September 24, 2007
Here is a recent comment that I posted today:
The Dutch oil company gave lots of money to the NY based private college, so the Iranian President was invited to visit the campus and the Dutch Aruban students there. They are the main organisers for the unAmerican event.
Mon Sep 24, 01:29:00 PM EDT
My reply:

Michelle Says So said...
PROOF please. What NY private college? So the Iranian President was invited to visit the campus and the Dutch Aruban students there. If so, when? Dates? What was said? Give some proof.
Or is this just more insidious crap?
I apologize in advance if this was a serious post, but with all the weirdos that post here (some of which I have to censor out of respect for Natalee and Beth), I have to not only allow most posts for my belief in freedom of speech; however, I have to draw the line when the word slut, "she deserved it", etc. is used. These are just outright lies.
And to me as a recovering assault victim, I find it intolerable.
If you have been reading this blog for the last 2 years, you must understand that most of the time I don't know what is BS and what isn't...and if someone uses "anonymous" all the time I don't and will no longer trust the credibility of that post unless someone has the balls to at least even use a NAME...fictional or otherwise.
Afraid of "multiple monikers" who might use your name to fake comments? We all know there are ways to find out where a person lives (even with a proxy). If you feel you've been wronged, write me ASAP. I'm able to find out who they are, where they are from and their possible "agenda".
So "multiple monikers" out there, you are not fool proof.
I have too many people on the side of this blog to let any stone un-turned, including A LOT of tech savvy people...including those who know a lot more about this case with all their investigation work and research (i.e. Natalee's Freebirds) and the the knowledge of the "secret" identities of the evil spawns of satan from forums who dedicate thier lives to trashing the family.
This blog has many protectors and these individuals are my base...they care just as much as I do about this case and whom I own great gratitude. Some of these individuals have more time to help me with this blog due to my time constraints being a "regular jane" with a full time job and a child to raise on my own. Those people involved fill me in. I can and have gotten the facts and evidence I need to know to blow a lot of people out of the water.
Trying to 'debunk" or discredit this blog won't happen. I'm too much of a warrior to allow it, so don't even try.
Remember, I am the black mamba. Look it up if you don't know about this infamous and deadly snake.
I believe in complete and total justice...with out without the police or "proper" authorities involved; because unfortunately justice is not served as much as it should (especially those victims that are women.)
When someone is victimized they don't need a "jury of their peers" to judge and pass blame. They don't need to be rudely questioned by some defense attorney who only cares about his acquittal rate.
Those victims WERE THERE...they know what happened. They suffer everyday with the aftermath of the victimization.
I honestly believe is it time for women to take matters into their own hands, no matter the consequences. We cannot allow ourselves to be victims due to men who force their so-called "power" on us.
Take a look at "Justice is a Woman with a Sword", by D.A. Clarke @
In the future, if anyone wants to comment and write some possibly outlandish and false statements I am going to REQUIRE back up proof.
This blog WILL NOT be used because just because I allow most comments. Don't get me wrong...I draw the line on MANY people...just out of principle and respect for the person I have been avenging for the last 2.5 years...including her mother.
Enough is enough.
Labels: Boycott, Miscellaneous
September 20, 2007
The Land of Johns, Whores, Whores, and More Whores...
AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - About a third of Amsterdam's red-lit windows for prostitutes will disappear from the city center as one of the main brothel owners is set to sell his empire (I think calling something that an "empire" is just appalling and disgusting beyond belief...more like a really wealthy PIMP!) to a real estate company.
A housing company is to buy 18 premises, currently featuring 51 windows, for about 25 million euros ($35 million), Amsterdam city council said.
Last November, the city revoked the trading licenses of 33 brothels because they were suspected of criminal activities including money laundering and drug dealing. However, the brothel owners appealed successfully against the decision.
Tourist authorities acknowledge the 700-year-old red-light district -- a maze of narrow alleys and canals lined with sex shops, prostitutes behind windows and marijuana-selling "coffee shops" -- is as much of a draw as other attractions such as the Van Gogh museum or the Anne Frank House. Mayor Job Cohen said he had no plans to rid Amsterdam of prostitution but the concentration of sex in the city center was too high.
Labels: Boycott, Corruption, Dutch, Miscellaneous, Money Laundering
The Netherlands: 'Governmental
power of Aruba unsatisfactory'
power of Aruba unsatisfactory'
ORANJESTAD – The Netherlands wants a dialogue with Aruba about the differences in opinion on the desired autonomy and the governmental power of the island.
The Netherlands has noticed that 'regularly there are indications of governmental incidents' and the governmental power qualifies as unsatisfactory. Same arrangements on good governance must therefore be made with Aruba as with the Antillean islands on their way to a new political structure. This is stated in Chapter IV Kingdom Relations of the Dutch 2008 budget presented to the Dutch Parliament today. Aruban ministers have often declared themselves openly in favour of independence.
Justice-minister Rudy Croes (MEP) said that he is ashamed of his Dutch passport and that he prefers an Aruban one. Also Prime Minister Nelson Oduber had the word independence in his mouth recently, when the Plant NV deal failed. He even forbid his civil servants to take part in the negotiations regarding the new political structure of the Antilles.
In the meantime, the Aruban government seems to be seeking rapprochement again. The governor said last week during the opening of the new parliamentary session that the government strives for strengthening the ties with the partners within the Kingdom.
The Netherlands now wants a dialogue with Aruba to improve the island's government and tie this into conversations on political adjustment and conversations on the cooperation program that comes to an end in 2009.
However, Aruba would like the Netherlands to continue participating in the Fondo Desaroyo Aruba (FDA). But up till now, the Netherlands has been varying her expressions on this. There is a political deliberation on the continuation of the development relation in the fall of 2007.
The maintenance of law and order program is
part of this and will be included in the discussion.
part of this and will be included in the discussion.
Important point of interest is the immigration policy, according to the Netherlands. The support from the Netherlands for the public finances will continue. The dept-quote is anticipated to increase with one percent this year to 47.5 percent of the gross domestic product (BBP). The real growth in relation to the BBP is estimated on 1.5 to 2 percent. The Netherlands bases herself on the figures of the Central Bank of Aruba.
"As part of promoting the autonomy of the Kingdom partners, it is of great importance that the countries are not too dependent of third parties financially. This is expressed in a reduction of the debt-quote of both countries." The Netherlands is also of the opinion that thanks to a favourable economic development (Hello? Someone is in serious denial about that...unless they are talking about the money laundering, drug and sex trafficking...), the Aruban government can have the budget deficit under control with some specific measures.
As part of the political renewals, the Solidarity fund between the islands of the Neth.Antilles and Aruba will be canceled out. This is a financial benefit of 4 million euro for Aruba that can be put in the FDA.
Labels: Aruba Financials, Dutch, Miscellaneous, Nelson Oduber, Rudy Croes
September 17, 2007
May 30th, 2005 - The Cover Up Had Begun
The activities that were taking place on the Island of Aruba on May 30, 2005 involving Paulus, Joran, Deepak and Satish indicate that the cover up regarding crimes committed against Natalee Holloway were already in the implementation stages.
1. There are those who theorize that Joran van der Sloot was never at the beach with Natalee Holloway. Satish Kalpoe's attorney, Dave Kock, confirms that on the morning of May 30, 2005 cell phone records place Joran van der Sloot near the Marriot Hotel. Also, the gardener places Deepak and Joran across the street from the Marriot beach at 2:30 AM on the morning of May 30, 2005.
