THANK YOU BETH! We will always stand behind you, Natalee and justice.
We are over 2 years strong, it is a known fact that we've made a huge dent in Aruba's reputation and economy, and I am not planning on giving up.
You have many allies for life.

Don't send your tax rebate check directly to Aruba to buy the super saver vacations. Your tax rebate check could be abused for money laundering purpose. You alone will burden the criminal implications activities, whatever they may be, with your name on it. Aruba is known for black marketing, money laundering and drug human trafficking. Use a certified US bank to purchase anything from Aruba.
Use a certified US bank to purchase anything from Aruba. Don't sign and send your tax rebate check directly to Aruba, it could be abused for money laundering purpose. If anything bad happened, you got blamed and penalized for it.
The Orange (Oranjestad) Savings Account offers origined from Aruba with a sweat shop set up in Florida Keys. They offer $25 to $50 bonus for opening a new account with USD $500 cash. Don't fall for it. Money don't grow in Aruba, it sucks.
Beth and Oprah are pretty women and phtogenic. They look great together, that's what the advertiser executive said. There are going to be more of their appearances on the OWN promotionals over the Internet.
To a point, Curacao don't like Aruba that much. Aruba spied on Curaco on how much police funding they received from the central government. ALE failed miserably on the Natalee cold case. They didn't get any money this year for their SUV purchase program.
Rik Smid is suspected as the spymaster for Aruba. He's using his own ruling to get a bigger office-residence in Curacao. Rik Smid is appointed as an Aruban judge, and he is supposed to live in Aruba.
The lies and wine throwing Joran made results in a waste of his youth that could otherwise be very promising.
Amigoe: "Natalee abused by stepfather Jug" is equivalent to saying "Joran spawn by motherjone Beatrix." The Queen is mad about that.
We found the car key in the garbage dumpster finally, we were lucky. It was Sunday, the dump truck didn't come until Monday, and that was that close. My coworker said he lost the car key to the test car. We were panic. From morning to the evening Sunday, we searched the lab benches, garages, office cubicles, sidewalks, and no luck. All a sudden, my friend said he ate his hamburger this morning, and my hutch led me to the dumpster and look. There was, under the crumbled hamburger wrapper and bag, there was the car key laying on top of the heap of discarded electrical wires and foam padding materials. God worked us hard and bless us in an abundance of amazing grace, we then rejoiced. The Persistence and Determination payoff to those who seek the truth.
Everyone from the Oduber to the Julia associates has a plan to ward off the Persistence search for Natalee. They are mostly Amigoe braindead lousy ideas that waste the valuable American tourists tax money.
The powers that be in Aruba is long suspected of the Queen. The Queen always fights with the Dutch Parliament over the taxation of the Dutch oil company she owns. She would rather let the Parliament tax the prostitutes to pay for the military defense expenses of Aruba. The Queen picks her best men to be the Aruban judges and ministers who control all islands of the Dutch Antities. Aruba is the Queen's stronghold versus the Holland motherland. Ramm and Julia are Aruban special agents appointed by the Queen to subvert Curacao and turn that island into another Aruba.
The young Dutch Republicans in the Dutch Parliament are upset with the way Aruba handles Natalee's cold case. This Aruba defect has seriously damage the relationships between the Dutch and US governments. This stonewalling of coverup by the Queen and Aruba is downgrading the US Republicans and affecting the outcome of 2008 US presidential elections. Reagan had been the strong supporter of the Dutch Republicans. What the young Dutch Republicans do right now is to convince the Dutch Navy to distance from the Queen. The Dutch Navy is a key element in the Queen making. If the Queen lost the support, she would probably be exiled to the island of Saba. A new Dutch King will arise, it may help the new Kingdom of Netherlands. Who knows. Aruba welds disproportinal powers over the fate of the Dutch Antillies.
I love the ABC girl shown in your blog. She is fun and a very darling.
Rice, Chaney, the US Republicans don't like the Julia Dompig story about Natalee. It cost them a lot of colateral political damages in the November presidential election. Huckabee who agreed the ArubanBoycott will speak out from his podium that it's not the Dutch, it is Aruba who did this to us, and costs us to lose the bid for the white house. So Aruba is the one country who destroys America.
