August 03, 2006


The law suit is lost but the battle is not

By Meri, Aruban Boycott Contributor

Dear Family:

We are NOT going to quit you now. We will continue to keep Natalee's name in the public's consciousness. We will keep searching for the truth and we will make sure that we continue with the boycott movement. The bloggers will keep on blogging and your supporters are stronger than ever.

You are not alone...not now...not ever.

Our hearts are saddened by the Judge's decision but that was always a gamble. Finding the truth is a mission for many of us and no one is leaving this case behind. The haters will continue to hate and the naysayer's will continue to attack, but your Team stands firm and we will be beside you no matter what.

We care about you and we care about Natalee. We also care about justice and until it is served on your behalf we will NOT give up. This has renewed our energy toward accomplishing our goals.

Stay are NOT alone...not now...not ever.


Anonymous said...

Joran will disappear somewhere on this face of the earth soon. Thanks to the judge's selfish decision. The judge is only looking after her own interests of complacement, and she is a coward. Her neighbors are not too proud of her, her daughter will never have any true friends. People will never come to her daughter's birthday party. The judge feels bad now, but it's too late. The silent punishments are upon the judge. For example, her line of credit will not be extended by some bankers who know her real state of mind right now. She is selfish and coward and lazy.

Anonymous said...

You bet we will continue to stand with Natalee's famly and fight the injustice of Aruba. The judges decision came at a convient time with the news being dominated by the mid-east problems. What a cop out. I still believe deep down the Joran is guilty..Boycott Aruba.

Anonymous said...

For the Sake, Love and Name of Natalee... we MUST continue fighting this battle.