April 30, 2009

Labels: Aruba Financials, Boycott, Miscellaneous, Tourism Facts
April 27, 2009
- Monday, April 27 at 10 p.m.
- Tuesday, April 28 at 2 p.m.
Labels: Beth Twitty, Boycott, Corruption, Miscellaneous, Natalee
April 21, 2009
Labels: Boycott, Corruption
Lifetime Movie Network’s premiere of “Natalee Holloway” Sunday night ranks as the highest rated and most viewed movie in the network’s history.
Labels: Beth Twitty, Boycott, Corruption, Miscellaneous, Natalee
April 20, 2009

Labels: Beth Twitty, Boycott, Corruption, Natalee
April 18, 2009
WILLEMSTAD — The Dutch government is checking the possibility of an investigation performed by the Transparency International into Aruba and the Netherlands Antilles. This appears from answers on a list of 46 questions of the stationary committee for the Netherlands Antilles and Aruban Affairs (Naaz) with regard to the letter of State secretary of Kingdom relations Ank Bijleveld-Schouten (CDA) about the status of the policy on the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba. The world wide non-governmental organization Transparency International is focused on restraining international and national corruption and targets for a world without corruption. Corruption is viewed by the organization as ‘misuse of entrusted power for own profit’. Besides considering an investigation against corruption, Bijleveld wants to raise the matter of an investigation regarding the experience of corruption with the Antillean and Aruba government. “Corruption and integritity are recurring subjects which I regularly discuss with the governors of the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba. During future conversations I shall bring up the carrying out of an investigation regarding the experience of the population with reference to corruption”, the State secretary answering the question if she ‘will stimulate the governors of the island to investigate the corruption and the influence hereof on the politics so that actual statistics become available.”
Labels: Boycott, Corruption, Miscellaneous

Natalee Holloway' a disappointing TV movie
Posted by Alec Harvey -- The Birmingham News April 17, 2009 1:34 PM
Labels: Beth Twitty, Boycott, Miscellaneous, Natalee
April 10, 2009
Today, Holloway continues to speak publicly about the potential dangers of international travel. Her resolve and unwavering strength are at the center of this emotional story that takes viewers behind the headlines and into the heart of an extraordinary woman. The movie, about a mother's search for truth and justice, is based on the book "Loving Natalee: A Mother's Testament of Hope and Faith" by Beth Holloway.

