December 29, 2006


Money Laundering Cited for License Revocation

AMSTERDAM, Netherlands — A group of brothel owners that represents nearly a third of the prostitutes in Amsterdam's famed red light district have challenged a decision to revoke their licenses, the city said Friday.

The city notified the owners of 37 brothels and sex show venues on Nov. 30 they would be closed because of suspected involvement in money laundering.

The brothel owners maintain their financial problems are caused by banks refusing to do business with them. In its statement, the city said it would wait for a court ruling to take action. The case will likely be heard in mid-January, the city said.

The brothels represent around 300 of the district's scantily clad "windows" prostitutes who stand behind windows and tap their fingers against the glass to attract customers. The narrow streets near Amsterdam's center have been a hangout for prostitutes since the city was the hub of a global trading empire during the Netherlands' 17th century Golden Age.


December 28, 2006


Where Are Travelers Heading In 2007?

Not Aruba!

(source)--Curious where travelers are headed in the coming year? We took a look at the most popular searches on Yahoo! FareChase to see which cities folks are flocking to in 2007. On the domestic list, perennial travel favorite Las Vegas shows no signs of ceding the top spot, while sunny Florida dominates the rest of the list, with five out of the top 10 searches.

We did note a few surprises on the international list, including the appearance of Frankfurt and Manila in the top 5. Visitors rave about Frankfurt's shopping and architecture, while Manila attracts budget travelers looking for beaches and nightlife. Of course, more traditional travel destinations like Paris and Rome made the list as well, placing at 7th and 8th respectively.

Top Domestic Travel Searches - 2007

  1. Las Vegas, Nevada
  2. Orlando, Florida
  3. New York City, New York
  4. Honolulu, Hawaii
  5. Miami, Florida
  6. Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
  7. Los Angeles, California
  8. Tampa, Florida
  9. Phoenix, Arizona
  10. Ft. Myers, Florida

Top International Travel Searches - 2007

  1. London, United Kingdom
  2. Cancun, Mexico
  3. Frankfurt, Germany
  4. San Juan, Puerto Rico
  5. Manila, Phillipines
  6. Bangkok, Thailand
  7. Paris, France
  8. Rome, Italy
  9. Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
  10. Amsterdam, Netherlands

I am thrilled to see that Aruba is NOT on this list. The boycott is working! Tourism Prime Minister Edison Briesen is in HOT water with Oduber and certain dutch politicans. The Dutch are the ones that rule the roost.

"If you ain't dutch, you ain't much..."

December 26, 2006


Ed Briesen, PM of Tourism--Jackass the Movie Part 4

ORANJESTAD-Aruba received 48,470 stay-over arrivals in September 2006 compared to 48,047 arrivals in September 2005, an increase of 0.9 percent.

September 2006 is the first month to show growth in stay-over arrivals since July 2005, an indication that tourism is on a recovery path. (I wouldn’t say a 0.9 increase is a “recovery”. Don’t you just love their ‘play on words’?) Europe and South America are responsible for much of the growth in stay-over tourism during last September. (Maybe that’s because Americans are smart enough to stay the hell away!)

The number of nights spent on Aruba rose from 369,496 nights in September 2005 to 369,737 nights in September 2006, an increase of 0.1 percent. The average hotel occupancy rate was of 66.6 percent in September this year compared to 69.1 percent in September 2005, a decline of 2.5 percentage points.

A total of 518,580 stay-over arrivals were welcomed on the island in the first 9 months of this year compared to 564,836 arrivals in the same period last year, a decline of 8.2 percent.

Market Performance September 2006

North America

The U.S. remained the most important generating market for Aruba in September 2006, responsible for 61 percent of all arrivals. The island welcomed 29,457 Americans in September 2006 compared to 29,523 Americans in September of last year, a decline of 0.2 percent. A total of 370,123 Americans were welcomed in the first 9 months of 2006 compared to 414,661 Americans in the same period last year, a decline of 10.7 percent.

Stay-over arrivals from Canada fell by 7.2 percent in September 2006. Aruba welcomed 1,141 Canadians in September 2006 compared to 1,230 Canadians in September 2005. Nevertheless the Canadian market is up 3.1 percent to a total of 16,418 arrivals for the first 9 months of this year compared to the same period in 2005.