Dave Kock - On the Record w/ Greta - 08/26/05
GRETA VAN SUSTEREN: All right. So your client, 2 o'clock to 3 o'clock, is on the Internet at home. I've been in his room. I've seen the computer, or at least where it was. And he gets phone calls at 2:40 and 3 a.m. from Joran. Where do the cell records place the phone that Joran is using at 2:40 and 3 o'clock in the morning?
DAVID KOCK, SATISH KALPOE'S ATTORNEY:: Well, there's not an exact pinpoint indication, but the general area is the area here in north in Palm Beach of the hotel.
VAN SUSTEREN: So it looks like he's not home at that hour, but someplace near the Marriott, is that right?
KOCK: That is correct. He is in this neighborhood.
Carlos Ramos (Gardener) - Court Testimony - 08/15/05
On questions of the judge-commissar, the witness explains as follows:
RAMOS: I do not know Joran van der Sloot, Deepak Kalpoe and Satish Kalpoe.
1. Can you remind yourself the declaration, which you have taken off 22 July 2005 on around 19.25 compared with the police force?
2. Have you then spoken the truth?
RAMOS: I have explained what I have seen.
3. The witness is asked to make a situation drawing (make production 1). The witness gives to where the car of suspect stood and the route he took.
4. Did you see the face of the driver when you went past?
5. Did you recognize him with a photograph confrontation?
RAMOS: Yes, on the day that I gave a declaration at the police force they left me a photograph see from an illustrated magazine. That is the only photograph that they showed me.
6. Did you recognize the faces of the other persons in the car?
RAMOS: Yes, the face of the person who sat beside the driver. When I came past I saw, in the light of my car, that the person beside the driver had his head and face covered with his hands. I have recognized that person from his illustration (photo). You ask me how I recognized the driver who sat beside the man who screened its face? I have seen him in the light of my "in the light of" (van). He moved himself a bit to the back.
7. You have also recognized Deepak Kalpoe?
RAMOS: yes, on the same photograph which the police force showed me.
Beth Twitty - CNN LARRY KING LIVE - 02/23/06
BETH HOLLOWAY TWITTY: ... Deepak panicked. He panicked when the gardener gave that testimony. That very afternoon, he called an Aruban girl to help him establish an alibi. She, in turn, panicked. She called FBI. She dialed the 1-877-NATALEE number and told them that she did not want to be involved in this.
2. On the morning of May 30, 2005 was Paulus Van der Sloot summoned to the Marriot Beach area after Natalee Holloway died in the course of wrongdoings which involved his son? Did Paulus van der Sloot, with the assistance of others, move Natalee's body on the morning of May 30, 2005 to an undisclosed location? Was some thus far unknown “white vehicle” involved?
Jossy Mansur - NANCY GRACE - 07/29/05
MANSUR: there`s another witness that, before that, told someone that works at the hotels that he saw a white pick-up over there by the Holiday Inn, in which three persons were also in, all of them male, carrying what looked like the body of a girl, putting it in the back of the white pick-up and driving away with it.
David Mattingly: Cnn Correspondent - PAULA ZAHN NOW - 07/05/05
MATTINGLY: Defense attorneys for the Kalpoe brothers tonight confirmed to CNN that testimony from fishermen telling investigators that they didn't see a couple matching the description of Natalee Holloway and Joran van der Sloot on that beach the night that Natalee turned up missing. What they are saying is that they saw a white Suzuki on that beach …
Karl Penhaul: CNN Correspondent - NANCY GRACE - 07/14/05
PENHAUL: What the fishermen do, interestingly, say, though, is that sometime in the timeframe when they were there, they`re assuming sometime around 3:00 AM, that they saw a Jeep-type vehicle pull up near the beach. That was the only vehicle that they saw close to the beach, a Jeep-type vehicle.
T.J. Ward: Private Investigation - 'Rita Cosby Live & Direct' - 11/14/05
WARD: We think he has played a role in the cover up of her disappearance.
COSBY: How strong do you also still believe that the three boys played a role too from everything that you are getting?
WARD: We believe the boys are directly involved. And again, our theory is that something happened to Natalee, either where she stopped breathing, had a heart attack or whatever. And in the course of that happening, we think Paul Van der Sloot played a part in the after effect of that in the removal and concealing of Natalee Holloway.
Art Wood: Private Investigation - Sun Herald - 03/17/07
Wood told the more than 50 people who attended the Merrill Lynch-sponsored presentation about his experience in Aruba, where he believed three young men -- Joran van der Sloot, Deepak Kalpoe and Satish Kalpoe -- attempted to rape Holloway. In the process, he believed they accidentally killed her, then sought the advice of van der Sloot's prominent father to dispose of the body in the open ocean. Wood believed van der Sloot's father also used his connections to control the investigation. The case remains unsolved.
Gerold Dompig - 48 HOURS MYSTERY - 03/22/06
Dompig says he believes Paulus Van der Sloot does know more than he has been telling about the circumstances surrounding Holloway's disappearance.
Gerold Dompig - 48 HOURS MYSTERY - 03/22/06
The Aruban authorities’ new theory is that someone, someone possibly very close to the young suspects, took the time to carefully hide the body, not once but maybe twice, literally re-burying her.
Riehl World View - Thursday, June 16, 2005 at 04:53 AM
On Natalee's Yahoo forum there is a report that a helicopter is searching Santa Lucia area because according to the cell phone records of one of the three suspects there was a call in the Santa Lucia area at 6:30 am the morning Natalee was to have met up with the group to leave for airport.
3. Jossy Mansur conveys to Greta that the caretaker of the Fishermen's Huts located on the Marriott Beach reported that there was a break in on the morning that Natalee Holloway went missing. The items stolen were very significant when the disposal of a body is considered. Tim Miller claims that Gerold Dompig told him he believes that Natalee Holloway could have been put in the stolen fish trap and taken out to sea.
Jossy Mansur - On the Record w/ Greta - October 21, 2005
VAN SUSTEREN: Now, how big is this cage?
MANSUR: It is a big cage, it is a fish trap made with chicken coop wire. You know the ones that have the round holes in them? That’s pretty big.
VAN SUSTEREN: Could you put a body in it? Could you put someone 5’4” or 5’6” in it?
MANSUR: Jossy: Yes, you can.
VAN SUSTEREN: Was this reported…she disappeared on the 30th. When was this first reported missing?
MANSUR: It was reported to the police that same morning by the caretaker. The man who looks after the fishermen’s huts.
VAN SUSTEREN: So, it wasn’t because he had heard there was a missing person? It was just coincidentally I have a missing cage and reported it?
MANSUR: That is correct. He just told them there were a knife missing and a big fish trap missing.
Tim Miller/Gerold Dompig - KPRC Local 2 - 01/11/06
On Friday, EquuSearch founder Tim Miller and a deepwater search team from Florida will travel back to Aruba to search an area three to five miles off the island's coast that is between 800 to 1,000 feet deep, Miller told KPRC Local 2 that Aruba’s police commissioner told him that he feels Holloway might be inside a fish trap dropped deep into the water.
4. In Deepak Kalpoe's suspect statement of June 29, 2005 he concedes that he was creating internet chatter with a friend, John Charles Croes, on the morning of May 30, 2005 to obstruct the investigation into the disappearance of Natalee Holloway. How did Deepak know that there was going to be an investigation? Natalee Holloway had yet to be reported missing.
Deepak Kalpoe - Suspect Statement - 06/11/05
To your question as to how late we got home, I can say the following. We arrived home approximately 02.20 hours.
