At this moment, Beth is on her way to Holland. I wonder if she will be privy to meetings with any of these fools? I hope Beth gives them HELL. If it doesn't go the way she wants, or if she gets more lip services and runarounds, the boycott will get bigger, meaner, and extremely ruthless.

ARUBA/THE HAGUE – Three Aruban ministers are in the Netherlands this week on business. Minister Nilo Swaen of Economic Affairs and Finance had a meeting with Minister Gerrit Zalm (VVD) in The Hague. Justice-minister Rudy Croes met with Piet Hein Doner, who stepped down a day later. Prime Minister Nelson Oduber presented Herman Tjeenk Willink, vice-president of the Council of State with ‘his’ book. Oduber and Croes signed a protocol with the Dutch police with the ministers Atzo Nicolai and Johan Remker (both VVD) earlier this week.
These ministers are noisy. It might not be appropriate to say that they had their lust in their heart for an impressive American woman like Beth. But you do what you have to do to find your missing daughter. Beth is doing the right thing, even if she is walking into a pack of Dutch politicians. Nelson Oduber lied and hugged to Beth before, what will he do this time? The three ministers will gang on Beth in the press release to plea her to stop the Aruban Boycott hate site. They will try to stir up the Dutch sentiment against Beth in Hague and her humiliated. We will see. It will be very ugly fight, we agree. We will see how our American politicians and state governors going to say about this. The American people are watching to see how the Dutch are treating our American griefing mother Beth. Beth deserves the honest answer from Johan Remker. Remker is the most powerful figure in the Hague parliament. He can stop and fire Oduber according the Dutch picking order.
That is a good opportunity Beth is taking. People said there is always a risk because all the Dutch are evil, you never know what the Dutch going to do.
The Dutch are no christians. They sold their old churches to the Muslims to turn into harlems and morgues. The Dutch are worse than Satanists. They stole and killed the innocents. Like they stole the opium from Afgans and killed the aged Russian postitutes when they were no longer making money for them. Don't trust the Dutch. They sell the illegal drugs at the Amsterdam airport. They will let you pass the KLM checkpoint, but you will be caught at JFK upon your return to American soil. Just don't go to Holland and Aruba if you don't have any business there. It is just not worth the trouble. Boycott Aruba and Holland.
As the rumors kicking around in Holland that Joran is in his possession of Natalee's Alabama driver's license and the sex video that Joran made when Natalee was being ganged raped in her unconsciousness. The new Joran book will include all that evil extravanzar to boost the sales and bomb all the Americans. May be the three ministers can help to get those forensic evidences to convict Joran at the request by Beth when she can meet the Dutch CSI to find what more can the Aruban Boycott do for Aruba.
Beth is a very pretty woman in her age group. Nobody can compete with her. Maybe by going to Holland she will generate a lot of media frenzy. Holland is a sex minded society, and it doesn't mean bad. Anyway Beth is a good ambassador, we all wish her can find her answer there about where her daughter Natalee is. We will pray for her safety travel.
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