The political situation took a worst turn for Beth, Natalee and Matt. The evil have dominated America. Natalee will never have her justice even if the Persistence found her remains in Aruba. The new woman president will ignore Natalee, and welcome Joran to America. People just can't imagine what the evils will do next.
Obama will not cry like a baby. He is a new strong leader. He will make Washington and Aruba new. He will help to bring Natalee home. We are running out of time, Aruba is too evil, eating up the whole America.
This wreck of an old 50 ft long schooner found by Persistence in deep waters is a good sign. Natalee is somewhere nearby.
The ArubanBoycott has angered Aruba so much, that the Aruban government put all their 2008 government budget money of about 20 million US dollars into the New York Senator's war chest to beat Obama. Every penny counts, Obama likely will exhaust all his champaign money and lose the Democrat presidential nomination. Very sad for Natalee and Obama.
Clinton wins Nevada, Obama gets more delegates! That make the ArubanBoycott grassroot movement feel a lot better. Means we still have hope for Natalee's return. ArubanBoycott is to the old corrupt Aruba into a new healthy Aruba for the American tourists.
Aruba government is very overstaffing and wasteful. The Dutch central government plans to shrink and combine the two ministers of justice and tourism into one civil business department. Dompig and Julia are competing for the new manager post.
The Dutch government hoped to rejuvenate its control in Aruba with the help of black voters in the South Saint Nicolas Region.
The state of health of the Aruban tourism changes daily. Dompig is now in charge, he wants a break from the predominantly white American tourists, more free trips will be awarded to the black residents in South Carolina.
Kyle is a very vissionary ocean scientist, there is strong hope for finding Natalee soon when we see the rainbow flying over the Persistence, what an awesome picture.
The global investors dumped the Aruban hotels shares because they were skeptical about the ALE improvements and the dangling Natalee cold case. The Joran scandals battered the Aruba tourists economy which has very low credit rating. The unfinshed hotel rooms added to the eye sores and choler disposal problems. The high tourist tax and fees discouraged the American tourists spending.
The large swells of the Aruban coverups and corruptions can shock-load their relationships with the Kingdom of Netherlands and severely damage the democratic infrastructures in Aruba, where there is an inquality between the local black and white Dutch ALE police officers. Their payroll scales are so dipolar and unfair.
The white house is not a family owned business, commented by today's political analyst. The chain bondage of bush-clinton-bush-clinton of the American government is a vicious cycle which will destroy our country completely. This is what Aruba wants.
Time management and organizational skills are crucial for Rudy Croes to save Aruba's justice and tourism. Rudy is unfarly uneduated about the new American Global Tourism market principles. He needs to spend a year at Harvard Graduate School of Business.
The track record of Aruba Prime Minister Nelson Oduber is not good and far behind expectations. He failed to present the econonomic growth for the Tourism and Banking enterprices. He failed to provide the goods for the Aruban black people.
Oduber said the black police chief failed the investigation of Natalee's disappearance while he was in power.
Dompig hits back at Oduber, accusing the Aruban government on TV of bringing in the Castillo quagmire mediums to save his face. All hells break loose, and sink the Aruban tourism further. Oduber should be ashamed of himself.
Oduber said to blame Julia. She has been the American expatriate behind the curtain running the Natalee disappearance investigation and a liason with the American government. She deceived the whole ALE/KLPD investigators team by spreading false rumors and mis-informations.
The crossfire between Julia and Dompig continues. Rudy weights in and said USA is in recession, and it's good for us. Natalee's cold case will be soon forgotten. We have cheap hotel rooms, and the American tourists will come soon.
The OM Aruba Prosecutors office suspected Julia Renfro was a person of great conflicts of interest back in June 2005 when she lied about Natalee's pregnancy. Plus JR helped to hide Koen's boat in her home gararge after Koen fled Aruba. Tips collected from the flea boats aftermarket further validated OM's suspicion of JR in the Natalee Holloway disappearance case.