When we got home Satish immediately went to bed. I had switched on the television. I had also turned on the computer in my room. I went and chatted with a friend of mine on “MSN”. His name is John Charles Croes. I had told the afore mentioned CROES during the chat that we had gone out and that I was waiting for a friend of mine because I had dropped him off on the street together with a girl.
After having chatted with John I went into the living room and watched TV.
Deepak Kalpoe - Suspect Statement - 06/29/05
You are telling me that John Charles CROES has stated that I wrote while I was chatting with him that I had written that the girl had put her hands in/down my pants, I can say the following. I did this to frustrate/mess up the investigation.
The purpose of the chat traffic was to help the police and the Office of the DA with regard to the investigation so that they could see that I was indeed home in the night from Sunday to Monday.
5. After claiming in his witness statement of June 18, 2005 that he had slept "solidly" through the night of May 30, 2005, Paulus van der Sloot concedes that he may have used his phone.
Paulus van der Sloot - Witness Statement - 06/18/05
On May 30th 2005, in the nightly hours, I did not pick up Joran from anywhere. I slept solidly through the night without waking up. On May 30th in the hours of the morning, I did not notice anything different/out of the ordinary with Joran.
Greta Van Susteren - On the Record /w Greta - 07/03/05
VAN SUSTEREN: I am most anxious to find out if there was e-mail traffic or phone traffic among the three in custody in the early morning hours of May 30. I am also curious whether Paul van der Sloot used his phone between midnight and 7 a.m. on May 30. He told me no... he told the Dutch TV correspondent on camera no... but after the interview with the Dutch TV correspondent, he pulled him aside and said maybe he did make a call and that he was not sure. Honest mistake or does he fear to be in conflict with phone records now in custody of the police? These questions answered would be, in my mind, a huge jump forward in trying to sort out what did or did not happen.
6. In Rita Cosby and Nancy Grace interviews Beth Twitty claims that Paulus van der Sloot stated on the morning of May 31, 2005 that he had picked up Joran/them (?) at McDonalds at 4:00 AM on the morning of May 30, 2005. Paulus adamantly refutes Beth's words. However, Karin Janssen's official position within the investigation would indicate that she was deriving from a foundational knowledge when she stated that investigators suspected Paulus of being involved in Natalee's disappearance. Then in January 2007, the Superior Court ruled against compensation for Paulus van der Sloot in a wrongful detention lawsuit. The ruling stated that Paulus' detention was justified as his own declaration stated that he had picked up Joran and Natalee at McDonalds on the morning of May 30, 2005.
Beth Twitty - 'Rita Cosby Live & Direct' - 03/21/06
TWITTY: ... He had initially told the witnesses that he himself had picked up Joran Van Der Sloot at 4:00 a.m. on the night of the 30th. But he later changed it about three weeks into the investigation that he did not pick up Joran at 4:00 a.m. on the 30th.
Beth Twitty - NANCY GRACE - 08/12/05
BETH HOLLOWAY TWITTY: And the night that we arrived on the island -- you know, Jug does not misinterpret a 4:00 AM time pickup to 11:00 PM. I mean, Paulus Van Der Sloot stated that he picked them up at 4:00 AM on May the 30th. Then -- we don`t know who they were, but then even as far as June 16 and June 17, Mr. Van Der Sloot was still stating this 4:00 AM pickup. Only until around -- maybe it was when he was picked up or arrested did he change it to 11:00 PM that I had knowledge of.
Karin Janssen - USA TODAY - 06/30/05
“They spoke about the situation that when there is no body you don’t have a case, and that was already in the first day after the disappearance,” Janssen said. Janssen said that the elder van der Sloot had obstructed the investigation by asking a friend of Joran, who had been interrogated by police, what he had told them. Janssen told MSNBC that he was arrested because investigators believed he was also a suspect in the disappearance.
Superior Court - January, 2007
" ... The tapped information and his declaration that he picked up Joran and Natalee by the McDonalds Palm Beach and brought them to the Holiday Inn, are clearly understood by the Dept. of Justice, and could in the judgment of this Superior Court, be considered as an indication of the involvement of Paulus in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway."
7. Is there a Steve Croes and Geoffrey Van Comvoirt connection in regards to the assistance that Paulus Van der Sloot may have received if he was instrumental in moving the body Natalee Holloway from the Marriot Beach area on the morning of May 30, 2005? Steve Croes involved himself in the Natalee Holloway case by providing a false alibi for Joran, Deepak and Satish. Geoffrey Van Comvoirt's association with the Visibility Police/Beach Patrol would afford him access to a "white pickup". Also, Steve Croes and Geoffrey Van Comvoirt representation by the same attorney was sanctioned by Karin Janssen while she considered a similar situation a conflict of interest in regards to the security guards.
Beth Twitty - On the Record w/ Greta - 04/18/2006
TWITTY: .... And when I think of Joran van der Sloot and when I think of Steven Croes and I think of this new suspect (GVC) and the lies that were coming out early, very early, the moment we arrived on the island, if we find out that these three suspects are acquaintances or know each other — somebody needs to connect the dots. I mean, there certainly is a reason why Steven Croes came forward early on and stated, lied to the authorities that he had seen the two security guards taking Natalee. You know, people don't just do that for no reason, Greta. Somebody needs to connect the dots on those three, if they know each other.
Beth Twitty - NBC13 - 04/19/06
Natalee's mother, Beth Twitty, said she is hearing another story. " ... I'm hearing he (GVC) is also an acquaintance of Stephen Croes," Twitty said. Croes is a party boat disc jockey who was arrested early on in Natalee's case. He backed up van der Sloot's first story about dropping Natalee off at a Holiday Inn. "I have a feeling all of these suspects are tied together in some way," Twitty said.
John Kelly - On the Record w/ Greta - 04/19/05
KELLY: I know that's the situation. It's a woman, and that is the person who represented Croes and would be representing this individual now. And actually, Ms. Janssen, when I talked to her today, she was just getting ready to turn over the dossier to "G.V.C.'s" attorney for review before they did go into court.
VAN SUSTEREN: Then it's bizarre that this lawyer would represent both Steve Croes and GVC because at least here in the United States, I think most lawyers would say that there is a potential for conflict of interest and a lawyer shouldn't be representing both.
KELLY: I think that's right ......
Chris Lejez - ASSOCIATED PRESS - 06/11/05
Lejuez dropped John as a client per a request from the prosecutor, who said it's not ethical for him to represent both clients.
Chris Lejuez - NANCY GRACE - 06/07/05
LEJUEZ: I have been the defense attorney for both of them for the last two days. But as of tomorrow, I will be only for one of them, because apparently there will be a conflict of interest in defending them both. This has been told to me by the public prosecutor, so I will be resigning from one of the cases.
8. In Freddy's June 12, 2005 witness statement he reveals that Joran conveyed the Holiday Inn fabrication to him on the afternoon of May 30, 2005. This communication would imply that Joran was well aware that something had happened to Natalee Holloway, and this was hours before her family arrived to begin looking for her.
Freddy Zedan - Witness Statement - 06/12/05
Monday afternoon on the 30th, Joran came to my house. He told me that the previous day, Sunday, he had befriended a girl in the Holiday Inn casino and that she had invited him to come to Carlos and Charlies that evening.
After that they drove to the hotel. When the girl had pushed open the door of the car, she fell to the ground. Joran wanted to help her but she shoved him away. (....)
The next day, Tuesday May 31st 2005 in the afternoon, I was with Joran at the raquetclub.
