It's amazing what can happen in THREE DAYS.
This first article was published on October 12, 2009. A group of anonymous Curacao "professionals" started a "secret club" going under the name "The Institute Kòrsou Fuerte i Outónomo--KFO. (Sounds like an online degree program? Maybe these are their some of their graduates?)
The group, I mean, "Institute" started throwing fists (or shall I say, throwing fits) by openly refusing the Dutch's proposal for a statute law for the traffic of persons...literally calling it, "unacceptable", yet offering no alternatives.

The "secret club's" logic? Check out these brain marbles:
“This intended legal regulation by the Netherlands is an example of the general tendency in your country, where these kinds of regulations are considered a solution for the problems with the Antillean youngsters, without bearing in mind the human rights of those involved.”
Sounds like a bunch of big babies with sour grapes to me.
Objection against Statute Law for the Traffic of persons
12 Okt, 2009, 09:48 (GMT -04:00)
WILLEMSTAD — The proposal to constitute a Statute Law for the Traffic of persons is unacceptable. The institute Kòrsou Fuerte i Outónomo (KFO) state this in an open letter to the Dutch Minister of Justice Ernst Hirsch Ballin (CDA) who arrived on Curaçao today.
In the open letter, the institute – consisting of professionals who had supported a No during the referendum – denounces that they will not stop their opposition against the statute law.
KFO points out to Hirsch Ballin, that in the meantime the States of the Antilles but also the Island Council of Curaçao have vigorously renounced the draft statute law. “This intended legal regulation by the Netherlands is an example of the general tendency in your country, where these kinds of regulations are considered a solution for the problems with the Antillean youngsters, without bearing in mind the human rights of those involved.”
According to KFO, the citizens of the Antilles have free entry to the Netherlands. “The approach of the problems of a specific group or high risk youngsters in the Netherlands through a statute law that has legal force in the entire Kingdom, is heavy artillery and not an appropriate means to solve a problem that is taking place in the Netherlands, and the solution does not serve a legitimate purpose”, according to the institute.
The institute describes the leaked out draft of the statute law as ‘another attempt to bar Antillean and Aruban Dutch citizens from the territory of the Kingdom in Europe, based on their origin’.
According to KFO, this law fits in the line of thought of the cross reference Antilleans (VIA), and the return regulation, which both had a repressive character.
“You even go as far as that in the framework of this law it is legally possible to detain Antillean and Aruban Dutch citizens, while this was never the case in the past. Even if the Council of State had given the green light, as occurred in the past in the framework of the department administration of justice with the VIA, as a nation we will never ever cease our opposition against such a statute law.”
Then three days later, on October 15, 2009, we see this?
Three arrests due to human trafficking
15 Okt, 2009, 08:58 (GMT -04:00)
WILLEMSTAD — The police apprehended two males and one female yesterday afternoon because of human trafficking. They were holding two Dominican females against their will in the nightclub De Rode Leeuw on the Weg naar Sta. Catharina.
The two females are being taken care of by the Bureau Victim Relief. The authorities were tipped on the case yesterday morning. The police immediately launched an investigation. On the spot, it appeared that two young Dominican females had been locked up. The females were naked and were not given anything to eat or drink. Their passports had been confiscated. The females, who had worked as exotic dancers, had refused to have sex with customers.
Various buildings on the terrain were searched, where video images of monitoring cameras were secured. The personal belongings of the victims were found and were returned to them. The managers of the nightclub, a 29-year old male from Curaçao and the 45-year old male from Africa were arrested as well as the 21-year old Dominican female A.E. They are being suspected of unlawful detention casu quo human trafficking.
The suspects have been transferred to the police station for interrogation. The victims have been taken care of by victim relief for aftercare.
The investigation in this case is being carried out by a team of the Division Organized Crime (DGC) of the Corps Police Curaçao under supervision of the Prosecution Council. This team – which was recently composed on request of the Prosecution Council – consists of members of the Corps Police Curaçao, the Criminal Investigation Cooperation Team and the Royal Military Police. As of today, they will be responsible for the combating of human trafficking and human smuggling cases on Curaçao. (And who was in charge before? Deputy Dog? Reno 911?)
In an American report of a few months ago, it was mentioned that the Antilles hardly take any action against human trafficking. That is why the land was put on a watch list. The Netherlands also see to it that the Antilles takes this phenomenon seriously.
A Memorandum of Understanding was signed at the beginning of this year to cooperate with the combating of human trafficking. Former minister of Justice David Dick (PAR) said the American report was superseded because much had actually been realized in the meantime. (Am I smoking some of Patrick van der Eem's weed, or does that sentence make absolutely NO SENSE?)
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