fiends. Good Grief!
The Aruban police have just received an anonymous tip from a Holland pimphouse that Joran had shown Natalee's Alabama state driver's license to a German DVD movies maker to prove the authencity of his personal knowlege of the whereabout of Natalee's body. This is a breaking news, stay tuned.
This is beyond ridiculous. There are some real loons posting on this blog spot. Oh right, Joran going around flashing Natalee's drivers license. Get real.
Write me at
Koen was interviewed several times but has an airtight alibi. He was in Florida. It's been checked and rechecked. Even Tim Ward verified this a long time ago. This kid just wasn't there.
We will never really know what happened that night unless the suspect or the killer turned in on his own. We can voice our opinions though.
Go take polls at take polls
It would appear that Renfro, her cronies and/or the Slooty tooties have been responding under "anonymous" here.
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