Joran's Book - Translation Credit: Rammstein9. One of the security guards, Mickey John, claims in the Greta interview of June 29, 2005 that while detained Deepak told him that Paulus was involved in the collaboration of the Holiday Inn fabrication. This would imply that the collaboration must have taken place on May 30, 2005.
Mickey John - On the Record /w Greta - 06/29/05
JOHN: He (Deepak) said a story being made up about dropping the girl of at a Holiday Inn, was all something being made up. He, and the Dutch guy, and the Dutch guy's father, they sit and made up the story.
10. Jan van der Straten concedes to Nancy Grace on June 2, 2005 that Natalee Holloway had been reported missing on the morning of May 30, 2005. It could be assumed that the report would have included descriptions of Joran, Deepak and Satish as well as Deepak's vehicle.
Jan Van Stratten - NANCY GRACE - 06/02/05
GRACE: Commissioner Jan Van Derstraten is with us from Aruba. Commissioner, when exactly was she reported missing?
VANDERSTRATEN: She was reported missing on Monday morning.
11. The implication of the prosecutor's words to Dan Abrams is that on May 30, 2005 Paulus van der Sloot was already giving Joran, Deepak and Satish legal advice.
Karin Janssen - ‘The Abrams Report’ - June 30, 2005
JANSSEN: The father has spoken with those three suspects, and he said he give them some legal advice, but I think the advices were going further than that. They spoke about the situation that when there is no body, you don‘t have a case. And that was already in the first day after the disappearance.
12. Prior to Jug and Beth Twitty's arrival on the Island of Aruba, certain happenings of May 30, 2005 would imply that someone within Aruban Law Enforcement was assisting Joran, Deepak and Satish in getting their stories straight regarding their encounter with Natalee Holloway.
On July 12, 2005 Anita Van der Sloot stated in a Joe Scarborough interview that Joran was picked up from school by police on Monday, May 30, 2005. Joran has never implied in interviews or declarations that he was ever picked up by police for questioning.
Anita Van der Sloot - 'Scarborough Country' - 07/12/05
ANITA VAN DER SLOOT: He hasn't told me anything, because, on the Monday, he went to school, like any normal boy. And he wasn't aware of—he was totally surprised when the police asked him to come to the—or picked him up for interrogation. He was totally surprised. He really thought that the girl would be safe in the hotel and there was no reason to talk about her at all.”
Deepak Kalpoe claims in his official statement of June 10, 2005 that he vacuumed his vehicle prior to picking up Joran Van der Sloot on Sunday May 29, 2005. He also states that he remembers telling interrogators at Bubali on May 31, 2005 that his vehicle was very clean because he had vacuumed his car the prior evening. This would imply Deepak was questioned by police at Bubali station on May 30, 2005.
Deepak Kalpoe - Suspect Statement - 06/09/05
He then asked me whether I wanted to go with to "Carlos & Charlies", because he had met a few girls and wanted to meet them again in "Carlos & Charlies". I agreed and told him that I would pick him up later. A little before 23.00 hours I drove home. I ate something at home together with my brother Satish and after that I vacuumed the carpet on the inside of my car. After I finished vacuuming I went and took a shower. A little before 0.00 hours I drove to Joran's house. Joran lives on the address Montanja 19.
Deepak Kalpoe - Suspect Statement - 06/10/05
To your question whether I can remember the day when I was summoned to the police station at Bubali, I can say the following. Yes I remember that day. You are telling to me that my car looked very clean on that day. About that I can state the following, I had vacuumed my car the previous day.
On June 29, 2005 in a secretly recorded conversation in a police van, Satish Kalpoe conveys to Joran that he told police about the choller in his first police statement. Satish's witness statement of May 31, 2005 has been revealed and there is no mention of the choller. It can be assumed that the first statement Satish is referring to must have been taken on May 30, 2005.
Satish Kalpoe - Leaked Police Vehicle Recording - 06/29/05
Joran: (to Deepak) Then you're going to tell shit about the choller. I have helped you with that that shit of the choller friend.
Deepak: And, I also said that.
Joran: That I have not read. I have also read that statement.
Satish: That of the chollers was from me. I have already told that before. I have also said that in my first statement.
13. Paul Reynolds implied that Paulus was implicated in Joran, Deepak and Satish's original statements. Considering that Deepak and Satish's May 31, 2005 witness statements do not implicate Paulus, it can be assumed that Natalee's uncle is referring to not yet revealed statements taken on May 30, 2005.
Paul Reynolds - 'Scarborough Country' - 08/26/05
REYNOLDS: Well, we certainly think they know more, but we think all three are involved. We think Joran and Deepak and Satish are all involved. And, you know, we still think the father was at least involved in the cover-up. And that‘s based on the statements that the boys gave in the beginning.
14. Joran claims in his suspect statement of June 14, 2005 that he played tennis on the evening of May 30, 2005. However, upon investigation, Art Wood discovered the contrary. Joran concedes in his book that he never did play tennis that day. Was the tennis game meant to be a cover regarding the real reason Joran was at the Racquet Ball club? Was there an arranged meeting with friends to discuss an American citizen named Natalee Holloway? Was there activity involving a boat?
Joran van der Sloot - Suspect Statement - 06/14/05
On Monday, May 30th 2005, I did not talk to anyone at school about having left behind Natalee. At approximately 17.00 pm, I was dropped off by my father at the Raquet Club. Between the hours of 17.00 pm and 18.00 pm I was in the gym. I was talking there with "Koen" nickname "Cul". We spoke that it was cowardly/weak and that no one was there. My tennis lesson was between the hours of 18.00 pm and 19.00 pm. According to me I was not called by anyone during that time. I had also made no calls myself. Approximately 19.00 pm, I was ready with playing tennis. I showered in the clubhouse
Art Wood - NATIONAL ENQUIRER - 01/06/06
The dramatic new line of investigation revolves around the timeline of May 30, starting about 18 hours after Natalee vanished. There are several unexplained missing hours during which authorities believe that her body was dumped at sea. Former U.S. Secret Service agent Art Wood, who spent months on the island investigating the case, told The National Enquirer: "Joran told police that he played tennis with a friend during the evening hours. And the pal backed up his alibi. But when I investigated the Racquet Club I found that Joran had never played tennis there that night."
Joran van der Sloot - Joran's Book
Paul drops Joran off at the RC at 6:15, but none of his friends are there so he doesn't feel like playing tennis. He gives his trainer an excuse and goes to the gym where he meets Koen. They talk a while and then they ask Andre, David, and Joran's tennis buddy "Marco" (Guido) if they want to play poker at the Wyndham. Marco says he has to work until 10:00 in the HI casino. Andre says his dad will join them in the game. Joran calls Paul and asks permission, saying Marco will bring him home after, Paul says OK. Joran takes off his tennis shoes and puts on flip flops. He walks from the RC past the Salinja to the beach, then via the beach he reaches the Wyndham at 6:45 (Note: book doesn't mention looking for his shoes).
Rick Segall/Dave Holloway - America's Most Wanted (AMW) - 04/11/06
Police have told Dave that the night after Natalee's disappearance, a boat was launched from an input just down the beach from the Holiday Inn where Natalee stayed.
15. Joran states in his June 14, 2005 suspect statement that on the evening of May 30, 2005, he did not walk past the Fisherman's Hut on his way to the Wyndham to check if Natalee was "still lying there". Why would Joran entertain the thought that Natalee may be "still lying there" eighteen hours after he left her? The implication is that Joran knew full well that Natalee was deceased.