The new crew will start to retrieve the blue barrel from the 1000 ft deep sea bed. If the human remains is found to be DNA matching with that found in the fish trap retrieved few weeks ago, that's 200% proof that the remains are of Natalee. Natalee's remains were separated into the blue barrel and the fish trap disposed at different timeline and locations. It strongly suggested the Aruban goverment and ALE were involved in the murder of Natalee Holloway. Oduber is planning to flee to Veneszula to escape prosecution. Police helicopter was used in the disposal of the blue barrel based on the blackbox flight log obtained by KLPD last year.
One of the failed futures deal made by the rogue french bank trader is the expansion of the constructions of Aruba's hotel rooms. Aruba's tourism is flat and dead last six months, and the Aruban government failed to pay back the capital and interest at ARM rate last week. The french bank and french government have no choice but foreclose Aruba, and put the island on the market and for quick sale.
You are talking about more than 65 suspected containers of human remains found at the vast deep ocean floor. A lot of Aruban officials lost sleep and have acute insomia. They watch the Persistence days and nights from the windows in their government buildings. What the heck does that mean? It means the Aruba government are a bunch of rapists and murderers. J2K were their medium and lures for the young American female tourists. These sexual attacks are the nature of Aruban culture.
Oduber lost an important instruction trust vote in the Dutch Parliament. He might be forced to resign from his Aruban prime minister post to dissolve his three years old corrupt government. A new Aruban election will be held in November.
Aruba Minister of Tourism Benny suggested that their island should move forward past Persistence, and have a new name calling themselves St. Arubana Atoll.
Aruba's international reputation is badly damaged by their systematic corpse dumpings in last five years since Oduber is in power. A new Dutch crime report writer went to Caracao last week to help Persistence to identify the human remains they recovered by ROV. The reporter wants to find out if the two missing Dutch agents were among the human remains.
Part of Aruba's problem is its perpetual campaign of smearing the American missing teenager Natalee Holloway, a tendency ultimately costs Aruba's ability to borrow money from the international investment bankers.
The blue barrel was found tumbling down the deep cross leg ravine to the sea rocks. Initial DNA profile readings by the electronic handheld DNA scanner are showing two different sets of human remains mussed together. May be two young women were murdered and stuffed into the same blue barrel. This barbaric act of Aruba of atrocity and inhumanity has enraged the whole world people of peace and kindness.
The Aruba government decided to put all its government workers on a 9 months contract basis to weed out the corruptions and coverups of wrong doings. The alleged government employees can be fired without notice at any moment.
The Aruban judicial system has a safety switch on and off system, when the Natalee case gets too cold, it will turn the case back on again and keep warm. The Natalee case will be re-open once the Persistence present a body to the Aruban prosecutor next week.
The default on Aruba's french bank futres account has global influences on the health of the whole EU economy stock market layers. The Aruba hotel futures fiasco is dragging down the Hollnad banks into the ditch. The Holland banks are the co-sponsors for the Aruba's hotel constructions account opened with the French bank.
AHTA reported the ArubanBoycott did not paralyze Aruba's economy. It actually helped to filter out the cheap American high school students, and allow more rich New York tourists to spend their money on the island's new super mall. The high end merchandises such as diamonds, pearls and gold ear rings made by the Aruban's craftshops are doing very well.
Aruba, as the most corrupt and evil island in the Dutch Antillies, needs a real compelte makeover. The wind of change from the Persistence is blowing across Aruba. There is no doubt that Natalee will be found and come home. But there is no clear strong, powerful and well connected leader to succeed Oduber.
The Aruban coast guard is probing around to check if Persistence found anything. They might be part of the coverup efforts. People are not optimistic about Aruba.
Think about it, the Persistence crew cannot refuse the Aruban coast guard to board the ship. They are looking for minor volations. Lucky that Persistence is a good ship representing USA. The Aruba coast guard's spedaway is actually a show of force trying to intimidate Persistence. But Persistence is a peaceful boat, the Aruban coast guard should leave her alone.
An unnamed coast guard revealed that there was a supposed video of Natalee later that fateful night, many VIP were involved.