South America

Venezuela has remained traditionally the second most important generating market for September. A total 8,348 Venezuelans arrived on the island in September 2006 compared to 8,411 arrivals in September 2005, a decline of 0.8 percent. The Venezuelan market has declined by 4.6 percent to 44,185 arrivals in the first 9 months of 2006 compared to the same period last year.

The Argentine market is up by 55.4 percent to 331 arrivals in September 2006, the Brazilian market is up 86.1 percent to 696 arrivals, the Colombian market is up 17.6 percent to 735 arrivals, the Ecuadorian market is up 141 percent to 147 arrivals.


The Dutch market grew strong, 2,725 Dutchmen arrived last September compared to 2,464 Dutchmen in September 2005, an increase of 10.6 percent. The British market fell by 0.9 percent to 955 arrivals, the Spanish market is up 2 percent, the Italian market is down 1.3 percent, the German market is up 9.6 percent, Belgian market is up 2.5 percent, the Swiss market is up 63.1 percent, Swedish market is up 17.3 percent, Norwegian market is down 3.6 percent and the Finnish market is up 96.3 percent.



First of all I'd like to say Howie Mandel is next to Pauly Shore as one of biggest washups from the 80's, and how he managed to get a show amazes me. The other thing that amazes me is that this show is popular?! I guess I just have higher standards in television...I only watch cable shows that are intellectually stimulating rather than watching some fat-ass bus driver from Scranton, Pennsylvania begging his family to decide if he should "go for it"! It's embarassing to see how Americans will behave just to be on TV...

Also, Howie, I must say the bald look is NOT for you.

But that's not my point. I was told by "People for Natalee" that 'Deal or no Deal' is giving out trips to Aruba as prizes. Now we all know that Aruba is giving away trips like Paris Hilton gives away her 'uh-hum'... Aruba needs to give out free trips to get people down there so they can "up" their tourism rates and "prove to the ignorant people" that their island is doing just fine.

Can't you see behind the big "black curtain"? It's not the Wizard of's a small group of people led by Eddie Briesen, the PM of Tourism, that is pimping out his island to save his political ass.

Please write to Deal or no Deal, or even Howie himself and tell him or NBC how you feel about them allowing to take free trips from Aruba as prizes/"favors". I wonder how the show would recover if something scandlous happened to one of their "winners". Then what? I wonder what Steve Cohen, Mr. Hollywood is doing these days for his Aruba tourism efforts?

I say, NO DEAL!

Check out Howie Mandel's LAME interview and his loser bio..
What has happened to Hollywood standards?

Contact NBC

December 25, 2006


A master plan is needed for better police integrity

ORANJESTAD – An investigation report (This is so laughable. They had to do a "report" on this? So are they basically admitting that their police protection sucks...real good for that faltering tourism of theirs...) on the efficiency of the Police Corps of Aruba (KPA) regarding integrity, states that the control on work procedure is poorly; promotional transfers take place, while there is a disciplinary investigation going; and there is no correct follow up after irregularities within the corps are signaled.

Forensic Services Caribbean in Curaçao did the investigation by order of Justice-minister Rudy Croes (MEP). Amigoe learned this from documents that the paper received for perusal. The report was already given to the then chief of police Ronny Bernadina on April 3rd of this year.

The investigation took place in 2005 and based on the findings, Forensic Services Caribbean advices to draw up a master plan to deal with the integrity risks. Based on conversations with some key-officials within the KPA and external partners of the corps, like the Security Service, the Public Prosecutor, and the Coastguard, they have mapped nine risks. They have also analyzed summaries of integrity rules violations within the corps.

They first noticed that many rules regarding work procedures and work processes are established, but that these are not univocal and not conveniently arranged. The procedures differ per (police-, editor) district and are implemented or interpreted differently.” Besides, several regulations are not complete. Not everybody is familiar with the procedures, they are difficult of access, and several of the versions used are outdated. Several procedures are too complex and have therefore lost their powers. “They have become dead letters”, states the report.

There is lack of control on the observance of the procedures in all sectors of the organization. This has to do with not having qualitatively good employees on managerial positions. Another reason is that there is lack of open culture, in which employees dare to talk to each other. In order to restrict this risk, the bureau advices to further specify the career policy and to organize trainings that would provoke a culture change within the police corps.