Joran Van der Sloot - Suspect Statement - June 14, 2005
At approximately 19.15 pm I left on foot for the Wyndham Hotel. I was alone. My tennis gear I had left behind the bar at the Raquet club. I had also removed my tennis shoes and left them in the bag behind. I had taken from my tennis bag a pair of slippers and walked away on those. From the clubhouse I walked in the direction of Salinja to the Marriot Hotel. I walked along the same route that Deepak had taken to drop off me and Natalee. At the beach of the Marriot I tried for a little while to find my shoes. They were nowhere to be found. I looked for about two minutes. Then I walked over the beach to the Wyndham Hotel. On the way there I saw a lot of people. I did not go to Fisherman's Hut to see if Natalee was still lying there.
16. Following Jug and Beth Twitty's arrival on the Island on the evening of May 30, 2005, Charles Croes of Aruba Phones was contacted at 11:30 PM by a "major friend" who required assistance pertaining to cell phone information that related to a missing Natalee Holloway. On June 30, 2005 Charles Croes conveyed to Greta that following a 1:30 AM meeting with the Twittys he drove to the cabana area near the Holiday Inn to check whether Natalee was there. Byran Burrough states in the Vanity Fair article that Charles Croes claims he drove to the California lighthouse. Why would it cross Charles Croes mind that Natalee Holloway could possibly have connections to either of these areas – and why would Mr Croes change the location? Could it be that Charles Croes was conversing with Paulus and Joran at the VDS residence following the initial contact with a "major friend" and prior to the late night meeting with the Twittys?
Charles Croes - On the Record w/Greta - 06/30/05
C. CROES: After that, we spoke a while. And then we left that location with the intention of going to the Holiday Inn to continue meeting. On the way there, a young man and I were sitting in my car. And on the way there, instinctively, I wanted to go to drive off, pull over to the cabana area, just to look to see if perhaps she was there.
Bryan Burrough - Vanity Fair: Nightmare in Paradise - 01/02/06
Croes, meanwhile, drove north up the beach road and, just below the lighthouse, found a group of teenagers drinking cheap wine.
Charles Croes - One Happy Island: Visit Aruba - 06/02/05
There are issues in this case that can go beyond the obvious in their implications.
It will take time for all the information regarding this lovely child to come out. Some of it will be hard to handle and some of it will be expected. With regards to the family of this missing child, my prayers are with you.
I was with them on the first night they arrived to ARuba (looking for their daughter) from midnight until 5:30 AM and have kept in touch. In my opinion, this issue has far reaching implications for all those involved.
It will take time for all the information regarding this lovely child to come out. Some of it will be hard to handle and some of it will be expected. With regards to the family of this missing child, my prayers are with you.
I was with them on the first night they arrived to ARuba (looking for their daughter) from midnight until 5:30 AM and have kept in touch. In my opinion, this issue has far reaching implications for all those involved.
I wish all of us strength
These facts beg the question of why Aruban authorities have yet to prosecute these four criminals in this case?
How can four suspects in a kidnapping, rape, and murder investigation go unchallenged when it is apparent they all knew something had happened to Ms Holloway, and were taking steps to hide that fact before they could have logically known she was missing?
How can four suspects in a kidnapping, rape, and murder investigation go unchallenged when it is apparent they all knew something had happened to Ms Holloway, and were taking steps to hide that fact before they could have logically known she was missing?
Natalee and her family deserve justice, and we will not let up until they have it!
Natalee’s Freebirds
September 14, 2007
After examining all the legal angles of the Kalpoe/Dr. Phil case I decided get some legal advice from Steven Snider, a criminal defense attorney out of Atlanta, Georgia.
If the Plaintiffs (Kalpoes, et al.) do not come up with the discovery as required, the Defendants (Dr. Phil, et al.) can move to dismiss the case. Most likely the judge will grant the motion and order the case to be dismissed with prejudice. If this happens and the Kalpoes are in default, can Dr. Phil's attorneys file a motion with the Court ordering the Kalpoes pay their (Dr. Phil's) attorney fees? Am I correct?
Steven Snider:
Yes. That is only if Dr. Phil's attorneys wish to pursue that. In order to do so they would have to file a motion with the Court showing this was a frivolous lawsuit, had no merit, and was a waste of the Court's time and taxpayers money. If the Judge agrees to the motion, he/she has the SOLE DISCRETION to order that the Kalpoes PAY Dr. Phil's attorney fees.
Not to mention they could responsible for their OWN attorney fees, right? (Unless someone was paying their bill all along, but I'm rooting for contingency.)
Steven Snider:
It is depends on what has been stipulated by the Court and how the parties wish to handle it. But yes, in the worst case scenario those boys are screwed.
(Jumping with elation...) YES! If the Kalpoes were taken on as clients under contingency that means the Kalpoe attorneys fronted all the money to put this lawsuit in place: the filing fees, man/woman hours putting the case together, money spent on phone calls, faxes, copies, retrieving records, etc. That adds up $$$ and they will want to recoup you know attorneys want their MONEY!
If the Plaintiffs (Kalpoes, et al.) do not come up with the discovery as required, the Defendants (Dr. Phil, et al.) can move to dismiss the case. Most likely the judge will grant the motion and order the case to be dismissed with prejudice. If this happens and the Kalpoes are in default, can Dr. Phil's attorneys file a motion with the Court ordering the Kalpoes pay their (Dr. Phil's) attorney fees? Am I correct?
Steven Snider:
Yes. That is only if Dr. Phil's attorneys wish to pursue that. In order to do so they would have to file a motion with the Court showing this was a frivolous lawsuit, had no merit, and was a waste of the Court's time and taxpayers money. If the Judge agrees to the motion, he/she has the SOLE DISCRETION to order that the Kalpoes PAY Dr. Phil's attorney fees.
Not to mention they could responsible for their OWN attorney fees, right? (Unless someone was paying their bill all along, but I'm rooting for contingency.)
Steven Snider:
It is depends on what has been stipulated by the Court and how the parties wish to handle it. But yes, in the worst case scenario those boys are screwed.
(Jumping with elation...) YES! If the Kalpoes were taken on as clients under contingency that means the Kalpoe attorneys fronted all the money to put this lawsuit in place: the filing fees, man/woman hours putting the case together, money spent on phone calls, faxes, copies, retrieving records, etc. That adds up $$$ and they will want to recoup you know attorneys want their MONEY!
Thanks for your time Steven! Aruban Boycott may ask you to come back again to explain some other procedural issues as they arise.
September 12, 2007
Bottom line: If Deepak et al does not come up with their "discovery" to show CBS, et al, then their suit will most likely be DISSED AND DISMISSED.
How'd ya like that Kalpoes? Did you know that if you lose or dismiss a civil suit with prejudice YOU are responsible for attorney fees? Wonder who is paying your bill?
Judge Gives Dr. Phil,
CBS Access To Holloway Files
(CBS) LOS ANGELES Lawyers for CBS Television and "Dr. Phil" McGraw can have access to e-mails and Aruban documents about two brothers arrested, then released, in the disappearance of Alabama teenager Natalee Holloway, according to a ruling obtained Wednesday.
Deepak and Satish Kalpoe allege they were defamed in a Sept. 15, 2005, "Dr. Phil" show during which it was alleged that they gave Holloway a date-rape drug and had non-consensual group sex with her. The episode also implied the siblings helped kill Holloway and dispose of her body, according to court papers.
Ferns stated it is not important that the majority of the documents sought by CBS and McGraw attorneys are in the hands of Aruban authorities.
"Most, if not all documents originated in Aruba, simply because that is where Natalee Holloway went missing and where the criminal investigation arose," Ferns stated. "The competing policies of California and Aruba would not be undermined by production (of the documents)."