What prompted you to write the book “Loving Natalee: A Mother’s Testament of Hope and Faith”?
The writing of the book actually evolved over a period of time. Shortly after this happened to Natalee, I made a pledge that I would share her story with every high school I could, because I hoped that no other family would have to endure the challenges that we faced during our first few weeks in Aruba. I lived in Aruba for about four months while I was searching for her, and during the fifth month, I thought it was time for me to make good on my pledge as Natalee’s case was now in the hands of John Kelly, attorney at law. I began traveling and, over the course of two years, presented personal safety messages to over 20,000 high school and college students in 22 states. During this time I thought, “How could I reach more travelers?” and I started thinking about writing a book.How did this movie come to be?
It’s a direct result of the book. We started talking about it with Lifetime, and at first I wasn’t sure if I could take the next step. But then I had the privilege and opportunity to fly to Los Angeles and to sit down with an incredible creative staff from Sony and Lifetime. I knew instantly that this was the next step and the right thing to do.What was it like being on set?
I was nervous and overwhelmed at first. Even the equipment and the logistics were fascinating to me. I had my camera and took pictures whenever I could. It was really an honor to be there.Has it been emotional to replay these events?
I don’t think that anything could compare with the first four months of what we endured while searching for Natalee in Aruba. The movie is something I view as an accomplishment, because we are able to help shed light on a lot of things that I wrote about in my book.What is it like having Tracy Pollan play you?
It’s an honor. I think she’s a genuine, sincere, real person. There could not have been a better choice.In the movie, we watch Beth change and grow into an activist as she searches for her daughter and for the truth about what happened. Tell us about that experience.
There seems to be a common thread among all of us who have experienced a devastating or traumatic event, and that is the wanting to reach out to others — whether it’s through philanthropic events or in my case, taking Natalee’s story podium to podium, high school to high school and college to college. You want to make a difference and ensure that no other family will have to endure the same tragedy.What do you really think happened to Natalee?
We have tried to be so careful not to speculate over the last four years. We always go back to the known facts, and the known facts are that we have indentified the three individuals who were last seen with Natalee alive. As she was leaving Carlos and Charlie’s, we know the condition that Natalee was in. And when the suspects took her from the establishment, we have 22 different versions that they have given to the police to explain what they did with her that night. We know the sexual conduct they engaged in with her in the car as she was semiconscious, falling asleep and waking up. So we know it doesn’t look good, the things that were transpiring. Other than this, we have no further information.You are very involved in helping others stay safe while traveling abroad. As a public speaker, what words of guidance do you give your audiences?
I remind them about the importance of their personal safety and that personal safety boils down to making a plan. Whether that plan is investigating the infrastructure of a country that you will be visiting, securing police numbers and embassy contacts, or understanding what the United States Embassy can and cannot provide for tourists who find themselves in a crisis outside our borders, it’s important to be prepared. I also remind my audiences that a lot of these occurrences transpire in the early morning hours. I cannot tell you the exhausted list of families that I have been working with whose loved one was last seen leaving an establishment at 12:30 am, 1 am or 1:30 am.It’s the same scenario time after time, and it’s never a good outcome. It sounds so simple and something you’d even tell an elementary child — never go anywhere with strangers, never leave a place alone, and have a time and place to meet with friends before you leave the establishment.
What would you like audiences to take away from this movie?
