Sounds like this woman is trying to pull a "Casey Anthony" by claiming her child was kidnapped. At least this baby was saved, unlike Caylee Anthony.

If you are going to be a liar, then you better make sure you're a damn good one...what pieces of human GARBAGE.
Three Arubans involved in selling of baby

19 Okt, 2009, 08:20 (GMT -04:00)
ORANJESTAD/MARACAIBO — Three Arubans have been arrested by local authorities in Venezuela for their involvement with the abduction and selling of a baby. Venezuelan media announced that the corps of criminal investigation (CicpC) had rescued a barely two-month old baby.
Supposedly, eight persons had been apprehended amongst which were Arubans.
One of the suspects, the baby’s aunt, had claimed that the baby had been kidnapped last Friday. At least, that is what she had told her sister, who was the baby’s mother. However, it was she who had sold the baby. It was reported that 18,000 Bolivar (8,373 dollars) had been paid in four installments for the child.
The baby’s aunt had sold the child to an international gang involved in human smuggling. The police had rescued the baby on Saturday evening before the suspects had boarded the airplane.
During the police interrogation, H. admitted that her husband Melesio Riera and her daughter Manifer Johaina Barrios (23) had assisted with this case as well. She also admitted that the baby had been stolen with the help of the Aruban Georgina Currie also names Gina.
Currie had supposedly already been pretending for a while on Aruba that she was expecting. Currie had only worn wide clothing lately to make her family and friends believe that she was pregnant. She had been in Venezuela during last August, supposedly due to so-called pregnancy complications, where she had run up a debt during her stay in the Venezuelan clinic.
Currie had informed her colleagues at work that she had encountered financial problems due to aforementioned debt. Her colleagues had supposedly even helped her out financially. She had left for Venezuela last week to give birth to her so-called baby.
It had therefore been Currie’s intention to purchase a baby in Venezuela. She had even paid a man to act as her husband. The three Arubans, including Currie and another five involved persons, are imprisoned in Venezuela now.
It is not known whether they have a lawyer or if the Dutch embassy is informed of this case. (OF COURSE they don't know this...they don't know their arses from a hole in the wall. No one in Aruba knows what's going on...absolutely PATHETIC.)
You are right everyone in aruba is stupid. THey should burn them all Look at this page how much crime there is on that stupid island. I am happy we live in the US
White power: You're a fucking moron. Burn them all? Have you even been to the island? Sounds like all you do is talk out of your ass. Crawl back into the cave you fucking came from and stay there until you learn some God damned manners!
Now let's get this straight: everyone down here is disgusted and sickened by what happened with Natalee. Unfortunately nobody can provide CLEAR evidence of wrongdoing by Joran and/or his accomplices.
The law states that you're innocent UNTIL proven guilty. Personally I think Joran killed her, but again, there's no hard evidence to prove it (the videotape unfortunately doesn't count as the law doesn't allow convictions on the basis of a confession).
So there.
He, or better still, which ever country is without sin let them cast the first stone. Aruba is a great island BUT like everywhere else it has it's share of "unsolved crimes". So instead of knocking a great Caribbean island or the Dutch Antilles as a whole. Look in your own back yard and solve some of the horrendous crimes that happen in the good ol US of A first.
DS Bonaire.
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