"Aruba's examining judge on Monday morning refused to issue a new warrant for the arrest of Dutch student Joran van der Sloot in connection with the disappearance of Natalee Holloway, news agency ANP reports."
I've said this before, but I really meant it now. To that judge, to Joran, to the Van der Sloots, to ALL those involved: I did not think you all could dig your graves any deeper, you despicable sorry excuses for human beings. Your death hole is now deep enough where you can feel the trap door to hell banging on your shovel.
Get ready for the heat wave.
THIS IS NOT OVER...by a LONGSHOT! This boycott has been going on almost three years...we can keep it up for as long as necessary!
Get ready for the heat wave.
THIS IS NOT OVER...by a LONGSHOT! This boycott has been going on almost three years...we can keep it up for as long as necessary!
It is Aruban judge Rik Smid. He is so stupid, so stupid and so cruel. BTW, during the search of Joran's apartment in Arnhem, the Dutch Police found Natalee's panties with his sperms in it. The exact the same one that Anita was talking about. Anita let her sporter son Joran keep his trophy and scores.
thanks for that info! just curious where you read about the search of Joran's apt and what they found? I'd like to read that!
Their is NO proof that he murdered Natalee. So far he can only be convicted for the disposal of a dead body. By dutch law a person cannot be held prison for the disposal of a dead body, until this is proven! So a warrent is not possible by dutch law.
The confession alone is no proof, and needs more facts, so this confession can be labeled as true.
Disposal of a dead body means a max. of 6 months prison.
He raped Ms Holloway. Why isn't he in jail? You can't have sex with a person who is intoxicated
True, there are also blackmail images made of Rik Smid intercoursed with Anita in his computer. He was trying to impress his new found friend Patrik for shares of the weeds plantation. For that he's damned. Check the Dutch Telegraf website, you will find all the links you need to know.
The Public Prosecutor's Office (OM) on Aruba, suspects Joran van der Sloot now formally for MURDER!?!.
The OM also announced that Joran will be arrested if he sets foot on Aruban soil.
The justice departement is expected to make a decision this week, about the appeal against the decision of the investigating judge, that Joran cannot be taken into custody (said so in a previous comment about dutch/aruban law).
Dutch source: http://frontpage.fok.nl/nieuws/87390
What is the URL for the Dutch Telegraph Website? Would love to check it out since you pointed it out.
Oduber flew Joran back to Aruba on the government private Learjet. He had been debriefed by Dennis Jacob, the chief ALE detective. Mos confirmed that the confession was just another his harmless lie. So the case will be closed again tonight after the 6:00 pm announcement.
Timeshare value was about $75,000 per 5 years contract lease in 2005. Currently is below $25,000. The Aruban tax and maintenece fees are over $30,000 per unit. People are dumping the Aruban timeshares like dirty diapers to avoid responsiblities. No more American tourists will come to the Aruba island until the Joran scores are settled.
The American people will dump Aruba in the icy cold Carribean sea for the hammerhead sharks.
Joran is now a marked 666 beast in the hell on this earth. When will he crack and die is still a good guess. No Dutch Ditch Duck Duh can ever cleanse him. Joran will be tarred and tagged for the rest of his hellish Aruba trails. The American people won't tolerate liars and merciless killers like Joran.
Ice cold water means grave dig for the entire Aruba and whatever in it. It is that simple in meaning that the American people are awaken and ready for Aruba coming. Aruba is America's Number One Enemy.
ABC 20/20 9:30 pm Monday night will stir up the frenzy for tomoorow's presidential primary. Joran's confessions are the undercurrents and quicksands which will change the voters' mind and treat Aruba and the Dutch as their new threat and No. 1 public enemy. The outcome is dead serious for the future survival of the Kingdom of Netherlands. Please watch the show and comment your emotions.
The whole America is so lost and sad when watching Joran dumping Natalee unconsciously alive into the sea. Joe T still said he loved to defend Joran. Joran and Joe T are become the most hated persons on face of this planet. Why didn't Joe T shut up and go away! People want to see what's the next move for Aruba. Mos said Judge Rik Smid will not approve the arrest warrant because Joran is Son Of Beatrix -- SOB.
Where is your bible, Joran? Read it. God will kill you for what you did to Natalee. You have no place to go. 5 millions American people watched you on ABC 20/20. Where are you going to hide? Joe T will sell you out, don't contact him. He's the one sold you to Patrick. Go back home to Aruba, your mommy and daddy. They still love you and protect you. But you must not lie anymore, tell the truth to judge rik smith. He can commute your sentence to three months in ISA to clean up the toilets. That's it, man.
In Holland, many serious death certificates are sent to Joran. It's not safe for him to go school anymore. The apartment windows and his bike have been smashed. Joran is better fitted with a bullet proof vest. KLPD say he can come to the prison for protection and food. But Joran is afraid of being raped by the inmates. It's up to him.
What a disasterous mess. Joran sure does like drugs and smoking pot...The guy belongs in a psychiatric hospital....do they have one in Aruba?
The airlines warned the Aruban government about the unsafe conditions occuring at the airport due to Joran's imfamous confessions. The hackers are trying to hijack the government computer networks to get informations about judge Rik Smid's ruling on Joran's arrest warrant.
SOB has the new meaning of Son of Beatrix internationally. Dutch Queen Beatrix is angry and upset. She ordered Aruban judge Rik Smid to resign from his Joran instructions courtship.
The confessions is a conspiracy made against him by the Aruban government. Joran complained to KLPD.
No, they obviously don't. They let all the crazy f--ks run wild on the island and flourish in their crackhouses.
Why isn't Joran in Jail for RAPE? He did confess on the taped interview. Natalee was drunk. They had sex. She couldn't consent in her condition.
So michelle you OWE the kalpoe brothers an apology. INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY!
I owe NO ONE an apology. Not until this is over. Besides, I'm pretty unforgiving for Deepak's attitude towards Natalee; how HE wanted to cash in, and how he called her a slut during those Kalpoe tapes.
Just because this situation is not over, it's not right to bash everyone who has a link with Joran. The person said 'innocent until proven guilty' is right!
The media should stop al this speculation about what happened, and stick to the facts. I've heard everything, gangrape, murder, sexslavery, overdose etc. WE DON'T KNOW! The only thing they do is speculate, and make things worse.
Now we have the situation with Daury Rodriquez. Even Peter de Vries said that Joran said a different lastname, NOT Rodriguez. Now the media has him linked with the Natalee case. Think about how HE feels right now!
That Deepak called Natalee a slut, isn't nice. But what does the media say about Deepak? And what did the mother of Natalee say about Deepak? What if he is innocent, you (Michelle) don't understand HIS anger, HIS bitternes.
oh and i think Dr. Phil should apology too, for manipulating the Kalpoe tapes. Pseudo psychologist shouldn't be working on a 'crime' case!
-Innocent until proven guilty!
-STOP the speculation!
-STOP the bashing and propaganda!
-Think rational!
I'm pretty sure this message won't be posted. But these are my thoughts, my freedom of speech.
how did young VdS get his hyper-aryan looks & disregard for life - was his great-grandma a willing camp WHORE for the SS when they occupied holland?
my guess was great-granny wanted to protect the family interests in aruba - her "position" then helping protect the familys "position" now
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