I think the overall message is the message of hope, the hope for justice and the hope of making a difference in other people’s lives. I think what this movie will do after all is said and done is give my definition of hope — which is the inexplicable empowerment that enables us to move successfully from challenge to resolution with courage. It’s more than just wishful thinking; it’s the guarantee that there’s light at the end of whatever tunnel we’re trying to find our way through. My first phase was a fantasy phase of hope, and I thought I was coming to Aruba and taking Natalee home alive. When I left home, I told my son I’d return with her in a couple of days. As you move through a crisis and your hope is shattered, you have to find a new hope to carry you through. If I had stayed in my fantasy hope for too long, I could have never have fought so hard for Natalee’s life to make a difference.Another message is the importance of justice. I was going to bring Natalee home whether she was alive or not. I was going to have justice and put her perpetrators behind bars. Well, none of that happened, and I can only hope that it does one day, but if it doesn’t, I still have a real hope — and real hope has actions behind it.
And my real hope is that, when I present to colleges, churches, civic groups and attorney generals, I am making a difference. It’s tangible for me, and that is why I keep going.
Labels: Beth Twitty, Boycott, Miscellaneous, Natalee
WILLEMSTAD — Last weekend, Justice intercepted a group of people in a research that was directed at human trafficking. There were also seven children in this group.
This was confirmed by the public prosecutor Ludmilla Vicento. Details could not be given with regard to the importance of the research, nor if any suspects were detained.
Minister of Justice David Dick (PAR) announced the action of Justice during yesterday’s State meeting. The children, originating from a country in the Caribbean region, were en route elsewhere to perform some kind of slaves’ work. The minister actually talked out of turn as the research is still in progress. According to Vicento, the character of the practices requires more clarity. In any case it has to do with illegality, forgery and human trafficking and/or smuggling.
Prevention policy
A difficult phenomenal to tackle, but a workgroup within the department of Justice is actually in full swing to implement a prevention policy. Momentarily there are advertising spots on the radio and a special telephone number.
Recently, Justice participated with a research by the Surinam authorities regarding human trafficking, whereby Surinamers were recruited and came to CuraƧao via Trinidad where they nevertheless were forced to work.
April 08, 2009
ORANJESTAD — During a drug prevention operation at sea last night, the Navy intercepted 350 kilo of cocaine. The hard drugs were stored aboard a suspected go-fast in de central of the Caribbean Sea.
The specific place cannot be revealed with regard to the continued research in this case, says spokesman Karen Gelijns for the Royal Navy in the Caribbean.
The suspected go-fast was spotted Monday afternoon by an American Navy patrol aircraft at sea. (Sounds like the U.S. has to do their job for them!) The crew of the Navy frigate Harer Majesteits Van Amstel received the order to intercept and investigate the vessel. The distance of 75 miles between the station ship and the suspected go-fast was quickly bridged, and the vessel stopped.
On board the vessel there were four persons, a large volume of fuel and fourteen sacks of approx. 25 kilo cocaine each. The crew of the go-fast has been handed over to the authorities for further research on the drug smuggling case.
Labels: Boycott, Drugs and Alcohol, Dutch
April 05, 2009
These comments and questions were posed by Richard, Aruban Boycott Member:
(I don't have any hope for the pond search, but it's worth doing if only to eliminate a possibility.)
One thing that worries me ... the article ends by saying it isn't known where Golba is now searching on the island. How can that be, if ALE is dogging his every footstep, as we were told they were?
Are they going to say: "Okay, you broke the rules ... NO MORE SEARCHES"? That would make perfect sense; try to discredit the Americans, thereby glossing over the true issue.
(I also wonder why the media aren't raising the question I keep posing: Why should the search for a missing American in Aruba be OUR responsibility? But we know why...)
Labels: Boycott, Miscellaneous, Natalee
April 04, 2009
Sounds like Search and Rescue Aruba (SARFA) didn't pay attention during their economics class..."there is no such thing as a free lunch." I guess they were bitter about Dave Holloway paying for Fred Golba's lunch...and not giving them anything. (See article below)
And why should he? The only reason SARFA is involved is to "to maintain the image of Aruba towards the outside world. The rescue organization wanted to prevent that the media would publish that they had not participated with the searches for the American teenager."
So, it isn't about finding Natalee. It's about restoring their reputation. GO FIGURE. This article is not only transparent in their actions by helping Fred Golba, but it also shows their selfishness and ultimate bitterness towards the whole situation.
BITE THE BULLET PEOPLE! Get with the program and DO THE RIGHT THING! Quit the bitching and moaning! It only makes you look like insensitive bastards!

