April 29, 2008


The Blame Game--Murder is the Fault of the Community?
"It's Their Responsibility?"

ORANJESTAD – The third suspect in the shooting tragedy, when a 38-year old man lost his life last Saturday morning, is still on the run. The police arrested four persons during a house search; three of them are meanwhile released. (Of course they've been released...it's the whole "catch and release" mentality in Aruba!)

The police do not rule out more arrests in this case, whereby the police have probably run up against a huge network of drug dealers. Yesterday during a press conference, chief of police Peter de Witte didn’t want to say yet whether the police had indeed run up against a criminal network during a routine action. He did say though that the man that was shot to death last Saturday was an ‘old friend’ of the police. (Who on that island ISN'T a friend of the police...or the judiciary...or government officials? Wake up and smell the refinery!)

The in Colombia born Hernan Tobias Quiñonez Villareal, popular as ‘El Flaco’, was guilty of several drug- and violent crimes. He has been arrested before, but not convicted due to lack of evidence. (Sounds familiar...lack of evidence. It's obvious that this justice system is not only corrupt, but INEPT as well.) He was deported after this case, and was most probably back on the island as an illegal person.

He was driving with two other persons on the Caya Betico Croes last Saturday, when the police signaled them to stop near Hooiberg. When they refused to do so, the police forced them by cornering their car. The three suspects fled and hid behind a house. El Flaco pulled a heavy caliber gun and fired on the police officers and injured the left arm of one of them. Both police officers fired back and killed El Flaco. His gun was found next to his body.

It isn't clear if the other two suspects also fired at the police officers. They fled towards the very thickly wooded Hooiberg. One was arrested soon afterwards. The police didn’t release the identity of the other two men, one of which is still on the run. It is not sure whether the police assume that this fugitive is still in Aruba. Justice raided two houses after the shooting tragedy and arrested four men and found drugs. Three of the four arrestees are already released. “We do not rule out that more arrests will follow”, said De Witte yesterday. (Same old song and dance...)

After interrogations, the four passengers of a car that was stopped near Piedra Plat on Saturday morning seemed to have nothing to do with the shooting tragedy. This shooting incident happened shortly after the incident in December, which made the police officers realize that it can also happen to either one of them. (Hello? That's the risk of being a police officer! It's not about sitting around in a bar telling people to have a drink, or waiting until you've finished eating your "frosted flakes" and acting nonchalant about crime.)

The officer that was injured is doing reasonably well. De Witte explains that after the incident in December, the police corps has taken the criticism to increase the safety of the officers, very seriously. (THAT is what took the police to take crime seriously? If it affects "their own", then it matters? So much for the safety of tourists...you are NOT one of "them", so don't expect justice.)

“Both colleagues were wearing their bullet free jacket last Saturday. But also the community has a responsibility. As a society, we must not think that this is normal. (But it's ok for the Aruban community to think that Joran's crimes against Natalee is normal...you know as Joran was quoted, he's done this like 20 times before and nothing bad happened...)

The corps has made the possession, dealing, and using of firearms one of their priorities, but the society is also responsible.” (So Aruban society, what do you think of that? You are "responsible" for other people's crimes? You have been affected by Natalee Holloway, and now are considered "responsible" for this crime? WHY DON'T YOU STAND UP?! Pardon my french, but I see nothing but a big island of pussies.)

April 29, 2008--http://www.amigoe.com/english/

April 25, 2008


Oh this was so fun to wake up to this morning!

Click below for the fun game of whippin Joran as hard as you want!


Have at it! And have a great weekend!

And remember Joran...'Homey don't play that!'

April 23, 2008


Hit and run, something that
happens more often nowadays

This may have happened in Bonaire, but these are the kind of people the Netherland Antilles must be proud of.

KRALENDIJK – It happened more often lately that drivers continue driving after a collision. It happened twice last weekend; on Friday on the parking of the police station in Kralendijk, and Saturday in Antriol in Kaya Agnes, when a car collided with a column.

Hit and run is an offence and liable to punishment. (Liable? "implies a possibility or probability". In the U.S. a hit and run is a serious crime. Even though each state has it's own penalties, the word "liable" makes me wonder about these people and their lackadaisical laws.)

There were also six traffic accidents last Friday, whereby one person fell from a scooter and was injured. Three passengers of a car involved in a collision on the T-junction Kaya Korona/Kaya Papa Cornes, were injured. The man S.J.E. was arrested last Saturday in connection with robbery, while the woman A.M.S. reported her Sony video camera being stolen on one of the beaches at the south-side of the island.


April 22, 2008


So where is he? "BANGKOK"?

Sounds like a perfect place for Joran to PARTY with his 'kok' out.

