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With Aruban authorities possibly closing the investigation into the disappearance of missing Alabama teen, Natalee Holloway, efforts are being quietly ramped up by Texas EquuSearch to "bring Natalee home".
New Hampshire-based timeshare resale and timeshare rental advertising company, Sell My Timeshare NOW, has found a small way to assist with the search.
(Source)--Dover, NH (PRWEB) December 17, 2007 -- The CEO of
Sell My Timeshare NOW, Jason Tremblay, is the first to say that no one should ever have to use timeshare resort property for a reason as sad as this one. Tremblay's company is providing a two-bedroom timeshare to the members of the Texas-based search team, EquuSearch, who are in Aruba this week, continuing the search for Natalee Holloway.

"I am not trained to know how to assist in a missing persons search, but our company, Sell My Timeshare NOW, has found a small way to help by donating comfortable accommodations for the skilled members of EquuSearch who are in Aruba looking for Natalee Holloway now."
EquuSearch is the Texas EquuSearch Mounted Search and Recovery Team, a non-profit organization, started in August, 2000, to provide volunteer horse-mounted search and recovery for lost and missing persons. Since that time, EquuSearch, funded entirely through donations, has expanded to include the search skills of divers, helicopters, dog teams, infrared photography and a variety of other sophisticated search tools. EquuSearch is presently conducting a deep water search off the coast of Aruba with the stated mission, "to bring Natalee home".
Aruban authorities are saying they may close the missing persons case at the end of December if there is no further evidence found to link suspects in the case to Natalee's disappearance or if no new evidence is uncovered. The Holloway family attorney, John Q. Kelly, has stated that he believes there is strong circumstantial evidence to link the three suspects in the case, but without something new, this case could be closed by the end of the year.
Jason Tremblay, whose company helps timeshare owners market and advertise their property as a timeshare rental or timeshare resale, says, "The search crew was planning to sleep on the search boat each night, but it only made sense that a hot shower and a comfortable bed at the timeshare makes it easier for them to maintain their stamina and focus."
Tremblay adds, "There are many reasons to need a timeshare condo, but I can't think of one any sadder than this. The thoughts and prayers of everyone at Sell My Timeshare NOW are with Natalee Holloway's family and with the search team.
Texas EquuSearch and Underwater Expedition are conducting the deep-water search with the equipment and vessel provided by John Silvetti and the Silvetti Group.
Here’s the deal. YOU tell US who the ‘innocent’ Arubans are. That presupposes that you know who the guilty ones are, doesn’t it?
If so, you know more than the Aruban government knows. After two and a half years, they can’t find evidence to keep anyone in jail.
But Natalee vanished on Aruba, didn’t she? Do you have that down straight? She was taken away by three persons on Aruba, got it?
At this point, we don’t know how many Arubans might be involved, though it’s obvious that a hell of a lot more than three are responsible for the cover-up.
So that’s my advice. You find out who’s innocent, and we who are pushing the boycott will ask that nobody get angry at them.
But you can’t do it, can you?
So if the Aruban people won’t speak up and demand action … well, maybe it doesn’t sound nice …but I really don’t care what happens to them.
We owe Aruba NOTHING.
And it’s clear that Aruba can’t do justice in this case, or won’t.
So to hell with the place. Period.
Let Aruba look to someone else for its tourist money. It won’t get mine, and I’ll do everything that I can to encourage others to avoid the place.
And to let Aruba know WHY they won’t go there.
We’ve had success at this … in Boston, at King of Prussia, and (though I wasn’t there) in the other protests, passers-by went in and told the Aruba Tourist Authority people that they would never visit that place, and why.
So once again, the question isn’t whether we will press for a boycott. We HAVE been doing this, and even the Dutch admit that it has had an impact. Now it’s time to carry the campaign further.
The ball’s in your court, Aruba. You’ll keep the cover-up going? You won’t call back van der Straaten, Jacobs, Dompig, and the others and start an inquiry?
You won’t demand that an IMPARTIAL JUDGE take charge?
You won’t ask the US to send the FBI in?
You’ll continue to whine, whimper and say “Oh, there’s no evidence?”
Fine … GO TO HELL. And get there by starvation.
Because I for one am sick to death of your whining. Find someone else to feed you … because the Americans, who have taken a long time to wise up, finally are doing so.