ORANJESTAD — Fred Golba, who was hired by Dave Holloway to search the island for his missing daughter Natalee, is still on the island. After the search had produced nothing new, he initially was scheduled to leave on Tuesday, but postponed his departure. The agreement with the authorities was that Golba would perform his search, amongst others, in the so-called Dam of Monserat until Tuesday, but suspect Joran van der Sloot was seen by a witness during the night that Natalee disappeared.
This dam is originally known as Tanki Real by the surrounding habitants. Golba searched the environment with a tracker dog and also used water pumps. These pumps as well as the generators were supplied by the rescue organization Search & Rescue Aruba (Sarfa).
Sarfa says they also participated in the search to maintain the image of Aruba towards the outside world. The rescue organization wanted to prevent that the media would publish that they had not participated with the searches for the American teenager.
It is unknown where Golba is now searching on the island.
Labels: Boycott, Miscellaneous, Natalee
April 02, 2009

The Hon. Ank Bijleveld-Schouten
State Secretary for Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations
Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninksrijkrelaties
Postbus 20011
2500 EA Den Haag
The Netherlands
Dear Madam Secretary:
As an American concerned about this tragedy, I find this statement frankly astonishing. I therefore wish to submit for your consideration some additional measures that the Netherlands could undertake, particularly since, I understand, Aruba has handed over to it jurisdiction in this case:
1. Help provide funding for the search offshore Aruba. I have never understood why the financial burden for this mission should be the responsibility of the family and of American supporters and volunteers. Texas Equusearch, as you are aware, has carried out efforts in this regard. Before funding was exhausted, it had identified a number of sites of particular interest. Since the initial search was made possible by American generosity, perhaps the Dutch government could assist with the investigation of an obvious crime that took place in Aruba.
2. Refer to the Dutch body responsible for legal propriety the behavior of Paulus van der Sloot, who continues to work for the Aruban government despite having provided contradictory explanations for his statements and behavior at the time of Natalee's disappearance. As you are aware, the Aruban government itself overturned his request for additional "damages" following his arrest on these grounds. One would think that this prima facie impropriety would suffice for disbarment; while apparently it does not on Aruba, the Dutch bar may take an interest.
3. Investigate the activities of Jan van der Straaten, chief of police on Aruba at the time of Natalee's disappearance and a known friend of Paulus van der Sloot. It was van der Straaten who said he knew that Natalee was dead "because I've seen the evidence and you haven't"; to my understanding, none of this evidence has been produced. That alone casts suspicion on his statement. Any full-scale investigation of this tragedy must include the sworn testimony of van der Straaten; it is inconceivable that no such testimony has yet been demanded.
4. Natalee's father, Mr. Dave Holloway, said in his book "Aruba" that narcotics detective Dennis Jacobs (after asking "How much money have you got?") warned him that drugging of drinks at Carlos 'n' Charlies was known to occur. One presumes that Aruba, where American tourism at the time accounted for 80 percent of the economy, would have some interest in protecting foreign visitors. Yet apparently this situation was tolerated. Perhaps the Netherlands might investigate this, as well as why a narcotics detective was assigned to a missing-person case.
5. The testimony that various persons in the Netherlands have already provided might be reviewed. In one case, a person tied to the main suspect, Joran van der Sloot, was said to be unable to cause harm to her because he was homosexual. The logic of this statement is elusive.
6. Aruba has said that it has given jurisdiction over this case to the Netherlands. That being so, perhaps as a gesture of good will, attorneys for Natalee's family might be allowed to inspect the Aruban police files. I believe that such access now is allowed only if the case is closed.
7. A review of security tapes from the casino where Natalee was seen in the company of Joran van der Sloot would be in order. It seems that parts of those tapes were made public over a period of time, but the full tapes apparently have not been released. In one shot, a person with a strong resemblance to Paulus van der Sloot appears to be addressing Natalee. Aruba has said that that person was an (unnamed) cook on the island, but the visual identification of that figure with van der Sloot is persuasive. Certainly the Netherlands could resolve this question.
8. The family previously announced a reward for information leading to a solution of this case. Perhaps the Netherlands could contribute to such a reward and help publicize it.
I also wish to remind you of the case of Amy Bradley, an American who in March 1998 vanished from a cruise ship as it was docking in Curacao. The previous day, her ship had stopped in Aruba and certain crew members were urging her to go with them to Carlos 'n' Charlies, the same bar from which Natalee vanished. It is not known whether common factors or persons were involved in the two cases, but photographs, sightings, and other evidence strongly suggests that Amy remains alive, in a situation of duress. Meanwhile, Curacao seems as indifferent to the family's plight as is Aruba towards Natalee.
Should you be interested, I will gladly suggest many more ways in which the Netherlands could act. I send these few merely to show that your statement that the Netherlands has "done everything possible" is anything but accurate. As I write this letter, a news story says that Dutch scientists are testing a pill that erases painful memories. No such pill exists for the families of Natalee Holloway or Amy Bradley, nor does any pill exist that, in the absence of new initiatives, will convince Americans that the Dutch government is devoted to uncovering the truth and prosecuting the guilty in these cases.
cc: Royal Netherlands Embassy to the United States, Washington, D.C.

Dear (Richard),
Within the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Aruba is an autonomous country and is responsible for justice affairs in Aruba. The Netherlands provide assistance whenever requested by the Aruban authorities. I am of the opinion that the Netherlands have provided in this case all possible assistance. For example the case has been extensively reviewed by a joint Dutch-Aruban police team. Unfortunately the case has, so far, not been solved. However, investigations are still ongoing.
on her behalf,
The director for Kingdom relations,
/s/ J. H. Gerritsen
Ministry of Interior and Kingdom Relations
The Hague, The Netherlands
Labels: Boycott, Dutch, Miscellaneous, Natalee