August 08, 2006


Wow, what a way to promote a tourist destination. Visit Curacao and visit the refinery! Breathe in those poisonous gasses...ahh...refreshing.

Damage to the health by Isla 28 million guilders per year

CURACAO – The public enterprise Refinería di Kòrsou (RdK) had an economic study done, which revealed that the damage to the health caused by the Isla-refinery is estimated at 28 million guilders per year. The premature closing of the refinery is still being considered as financially adverse. Big investments are needed in order to keep the refinery profitable and more environment- friendly till 2032.

The study concluded that the only advantage to prematurely close the refinery in 2010 is the costs related to the health complaints that the Isla causes. Economic study- and advisory bureau Ecorys estimated that in the current situation, the annual damage to the health would be 28 million florins per year. Ecorys noted that it is difficult to determine this, due to the lack of information on the discharge of poisonous gasses, and because of this, the 28 million guilders per year is only based on the calculation of costs of a limited amount of diseases caused by the sulphur dioxide and fine substances, and not on the other poisonous discharge.

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