May 11, 2006

WHAT'S YOUR EXCUSE NOW, ARUBA??? looks like you can get drugs from not only the beach bums and bartenders, but even the SECURITY guards! Wow what a package...all inclusive trip to Aruba including all the drugs I could ever want.

Your island is pathetic.

See how much fun these girls had after buying weed from their Aruban hotel security guard and then posting it on the internet? Here's their quote...

"us and the weed we bought from the
security guard at our hotel"

Here's another group of lovely Americans. Wow...I never knew Aruban security guards were so popular? They met EVERY security guard! Wow what an accomplishment. Guess I'm not "with it"...

"we met every security guard
in aruba and they LOVED US"


Anonymous said...

You seem to take offense to anyone who has a good time in Aruba, like it is a crime to have fun on vacation. That is sooo weird to me. Just because Natalie Holloway is missing does not mean that all things Aruba are bad. One bad apple does not spoil the bunch!

Anonymous said...

The "Lighthouse" is Joran's condom in his own lingo. Let me parse its meaning: "Light" means thin, not thick but good feel. "house" is the something you can get into, a housing or casing. So Joran was saying they had some sheepskin condoms. He said they went to the "Lighthouse" meant to the other pimps they had a gangbang with Natalee. And something gone bad at the Sloot's house. If the ALE did search the Sloot's house, they would find some sheepskins with Natalee's DNA on them. Also some goofy Trojans do glow and emitting light beams in the dark, so much that driving these
perverts nonstop and gangraping the girl to death.

Michelle Says So 2.0 said...

I don't take offense to anyone that wants to have fun. However, I do take offense to a group of people who claim their island is so safe and perfect, when they are all just a bunch of hypocrites and liars. Security guards selling weed? That's going a little beyond the norm...don't you think? Give me a break!

Anonymous said...

Toe May, learn to spell Natalee.

Anonymous said...

Joran, Deepak, Satish, Koen, GVC, A.B. and many other beach perverts and guards are Aruba sex predator sharks. The NYC judge was so confused by Joe T's questionable affidavits and their notarizations of witnesses' signatures in his last filing. People think Joe T is also acting like a predator shark bullying the court docket systems and trying to "jam" the judge's mind so that a "misjudgement" could happen unintentionally to dismiss the civil lawsuit. In all, these Joran guys are sharks. The American people want to see justice and punishments on these Aruban sharks.

Anonymous said...

No one who has ever lived in Aruba has ever claimed that the island is perfect! But statistics prove it is overall very, very safe. You can't say the same for Cancun or Jamaica. So to slam this island for one missing person case that has went from sad to weird, just is not right. And don't blame Aruba for a bad apple not being removed. Bad politicians and cops run things everyday here in the States. Average people hold no power.

Anonymous said...

It's just weed. Who cares. I am going to aruba soon and was just trying to find out where I could buy some when I get there