Remember the song, "One Night in Bangkok"
by Murray Head back in 1984?

"Bangkok, Oriental setting..And the city don't know that the city is getting... One night in Bangkok makes a hard man humble. Not much between despair and ecstasy. One night in Bangkok and the tough guys tumble. Can't be too careful with your company. I can feel the devil walking next to me.."

Yep....they sure don't know what they are getting.

A killer and rapist.

Will someone PLEASE get a bounty hunter on this piece of human trash?


April 21, 2008



Leader of Government Concerned about Crime Rate

**Michelle's note: At least their leaders are concerned...

Philipsburg– Leader of Government Sarah Wescot-Williams, says she is very concerned with the recent incidents of crime such as another daring broad-daylight robbery of a store on Front Street and a couple of others in the past weeks as well as other criminal activities within the community.

The island leader says she fully supports the initiatives set out by Acting Chief Commissioner of Police, Richard Panneflek where he reportedly stated that more attention would be given to enhancing the sense of safety in Philipsburg and in apprehending those responsible for the recent armed robberies.

Commissioner Wescot supports the stance taken by the Police that with scarce resources available, priorities must be set and that the priority for the police at this time is the safety of residents and visitors.

“As a nation we cannot afford any threats to our tourism industry because the crimes committed will impact everyone and every-one’s livelihood on the island.”

“...Our nation’s well-being is under threat. I appeal to the Antillean Minister of Justice to provide short-term manpower assistance to the Windward Islands Police Force Section..."



A recent study was done that paints a picture of a considerable problem with regards to crime on St. Maarten. One of the most specific forms of crime on the island is drug-related crime. The reason for this, says the report, is that St. Maarten plays an important and varied role within the (international) drugs trade.

The report further mentions that “a problematic situation also applies in relation to financial and economic crime” but notes that
“the unsatisfactory involvement of investigative and law enforcement agencies has created a situation in which it is difficult to establish precisely the scope of such activities and their links to organized crime”.

In addition to drugs and financial and economic crimes, people smuggling and trafficking in human beings were also examined during the course of this study. The report confirms that concerns exist regarding the availability of weapons and the increasing prevalence of crimes involving firearms that are being committed on the island.

...Richards regrets that in some Dutch newspapers, St. Maarten has been depicted as a ‘paradise for criminals’. In elaborating further, it was reported that the “multiplicity of circumstances, arising from the logistical (harbor and airport) and the economic infrastructure (banking system) that are available on St. Maarten and which provide opportunities for drug smuggling, people smuggling and illegal financial transactions are being addressed using controls and powers that, do not reflect, or hardly reflect, the scope of the problems”.

Governor Richards finds it regrettable, though, that no attention is paid, in the report, to one essential aspect, namely how to fund the implementing of the recommendations listed...Richards believes that combating organized crime is not the exclusive responsibility of the island government of St. Maarten alone. He says that it is also that of all the partners comprising the judicial and law enforcement chain of the Netherlands Antilles and the Dutch Kingdom.


April 19, 2008


Maybe just for this weekend--

HOPEFULLY more weekends to follow!

American Airlines wants to cancel flights

ORANJESTAD -- American Airlines has threatened to cancel all her flight for this coming weekend. That's what the American airline company has told Tourism-minister Edison Briesen, says Prime Minister Nelson Oduber (MEP).

Management of American Airlines told Briesen in an e-mail that the company is concerned about the 'unstable situation' in Aruba. The company also requests a guarantee that the airplanes can land without any problems this coming weekend. "If we cannot give them this guarantee, they will cancel the flights, and that is a very serious matter", said Oduber.

Airport director Peter Steinmetz indicated yesterday that he regrets the fact that the public employees' actions are concentrating on the airport. "I regret the fact that they are trying to interfere with the landing and taking off of airplanes. I am not saying that the actions aren't rightful, but we are not really a party in this matter and we are only trying to drive the economic engine of Aruba."

Steinmetz also confirms that there was a bomb alert last Saturday, which turned out to be false alarm. An investigation on who did it is still going.

April 18, 2008



Bring it on Patrick...bring it on!!!

Posted by anonymous:

Please jump over to the scared monkeys site and read what is now being said about Patrick. He has sent an email to everyone on the SM boycott Aruba email list, asking them to stop the boycott of Aruba, yet he removes SM replies from his own website. It seems that Patrick is very much in this for himself and the money. SM contacts have learned that Patrick has known the Sloots for seven years and he lived across the street from the Kalpoes. It seems that the entire video was probably staged and Patrick is likely being paid by AHATA. Think before you buy the book.

Previous entry 3/15/08:

I'm still waiting for the books "written" (I'm sure they are all scholars) by Deepak and Satish. Oh hell, why don't we just throw Steve Croes in there, Dompig, Koen Gottenbos...and of course Paulus version vs. Anita's retarded denial of her "good boy".