Attorneys for CBS and McGraw maintain they need the information to refute the Kalpoes' defamation suit filed last Dec. 13. But lawyers for the brothers say much of the information the defense wants is in the hands of Aruban authorities, who they say have refused to release it until the investigation is complete into Holloway's disappearance.
Holloway was vacationing with friends on the Caribbean island resort when the 18-year-old vanished the night of May 30, 2005.
The Kalpoes and another Aruban resident, Joran van der Sloot, were arrested in the girl's disappearance but later released.
The Kalpoes and van der Sloot have maintained that they were not involved in her disappearance. They denied rumors and allegations they had sex with her.
Attorneys for CBS and McGraw claim documents exist showing the Kalpoes admitted to both Aruban authorities and to van der Sloot that they had sex with Holloway.
In a separate declaration to Aruban police, van der Sloot said "that he thought ... Deepak Kalpoe had raped the girl and thereupon murdered her," according to the defense's court papers.
The CBS/McGraw lawyers also want copies of all e-mails between the Kalpoes and other people regarding the case.
Edmund J. Siegert, an attorney for the Kalpoes, said during the Aug. 30 hearing that he is "between the old proverbial rock and a hard place" because his ability to comply with Ferns' order is dependent upon what Aruban authorities decide to give him.
"No one wants to thumb their noses at any of the institutions here," Siegert said. "I'm trying to balance ... and not get anyone in trouble with any tribunal."
"When it helps them they will solicit statements from authorities in Aruba about this case," Babcock said.
In another ruling today Ferns has now made final, the judge denied a motion by the CBS/McGraw attorneys to dismiss the estate of private investigator Jamie Skeeters as a defendant in the lawsuit.
The Kalpoes allege that associates of McGraw sent Skeeters to Aruba to develop material for a segment of the show dealing with the Holloway case.
Skeeters, using a family friend and co-worker of Deepak Kalpoe, gained his confidence by saying he could help exonerate both Kalpoes of any wrongdoing in the Holloway case, the suit states.
Skeeters then secretly videotaped and recorded an interview with Deepak, according to the suit. Part of the interview was broadcast during the "Dr. Phil" segment, including statements the suit maintains were "significantly manipulated and altered."
Skeeters died Jan. 24.
In addition to defamation, the Kalpoes' suit alleges invasion of privacy, emotional distress, fraud, deceit and civil conspiracy.
The CBS/McGraw lawyers maintain the Kalpoes are public figures who are obligated to show the defendants knew the statements during the "Dr. Phil" episode were false, or that they acted in reckless disregard for the truth.
A case management conference is set for Nov. 7.
On June 1, another judge dismissed a wrongful death case against the Kalpoes by Holloway's parents, ruling the Los Angeles Superior Court did not have jurisdiction. The parents maintained the brothers conceded jurisdiction when they filed their lawsuit in Los Angeles against CBS and McGraw
Deepak and Satish Kalpoe allege they were defamed in a Sept. 15, 2005, "Dr. Phil" show during which it was alleged that they gave Holloway a date-rape drug and had non-consensual group sex with her. The episode also implied the siblings helped kill Holloway and dispose of her body, according to court papers.
Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Edward A. Ferns issued a 12-page ruling Friday that upheld the tentative ruling he reached in favor of CBS and the celebrity doctor before he took the case under submission Aug. 30.
"The documents are relevant to the most fundamental issues in this case," Ferns stated. "There is no other (information) which can substitute for the documents sought by the defendants due to the nature of this case."
Ferns stated it is not important that the majority of the documents sought by CBS and McGraw attorneys are in the hands of Aruban authorities.
"Most, if not all documents originated in Aruba, simply because that is where Natalee Holloway went missing and where the criminal investigation arose," Ferns stated. "The competing policies of California and Aruba would not be undermined by production (of the documents)."
Attorneys for CBS and McGraw maintain they need the information to refute the Kalpoes' defamation suit filed last Dec. 13. But lawyers for the brothers say much of the information the defense wants is in the hands of Aruban authorities, who they say have refused to release it until the investigation is complete into Holloway's disappearance.
Holloway was vacationing with friends on the Caribbean island resort when the 18-year-old vanished the night of May 30, 2005.
The Kalpoes and another Aruban resident, Joran van der Sloot, were arrested in the girl's disappearance but later released.
The Kalpoes and van der Sloot have maintained that they were not involved in her disappearance. They denied rumors and allegations they had sex with her.
Attorneys for CBS and McGraw claim documents exist showing the Kalpoes admitted to both Aruban authorities and to van der Sloot that they had sex with Holloway.
In a separate declaration to Aruban police, van der Sloot said "that he thought ... Deepak Kalpoe had raped the girl and thereupon murdered her," according to the defense's court papers.
The CBS/McGraw lawyers also want copies of all e-mails between the Kalpoes and other people regarding the case.
Edmund J. Siegert, an attorney for the Kalpoes, said during the Aug. 30 hearing that he is "between the old proverbial rock and a hard place" because his ability to comply with Ferns' order is dependent upon what Aruban authorities decide to give him.
"No one wants to thumb their noses at any of the institutions here," Siegert said. "I'm trying to balance ... and not get anyone in trouble with any tribunal."
But defense attorney Charles L. Babcock said during the same hearing that the lawyers for the Kalpoes were being "duplicitous" in their arguments because Aruban authorities have often discussed the Holloway case in the media.
"When it helps them they will solicit statements from authorities in Aruba about this case," Babcock said.
In another ruling today Ferns has now made final, the judge denied a motion by the CBS/McGraw attorneys to dismiss the estate of private investigator Jamie Skeeters as a defendant in the lawsuit.
The Kalpoes allege that associates of McGraw sent Skeeters to Aruba to develop material for a segment of the show dealing with the Holloway case.
Skeeters, using a family friend and co-worker of Deepak Kalpoe, gained his confidence by saying he could help exonerate both Kalpoes of any wrongdoing in the Holloway case, the suit states.
Skeeters then secretly videotaped and recorded an interview with Deepak, according to the suit. Part of the interview was broadcast during the "Dr. Phil" segment, including statements the suit maintains were "significantly manipulated and altered."
Skeeters died Jan. 24.
In addition to defamation, the Kalpoes' suit alleges invasion of privacy, emotional distress, fraud, deceit and civil conspiracy.
The CBS/McGraw lawyers maintain the Kalpoes are public figures who are obligated to show the defendants knew the statements during the "Dr. Phil" episode were false, or that they acted in reckless disregard for the truth.
A case management conference is set for Nov. 7.
On June 1, another judge dismissed a wrongful death case against the Kalpoes by Holloway's parents, ruling the Los Angeles Superior Court did not have jurisdiction. The parents maintained the brothers conceded jurisdiction when they filed their lawsuit in Los Angeles against CBS and McGraw
September 07, 2007
**Natalee's Freebirds rule...thanks for posting this great article!

When one looks over the pattern of her involvement in the Natalee Holloway case, we have to ask did Karin Janssen do a "friend a favor" or purposely buy time for the suspects to rehearse their lies, erase all evidence, change statements, allow some statements to become missing and therefore was she directly involved in a cover-up?
We remember it was Karin Janssen that asked the most unfathomable questions of Beth:
- If she was related to Hitler
- About life insurance policies
All the while maintaining a position of non-disclosure to the family that were so desperate to know what happened to the victim in this case, their daughter Natalee.
What did Karin Janssen know before she had the security guards arrested?