A third risk that can cause the integrity of the corps to come into play is the lack of confidence when it comes to exchange information. Confidential information is leaked to third parties and nobody knows what to do with the information or that the information can be used against you. “This lack of confidence has consequences for the internal- and external communication”, states the report. It also forms a hindrance for working effectively and efficiently. Their advice is again a culture chance in order to create confidence.


For the next few days I will be in the process of updating this blog, such as adding posts to the new category section on the sidebar. The list is not complete, as there are some 900 posts for me to go through in order to make it easier for you to jump around! Have a merry xmas!

We are thinking of you Natalee!

December 22, 2006


By Meri, Aruban Boycott Contributor

I haven't had much to say as of late but I wanted to voice my opinion on a few things.

The Dr. Phil Show is filmed in the United States and therefore any civil wrong-doing that someone may have perpetrated during the course of that show and that might have harmed the Plaintiffs (the Kalpoe's in this case), will give them legal jurisdiction.

This is quite different from the lawsuit that was attempted in NYC regarding Joran and Paulus as the accusations of various crimes happened on Aruba and NOT in the USA. There was never any personal jurisdiction here in the USA and the suit could only be heard on Aruba (which I doubt would have ever happened having viewed their judicial system and how they interpret it).

There was also the closely knit relationships among the Judges (the Court) and the parties involved. I don't think that any lawsuit would be a success on Aruba regarding this case.

As for extradition; Ramm is right. You can't extradite on a Civil matter. It is difficult enough to extradite on a criminal matter where evidence is clear; especially where treaties are in place.

That is where Ramm and I part for his association with BFN and some of the people there, we totally disagree and I find that many of them have a strange way of showing support for Natalee and her family.

I NEVER believed for one second that Ramm had any sort of legal background or knowledge, but he is entitled to his opinions no matter how different from my own. He does come across as if he is an "expert" on certain subjects which I find amusing but harmless. He, like many of us have no actual standing in this case and all we can do are the following: offer support, help with the boycott movement; or do research so that we can impart a better understanding of the particulars involving this case and the places and people in the cast of characters.

Truth be told, other than some very good articles on various Internet sites, this boycott site, and some kind and compassionate people who have stood alongside the family, most of us have contributed nothing.

We have shown our compassion in many ways and hopefully, that has been a help to the family as they go through this long, drawn-out, exhausting process of trying to find the truth as to what happened to Natalee Holloway.

There are a few people working on some areas that may someday bring some International attention to Natalee's plight, but that hasn't happened as of yet.

As for the Kalpoe's and their isn't as frivolous as it may appear at first glance. I don't believe one single word that comes from the mouths of the Kalpoes'. Joran, Paulus and the rest of the bozos on Aruba, but I DO know that Dr. Phil messed up. He made some unsubstantiated claims on his show and he has not been able to prove what he said. He based his comments on a tape that may or may not have been flawed and was most definitely edited. That alone means that the Kalpoes' may actually have reason to believe that they were Civilly injured.

Even the FBI has not supported the veracity of the Skeeter's tape and therefore we have no idea who said what to whom and what was true or edited. I doubt that the case will ever go to Court for trial and I believe that the powers that be at The Dr. Phil Show will settle this case with the Kalpoe's.

Frankly, the thought of them profiting from this situation makes me feel sick but the law is the law and Dr. Phil did damage not only to the suspects but to the entire case when he butted in. He simply did not have enough facts (no one does except for those who know the truth). Therefore, he left himself and his show open for a Civil action.

I hate to quote a television show, but it makes sense to listen to what Gil Grissam of CSI says when he states, "We always follow the evidence". In this case, most of the evidence has been lost, destroyed or never gathered.

After all this time, I still believe that Joran, the Kalpoes, some of their other associates, his father and others on Aruba know what happened to Natalee and I do NOT believe the "I left her on the beach story".

Do NOT be shocked or surprised if the Kalpoe Brother's DO profit from their is not much of a stretch to picture them winning some kind of settlement since Dr. Phil was careless and since the tape that he used on his show was edited. They can be as guilty as hell and still win their all depends on what was said, how it was said, the intent of what was said and what evidence there is to back-up their claims.

If it can be proven that Dr. Phil based his comments on an unproven video and audio tape and that the tape was not used in it's true content...therefore inflicting harm on the Plaintiffs....BINGO.

