November 20, 2008


Segment from last night's Greta's show discussing Hans Mos and his incompetence as a prosecutor.

Here are some great quotes of the evening:

After the latest witness came forward, even after PASSING a polygraph test in the United States Hans Mos "does not believe him."

Dave Holloway: (regarding witness): "...he has, he has spoken with Hans Mos probably about four months ago in the presence of Vinda Sousa, an attorney down there, and of course, many of the people with the EXCEPTION of the prosecutor believes this witness!"

"...when he got to the point about talking about the judge (Paulus Van der Sloot), Hans Mos made a comment 'what a nice guy he was' and all this other kind of stuff, then the witness said, 'I've had enough' and ended the statement. Then he came to us begging us to search this pond located near his home."

Bernie Grimm: "...and you agree to fly down to Miami and meet him halfway and he says, 'I'll take door #1, which is FLAT OUT not gettin' off your rear end LAZY...lazy is an easy way out and there are words I can't use on FOX that I would use to describe this..."


Anonymous said...

Does Hans Mos ever work?

Michelle Says So 2.0 said...

No...he hangs out at the police station with Dennis Jacobs eating corn flakes.