Early on, Karin Janssen knew that not only was Natalee never returned to her hotel, and that given this fact, the "black security guard" described by Joran, Deepak and Satish could not possibly have existed, since surveillance and hotel employee witnesses all indicated that no sign of Natalee was ever recorded, nor any of the other descriptions fabricated by the Kalpoes and Joran.
Beth Twitty - MSNBC
TWITTY: ….. within 72 hours, we knew that their first story was totally fabricated, that within the first 72 hours, I faced a room of 12 -- at least 12 detectives, Aruban and Dutch detectives, and a lead detective, Dennis Jacobs (ph), and they knew after we reviewed video footage from the Holiday Inn casino lobby that my daughter had never been brought back to the Holiday Inn. They knew that those suspects were fabricating a story from day one.
Holiday Inn employees say security cameras did not record Holloway's return. A Holiday Inn guard who worked the overnight shift that day said he did not see her, said Pietersz, who said she reviewed the guard's statement to police.,2933,159252,00.html
This officer in the same fox article sent earlier, states that the investigation shows Natalee NEVER returned
Karin Janssen knew that neither John nor Jones were working as security guards during the time frame that Joran, Deepak and Satish claimed to have dropped Natalee off at the Holiday Inn hotel. She also knew that the descriptions given by Joran, Deepak and Satish of clothing they claimed the "dark skinned" guard wore was not anything remotely close to what Holiday Inn security guards wore. Yet, Karin Janssen ignored these discrepancies and had the security guards arrested claiming she had evidence.
June 9, 2005 (1 Guard in 2 boys statement)
PIETERSZ: And, the two guys now suspect, that they said they saw a security guard walking up to Natalee according to the statement of the two witnesses around, I assume, 2 o`clock. And that never could be my client because he wasn`t even working. So he was not wearing a uniform.
It can be concluded that given all the information Karin Janssen had available to her, the notion that there was good "cause for suspicion" was knowingly false, and the fact that the guards were still pursued, in light of ALE and prosecutors knowing that no drop off ever occurred, suggests collusion between the ALE and Karin Janssen for the sole purpose of denying Natalee's family the truth of what had been inflicted upon their child, and covering up for the real perpetrators: Joran van der Sloot, Deepak Kalpoe, Satish Kalpoe and Paulus van der Sloot.
Prior to their arrest, Karin Janssen did not investigate John and Jones, she knew the three last seen taking Natalee had lied, and yet went forward with their arrest. After which she took yet another curious step by requesting that the attorney representing both the Security Guards, Chris Lejuez, drop Mickey Johns as a client.
Lejuez dropped John as a client per a request from the prosecutor, who said “it's not ethical for him to represent both clients.",2933,159006,00.html
Why he was asked by Prosecutor to drop one of the Security Guards?,2933,159252,00.html
Two large double standards from this turn of events by Karin Janssen were Paulus van der Sloot being allowed to represent his son and the Kalpoe brothers, and both suspects Steve Croes and Geoffry van Cromvoirt were represented by the same attorney as well – neither scenario warranted the objection by Janssen that the security guards’ legal representation did.
“The father of one of the men is a local attorney on the island and is representing all three of them.”
VAN SUSTEREN: John, what I heard a little bit earlier today from someone I spoke to in Aruba is that the lawyer for "G.V.C." is also the lawyer — it's a woman — who represented Steve Croes, who is the man who came forward with the false alibi to the police which supported lie number one of Deepak, Satish and Joran. Do you know anything about the lawyer representing both Steve Croes and now "G.V.C."?
KELLY: I know that's the situation. It's a woman, and that is the person who represented Croes and would be representing this individual now. And actually, Ms. Janssen, when I talked to her today, she was just getting ready to turn over the dossier to "G.V.C.'s" attorney for review before they did go into court.
VAN SUSTEREN: Then it's bizarre that this lawyer would represent both Steve Croes and GVC because at least here in the United States, I think most lawyers would say that there is a potential for conflict of interest and a lawyer shouldn't be representing both.,2933,192309,00.html
Why did Karin Janssen withhold Joran van der Sloot’s statement from the security guards’ attorney claiming it to be irrelevant to his clients, while turning over the Kalpoe brother’s statements when reportedly Joran’s statement contained the same lie?
CHRIS LEJUEZ, ATTORNEY FOR ABRAHAM JONES: Nancy, I have seen only the statements of two of the three men. The evidence that I got, the documentation, the files that I received from the prosecutor’s office contained only two of the statements.
My colleague has asked the prosecutor why only the two, not the one of the Dutch boy? She was told by the prosecutor, at least by the prosecutor’s office, that that statement would not be relevant to the case of her suspect, her client.
...Well, both the statement that I’ve read from two of this young boys state very clearly that they dropped her off at the hotel at approximately 2 o’clock in the morning. She got out of the car. She was under the influence of alcohol. And then they saw her walk through the front door of the hotel inside the lobby.
Why was a known drug dealer – Xavier “Boeti” Naar, brother to the lead investigator Dompig and cousin to the Kalpoe brothers – brought in to help implicate the falsely arrested security guards?
TWITTY: ….. First of all, it started out with Dennis Jacobs (ph), the lead narcotics agent on the island of Aruba, who was working with Booti to get him to implicate the two security guards.
In order for Joran and the Kalpoe brothers to continue to be detained, Janssen had to present evidence to the judge for each hearing to determine continued detainment.
- Surveillance tapes of the Holiday Inn and Excelsior Casino
- Signed statements from suspects
- Joran and Deepak's computers, cell phone records, msn messages
Monday, May 30, 2005
Gardner's testimony states he saw the three suspects in the car near the pond. The gardener places the three suspects at a location different from where they had stated.
June 5:
Aruba Police Find Blood-Soaked Mattress
Aruba Police Find Blood-Soaked Mattress
June 6, 2005:
VCB Security Shirt and
sunglasses found Colony area
VCB Security Shirt and
sunglasses found Colony area
June 11, 2005
Empty grave found
Empty grave found
June 15, 2005
Panties and condom found by Albert Vrojlek
Panties and condom found by Albert Vrojlek,2933,159601,00.html
July 6, 2005
Bone found by tourist
Bone found by tourist
July 18, 2005
Duct tape with blonde hair found
Duct tape with blonde hair found,2933,162966,00.html
July 24, 2005
Blue fabric found
Blue fabric found
August 2, 2005
Missing Shoes
Missing Shoes
ORANJESTAD, Aruba (CNN) — Aruban authorities investigating the disappearance of Alabama teenager Natalee Holloway are looking for a pair of size-14 tennis shoes that suspect Joran van der Sloot might have lost, a police official said."He says he might have lost a pair of sneakers on the beach the night Natalee disappeared," said lead police investigator Roy Tromp. "That's what he claims in one of his many statements
Beth Twitty: Natalee’s mother was provided a positive statement that there was blood on one of Joran’s tennis shoes.
August 15, 2005
Arm bone found in Venezuela
Arm bone found in Venezuela
August 26, 2005
Pornographic pictures which led to the arrest of Freddy and re-arrest of Kalpoes "new facts and circumstances" led them to re-arrest Satish Kalpoe, 18 and brother Deepak, 21.
How was Karin Janssen able to complete the paperwork correctly for the search of the security guards’ residences, but not for the van der Sloot’s home?
Aruban police in unmarked cars accompanied by FBI agents made a pre-dawn raid at 5 a.m. Sunday, rousting two suspects aged 28 and 30 from their beds.
An AP photographer watched as the rumpled men — one from the De Vuiyst housing project for poorer islanders and another from an average home in southeast San Nicolas — emerged without resistance, hands cuffed behind their backs.
