April 19, 2006


  • Another way to connect GVC, Joran and Koen is the pleasure sex boats owned by the www.gonativearuba.com water sports company that GVC works for. GVC stole the company time and the intellectual properties to let Joran and Koen get into those sex pleasure boats to play and rape the local girls. Koen is holding the webcam and uploading the porn images to some incest porn web shops for profits.

  • GVC, VCB, ALE, JVS are the four corners of the Aruban corruption coverup for the elite Dutches on the island, everyone else including the American young tourists girls are their sex slaves. The secret security cameras are used to pick and stalk young beautiful blonde American girls for rapes and murders perhaps. Rapist and murderer are always of the same madman. Now we know Aruba is no happy island, it is hell. Now I understand why my daughter was changed into a zombie since returning from the Aruban trip two years ago. She said she lost some memory of something strange happened to her at C&C after a dark hair Dutch boy offered her a drink bought by another blonde hair Dutch boy. And she ended up sleeping in a cave. I encourage my daughter to speak up and blog her experiece to see if they were Joran and GVC.

  • The International School also has a co-op program at the incinerator facilities engineering shop to train their hotel maintainence program students.

  • "Municipal Services for Management of Solid Waste, Including Hospital Waste. For disposal of solid waste, there is a 12.5-hectare refuse dump located in Parkietenbos. Different types of waste are taken to this site (refuse from homes, offices, industry, hotels, restaurants and cafes, construction and demolition sites), but no documentation is available regarding the exact amounts. Hospital waste also is transported and disposed of in the municipal dump. Infectious waste is burned in an incinerator, which may pose operation and maintenance problems." (Source)

    • The above announcement has been quoted from one of the Aruban government website recently. The old incinerators were given to the Aruban Health Ministry by the old Lago Colony refinery to help to reduce the yellow fever epidemics which killed most of the island population in the 60s.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Trucker set
(First aid kit, rubber boots, safety vest, gasmask and lots more)
All fire hoses and hose accessories are offered by VCB security. The only official retailer of SMEBA products in the Caribbean.

The VCB marked SMEBA fire hoses are seen at the building wall around the incinerator in-feed
conveyor. It certainly indicates VCB Security has a contract to guard and fire-fight in and
around that particular facility.