I will feel ill if the Kalpoes' are victorious but I will not be surprised.

Michelle's Opinion:

These faces don't look like those who are innocent.
If I were in deep shit I'd look pretty sad, too.

December 21, 2006


My mom always used to say, "Either shit or get off the pot." Get these bastards on trial and lets be done with this. Not only is her family exhausted, but so are the rest of us trying to help Natalee receive her due justice. We want an end to this Aruba! Get your lazy asses in gear and tell your Dutch counterparts the same thing! And you can tell them I SAID SO!

The murder of baby Lindbergh

Now, men and women, as I told you before, there are some cases in which a recommendation of mercy might do, but not this one, not this one. Either this man is the filthiest and vilest snake that ever crawled through the grass, or he is entitled to an acquittal. If you bring in a recommendation of mercy, a wishy- washy decision, yes, it is your province, I will not say a word about it. I will not say another word. But it seems to me that you have the courage. If you are convinced, as all of us are —you must find him guilty of murder in the first degree.

David T. Wilentz, Attorney General of New Jersey
in his summation to the jury, February 13, 1935

December 20, 2006


Isn't it funny, yet so very sad, that Aruba's prosecutor Ms. Inept Karin Jansen never looked into (maybe they have but destroyed any records) and never even reported or questioned Paulus van der Sloot's mysterious midnight ATM withdrawals the night Natalee vanished. But Curaco jumps on this right away? Money laundering is no problem there, neither is drug or human trafficking. But fake ATM cards! Now THAT's a true crime, isn't it?

I truly believe in karma as much as I believe in GOD, and I know that not only will the Van der Sloot family get theirs, but everyone else involved in this conspiracy to cover up the wrong-doing of Joran and his evil friends. This island is PATHETIC and I don't know how ANYONE in their right mind would want to visit this hell hole. How can they call it a vacation destination? It's a third world country with major political and criminal issues. By the time this is all said and done Aruba will be nothing but a speck on the map that no one will remember.

Arrests for fraud with ATM cards

WILLEMSTAD – Seven men, including 5 from Trinidad were arrested for fraud with ATM cards. The 5 men from Trinidad were arrested around 20:00 at the MCB ATM at the corner of Klipstraat/Breedestarrt in Otrobanda.

They had 40 blank ATM cards and 7000 dollars with them. The Otrobanda police received a call that 5 men were behaving suspiciously at the ATM. This is the second time in a short period of time that foreigners are arrested for this offence on the island. Two Bulgarian men were arrested in October for trying to commit the same fraud at an ATM of MCB and Banco di Caribe. These men also had blank ATM-cards with them.

This form of ATM-fraud is called skimming. According to MCB’s assistant managing director Ruthsella Jansen, the men were busy getting cash in Curacao with shimmed cards from elsewhere in the world. They have already visited several ATM’s.

Jansen learned that two other men were arrested today and more cards and money were confiscated. The criminals attach something on the card slot of an ATM that reads and stores data from the magnetic tape stripe of a bank card. The customer withdraws cash from the ATM, finishes the transaction, picks up his/her cash and removes the bank card. After the customer leaves, the criminals take the data stored and put it on a blank atm-card. The criminals also attach a mini camera on the upper side of the ATM, with which they retrieve the pin code.

The Bulgarians that were arrested in October were busy committing this fraud here in Curacao, but they were stopped on time. It is very difficult for the bank to prevent people from withdrawing cash from an ATM with these blank cards. Because the banks in question were not aware of the fraud, they could not block the cards on time. The employees that are in charge of the ATM service, can only check whether more money is withdrawn than normal and whether certain cards are used more often. Via the numbers, the region and the bank can be recognized, so retrieving the data is not difficult. With yesterday’s and today’s arrest, the damage for the MCB could be restricted.

December 19, 2006


This post is so pathetic it makes me sick. Gee, I'd really love to spend my money going to somewhere where I have to police myself! And by the way, they consider vandalism worse than drug dealing! GO FIGURE!


Aruba Needs Your Help!! (No shit...)

Hi everyone, We have a bit of a problem (? a bit?) that needs your help. As we all know, petty crime has been on the increase in Aruba. We can do something about this but not without your help.

The obvious help is to protect your belongings. Don't be foolish tourists (you bad, bad tourists! It's all your fault because you are so foolish!) and leave items for other tourists and local criminals to take. Remember, although Aruba is safer than just about anywhere in our own country, petty crime does exist. Then there is the less obvious help.