Police searched the homes and emerged with what looked like a metal safe deposit box and a garbage bag of clothing.,2933,158666,00.html

October 19, 2005
Dompig: That is correct. The fact is that we as a law enforcement agency always try to get the maximum. Meaning that we want to search as much places as possible. We were not granted by the judge a search warrant for the complete house, we only received the warrant for the apartment.
Reporter: But what about after Paul Van der Sloot was arrested, couldn’t you get a warrant to search the house then?
Dompig: It was also denied, we were a bit disappointed with that. The judge was coming from another island I must point out. He said we didn’t make a good enough case to get a warrant.
How was Karin Janssen able to complete the paperwork correctly for the search of the security guards’ residences but did not follow proper procedures for DNA testing of the Kalpoe brothers and Joran van der Sloot?
CANDIOTTI: Well, I have learned from -- we have learned from two sources that, in fact -- and law enforcement source confirmed to me that a toothbrush that was in her hotel room was found to have male DNA evidence on it.
July 27, 2005 - If you watched the show on Thursday night, you know we discussed the prosecutor's request for a DNA sample from Joran van der sloot...,3566,166978,00.html
In the case of van der Sloot's friend, the court said there isn't enough evidence to warrant using the tests."
A procedural mistake in taking the DNA samples may delay the case.
Why was this search conducted away from the area the victim, Natalee Holloway was last seen?
The initial search idea called for an island wide effort, but later changed to focus on the southeastern area of Seroe Colorado and part of San Nicolas, police commander Judy Hassell said. San Nicolas is where the two charged men were arrested.
We saw the reports that confessions had been made, that something bad had happened. Shortly thereafter, it was retracted. The next morning, there was a report that said Natalee was confirmed dead. And these reports came from the deputy commissioner. They came from the spokesperson from the Ministry of Justice. And then, all of a sudden, these statements and these confessions just disappeared.
BETH HOLLOWAY TWITTY: We found out about three weeks later that that statement that I signed on June 10 is not my statement. We were given that statement by an Aruban attorney sometime during the month of July and finally had it translated, and it is not my original statement.
GRACE: What was left out, Beth?
BETH HOLLOWAY TWITTY: There were a lot of names that were left out, you know, just key elements as far as how Joran asked Jug and -- to leave the group before he admitted the sexual assaults that he committed against Natalee and -- and just a lot of things. You know, Paulus`s name -- I didn`t know anyone`s name. I didn`t know Charles Croes`s name, which is just ludicrous.
TWITTY: Well, Rita, like I said, we‘ve been worried as early as June 1 when we saw torn statements at a police station. We‘ve had falsified documents. I mean, we‘ve seen key elements omitted from uniformed police officers‘ statements. We‘ve had a D.E.A. whose statement was never taken.
Paulus van der Sloot police statement
We then departed for the police station in Bubali where we arrived at approximately 11.00 hours. Jacobs and Kelly took down Joran's statement. Joran was speaking in Papiamentu and that was translated by the officers into Dutch. I was there when Joran made his statement.
We made a few changes in the concept with regard to factualities instead of observations. At approximately 14.00 hours Joran signed his statement ...
BETH HOLLOWAY TWITTY: Well that‘s kind of what I‘m leading up to. I‘m leading up to the reason why that could be. And number four would, you know, when you think of the DEA witness, Eric Williams, was not given—was not—did not give a statement regarding the incident that occurred May 31 where Joran is again, admitting these sexual assaults committed against Natalee.
And number five, you remember there were many witnesses there that night that were never asked to give a statement until 20 to 30 days later.
JUG TWITTY: I think, Joe, they need to go back to the beginning and question the people that were with me that night. We have already got conflicting stories now.
People have changed their statements from the very first night. Those people that were with me that night, had they taken our statements at least a week after it happened, we would have already had the answer. But when they take my statement 33 days later, and they take the other guys‘ statements that were with me and ladies that were with me, you know, like 19 days later, it‘s like they didn‘t want to find the truth.

DAVE:. One of the things I really had a concern with was the FBI was contacted and the FBI wanted to come to the island. The FBI wanted to get involved due to the fact that we had an American citizen missing on their island. I recently found out that decision was made by the prosecutor and the police department to not allow the FBI to become involved as they should. In fact they sent a dive team up approximately a week later and they ended up going home. They didn't even step foot in the ocean.
Ruben Trappenberg, said the agents haven't had access to case records.
the FBI was never given a single document, audio or visual, in this case. And now we`ve confirmed that there was a Dutch official who flew from Holland all the way to Quantico to share information, but didn`t leave a single thing in the hands of the FBI.
With the USA and London Bombings dominating the news at one point, Aruba’s investigation began charging the news organizations networks as much as $1,500-a-day for freelance cameramen, $300 to $400 for hotel rooms for producers and crew, as well as $3,000 for satellite feeds.
Beth stated that the communications people in Aruba have raised the fee for satellite hookup from $800 to $4000 in order to broadcast live interviews
In further attempts to obstruct the truth of the crimes against Natalee Holloway, they threatened to jail Art Woods for not having a permit, created lies about TES disturbing turtle eggs, and statements from Dompig surfaced with unfounded ideas that Natalee died of an overdose.
Dompig then came to the Unites States to question the Mountain Brook teens with a questionnaire prepared by Janssen, and continued his attempts to slander Natalee and her family by undermining her credibility and her innocence with defamatory statements directed at Beth and Dave about insurance scam lies, and insinuating that funds they received to help them find their daughter were mishandled.
These were diversionary tactics utilized by the Aruban Justice Department along with Janssen's statement that "you can't barge in their like cowboys" which was meant to demean American standards while her actions and methodologies were corrupt attempts to protect the suspects by zeroing in on the innocent Security Guards who for 10 days were not in any line-up, only questioned one time, and their alibis ignored.
Karin Janssen and the other Aruban officials continue, even today, along with the bloggers on-line, in planting lies and disrupting forward progress in this case.
The fact that Prosecutor Karin Janssen and polis detectives Dennis Jacobs and Jan van der Straten, all in charge of the investigation, were not pursuing the facts, or the surveillance tapes that demonstrated Natalee never return to the hotel; while ignoring all the contradictions of the statements by Joran and Kalpoe brothers paints a very clear picture indeed. It would seem impossible for any competent professional to come up with the strategical course that Karin Janssen utilized and not realize she was involved in a collusion to cover up these crimes.
Common sense dictates that her swiftness to arrest the Security Guards based on known lies made by the criminals in this case, not obtaining a search warrant for the property of the van der Sloots and surrounding area, not following procedures for testing of DNA which caused that evidence to be rejected by a judge - all supports the cover-up that the world has watched unfold.
Karin Janssen has been a Prosecutor for 12 years and the Chief Prosecutor in Aruba for a year and one half, (, and she made the choices and procedural errors based upon her experience. Common sense says she knew exactly what she was doing to help cover-up a crime in Aruba.
* Aruba's justice department wants us to believe that blood can miraculously morph into cleaning fluid and chocolate.
* Aruba's justice department wants us to believe that our FBI was allowed to search, but we know that they went home without ever playing more than an advisory role.
* Aruba's justice department wants us to believe Natalee bought drugs and over-dosed.
* Aruba's justice department wants us to believe they turned over all documents and files to the FBI.
Natalee's Freebird's are not fooled by Aruba's cover-up
Natalee and her family deserve justice, and we will not let up until they have it!
Natalee’s Freebirds
Natalee and her family deserve justice, and we will not let up until they have it!
Natalee’s Freebirds
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