Puke. I don't have anything against this guy Patrick except for the fact that he's trying to make money off this.

A real man who really wanted to help find Natalee would do what he did, sit back, go about his life and not exploit his "heroic" efforts, putting all the attention on HIM.

Do you see any of the crew of Persistence or Tim Miller from Texas Equuasearch writing books, or hanging out at the clubs, bragging about yourself with the paparazzi?

Pathetic. Simply Pathetic.

April 01, 2008


The protest for the Boycott of Aruba has generated so much buzz...there are more questions for Dan in TX to answer from his butt-kicking experience in Houston last weekend.

Bring it on!

Q: How big was the Aruban delegation in Houston?

Q: Did they have their famous/infamous dancers, or any other lavish stuff?

How gay is this?
What is she supposed to be?
A peacock?

A: We only saw three people at the Aruba booth. To answer #2 as well, no they were just travel-agent type in business suits.

Q: To those people who posed questions about Natalee, do you know what they replied? In previous shows, they just said that the investigation is still open.

A: I don't think anyone asked the Aruba people about the investigation. We simply asked them to express their displeasure if they happened to go by the booth...

Q: Did any of them approach, or talk with, any of the protesters?

A: One man, an American working with Aruba, judging by his speech, came out and chatted very briefly with us, and took our photo with his camera phone. I don't know why, but he seemed polite enough. (Michelle's note: I'm sure Joran seemed "polite enough" too...isn't that what they said about Ted Bundy?)

Q: Did you get the sense that they were expecting you?

A: I do not think they were expecting us, because one woman came out for a break and put her hand over her name tag and ducked away from us as soon as she saw us. There seemed to be a moment of recognition wherein she realized, "Uh oh....!"


Michelle: Hi Dan in Tx! I'm overjoyed at the success of the Houston protest and you were there to witness every dirty little detail. So naturally, I'm dying to get some juice from this past weekend! How about some Q & A's?

Dan in Tx: Absolutely!

Q :How many people would you say promised to go up to the Aruban booth and tell them what they thought? Did any of them later report back to you? Did any of them tell you what the Aruban response was?

A: I personally sent five or six people to 'visit' the Aruba booth. I can't speak for everyone else in the protest, but I'm sure they did the same since we were sharing ideas and strategies all day. A few of those people did report back-
that's how we discovered that the Arubans actually took one man's tote from him! As for the ATA's response, well...they were pissed. Even the event coordinator for the travel show told me they complained numerous times about us but of course it was out of his hands. Again, I really don't think Aruba has true freedom of speech because Arubans really don't seem to understand freedom of assembly.

Q: You say that all the pamphlets, etc., that you brought were given out ... how many did you bring?

A: We had between 600-700 pamphlets and 125 cloth totes. We gave away all our color pamphlets first, then all our black and white pamphlets, then all our totes, then whatever we had left- the business cards and 'Boycott Bucks'--Monopoly money with Natalee's photo on the front and a map of Aruba on the back.
(Michelle's note: John, thanks for your ingenious Monopoly money idea...what a guy! Rock on...)

Q: Did anyone express interest in doing further work on Natalee's case? Did anyone ask to be put on the mailing list? Did anyone offer to donate money to help out with expenses?

A: A cart driver offered to donate the back of his cart as advertisement for Natalee's disappearance (and we do plan to get back in contact with him). A lot of people seemed very interested in the blogs and websites once we pointed them out in the pamphlets. I specifically remember telling one man that the stuff on TV is glossed-over and watered-down; the real details are on the blogs. A lot of people were surprised that Aruba is also a hub for drug trafficking, money laundering, and most didn't know about how the airport is understaffed and unsafe. I think other protesters have seen this before, but one lady told me that she used to go to Aruba years ago but it's not the same place it was. One of my team talked to a lady who canceled her entire social club's trip to Aruba because of Natalee! We did not ask for any money, of course, and we couldn't accept it anyway as part of our protest permissions.

I would like to say that Houston P.D. was very cooperative and supportive, and the convention center personnel did not give us any trouble. The first person who I talked to before the protest even started saw my boycott tee shirt and came up to me and talked about the case with me. This particular man was actually an off-duty H.P.D. investigator.

Michelle: Dan, thanks for all the great information, dedication and hard work! And kudos to the rest of you "aruban boycotters"! I couldn't be more proud of the people who are actually "bringing it on"...so very cool old school. The era of the protesting! Speaking your mind! Politics! Having a cause! It worked for the hippies back then, and we are taking grassroots to a new level with the invention of the internet!

Dan in Tx: I'll be happy to answer more questions if you or your readers have any!