The Dutch Parliament Orange Nobels may establish a stimulus ecomonic package to Aruba if the Arubans can export the J2K former suspects to USA for trial. Looks like Aruba has no other choices. The French government and the Dutch French banks will foreclose and seige the island, and sell it to China next month. A year ago, China was very interested in accquiring Aruba to build their superjumbo jet air transport traffics between Hong Kong and Aruba nostop to South American market. The deal values in excess of over 100 billions USD.
Actually the Aruban Coast Guard are on the Dutch Navy payroll, entirely different from the land based ALE which also have some police boats and divers, usually used for investigation of underwater drugs smuggling.
Deepak's house has beed issued foreclosure notice by the Florida credit union. Deepak had not been working and unable to help the family's house payments. His stepfather's failed Internet business had been sold. His mother was unemployed over a year. Satish dropped out of his high school and joined the Dutch Army in western Africa. The Dr. Phil lawsuit fell completely apart, and some lawyers filed bankruptcy. It's a nasty mess in Aruba.
The Arubans said if Persistence still can't find Natalee's body in next ten days, the ArubanBoycott will die soon. Aruban will be free and back to normal.
Shame on Obama's minister. Do you really want a president whose advisor is this guy? This is hot news this morning after yesterday's famous Kennedy Family's endorsement. Rev. Jeremiah Wright got a bad mouth and must step down right now from Obama's Chicago home church. So that the Democratic nomination for Obama won't be torpedoed in next couple months. Rev. Jeremiah Wright stirred up the race issues which will hurt seriously Obama's chances of becoming the first black US president. Aruba supports the New York Senator, and it will do everything to stop Obama.
Aruba back to normal? You must be just as delusional as Anita Van der Sloot.
Also at the woman issues, Rev. Jeremiah Wright said did I miss something; then ungodly remarked that the woman asking for it. Jerry's state of mind is pornolored and is totally unfit to be Obama's spiritual advisor
The world love to see the first black US President, however Dr. Wright might become his biggest stumbling banana peel. The pastor's writings were full of racism and rape imaginations in the last ten years. So it's definitely poisonous to Obama. I would not touch Dr. Wright with a ten foot pole. Yes, Chicago is rough slumlord, but Obama is street holy crusader.
Aruba thinks Persistence works in their favor. They figures that Persistence will run out of money by this weekend, and have to go back home to US. Aruba will end its underdog fight with the US Media over the Natalee's fateful disappearance. Huckabee is dead politically anyway, there is no one left in US to help Natalee forever. The boycott talk will fade away in a few days. Very sad. BFN will layoff all its hourly employees to close down the portal. Aruba will no longer need to advertise on the website.
The US parents don't want the word "Aruba" appears on the background check and credit report of their kid looking for a good paying job after college graduation. The evil word of Aruba is perceived with bad things like rape drugs and murders. Thus the Aruba tourism is practically killed. All the cruise ships will not dock at Aruba this summer to avoid bad publicity.
The composite profile studies of many Arubans are ended up in the category of drugs, rapes and murders, according to a Holland inner cities study group and social workers union. Many of the high profile crimes in Holland are suspected of the deeds of the Aruban immigrants.
The boycott is HEATING UP not winding down.
Long ago ArubanBoycott said you can find Natalee at the cross legged ravine depression. The newest Persistence 3D sea floor profile just shows that. Natalee has been found. The Dutch Navy just want to catch the Aruba government off guard. They want arrest Oduber first, then the accomplices including some judges and ministers. This is earth shaking.
The 3D Fly through of NW Aruba and the offshore bathymetry is the history of all the criminal activities committed by the Arubans. The more people read into it, the more angry you get.
The Dutch Law Review white paper reprimanded Aruban judges Rik Smd and Bob Witt for faxing and revising the court documents for an experienced and difficult white male defendant.
And the Aruban judges plead for forgiveness in fear of losing their instructions right which will force them to resign from the bench.
You can see two clearly crab traps within 100 ft of the big long wreck of old cargo vessel. Kyle has the extreme talent of locating the right target of interest. The side scan sonar shot is amazingly accurate.
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