As requested by the powers that be, we are compiling a list of any crimes that you have witnessed or been the victims of. I don't mean the stupid kid trying to sell you a joint. (Oh? Dealing drugs on the corner isn't a crime? Just an annoyance? I'm sure some father would love to know that his child is being offered drugs on the street!)

I mean vandalism, petty theft, and any categories I am missing that have occurred since the first of this year. (MURDER? RAPE? CORRUPTION? I find it absolutely distasteful that vandalism and petty theft are worse than drug dealers. WHY ON EARTH WOULD ANYONE WANT TO GO HERE???)

We want as many details as you remember. Location, action, were police called, did they respond in a timely manner, and anything else that you can think of. We are working closely with the authorities to maintain a safe Aruba as it has always been and continues to be relative to most places. We can be that much more effective at this with your feedback! (Love it...once it was "the safest", now it's "relative to most.")

We would like you to send an email to us with the aforementioned details. If you are uncomfortable sending it to people you don't know, you are welcome to pm me. I will sticky this post and close this thread so that all replies can be sent to us. thanks!!!!


December 17, 2006


Parents and School Administrators Remember
Natalee When Planning Spring Break

Read Article Here


I guess Aruba isn't the only island with problems. Doesn't sound like these governments are doing their job by incarcerating criminals and protecting their "precious tourists and their millions of dollars". Get rid of the corruption, pay-offs, trafficking, racketeering, the forced prostitution...

Mmmm....yeahhhh. Sounds like paradise to me.

More US cities are catching wind of the impact of crime on tourism in Caribbean countries. Some American dailies as well as the US State Department have warned travelers about possible dangers they could encounter traveling to the region. Different types of accommodations are also susceptible to specific types of criminal behavior, according to warnings.

According to a Washington Post report, properties that offer a romantic and isolated get-away are sometimes easy targets for criminals because there is either little or no security. There have also been more small hotel and motel break-ins, and thieves have hit vacation rental spots, the report noted. Another trend reported is hotel room break-ins while guests are in them. Popular items for criminals to steal include techno gadgets such as cameras, cell phones, and lap tops. Tourists also often report that their cash, passports or credit cards have been stolen from them. In some cases, the victims have been raped or killed.

...A State Department spokesperson told the Washington Post, "We're not saying don't go to these islands. But don't expect because you're in a tropical, relaxed area that you're out of a danger zone. Take the same precautions that you would in other places."

Read entire article here

December 15, 2006



Deepak decided it was the time for him to jump back into the spotlight. He was feeling quite jealous and alone without all the media attention. So one lazy afternoon, he phones his inept attorney ordering him to sue Dr. Phil in California for airing the tapes of things that I really said...uh...but I didn't really say them. It's all lies. It was altered, I swear! He defamed me and I've lost millions in dollars over this. Call up Johnny Cockran...I want $5 million beeeatch!

"Hey Deepak, what did the five fingers say to the face?"

"I don't know what?"


December 14, 2006


This is the Judge that will be presiding over the civil case against the Kalpoes.

Hon. Robert L. Hess

Check out his credentials here

Good lord...he was the Judge in the lawsuit against 'Aaanold' Swartzenegger's sexual harassment suit before he was elected Governor. Read on here.


The only good thing about this situation is that it's keeping Natalee in the news. We will NOT GIVE UP! KEEP ON THE PRESSURE!


SOURCE The Kelly Group

Superior Court of the State of California, County of Los Angeles

Allegations in the lawsuit against Deepak and Satish Kalpoe include claims that they caused the death of Natalee Holloway by "intentionally, negligently, wantonly...unlawfully conducting themselves" to bring about her fatal injuries.

(What happened to their theory that they don't know where she is? Remember when Joran said, if she was alive and came back I'd hate her? The inconsistencies are endless...)

The wrongful death action was filed as a related case to an action the Kalpoes filed against the "Dr. Phil Show," and others.

Natalee's parents' attempt to get justice in Aruba have been repeatedly frustrated -- which is why we welcome the opportunity to file this civil case in Los Angeles," New York attorney John Q. Kelly, who represents both Beth and Dave Holloway in this action, said. "By filing this wrongful death suit, we hope to capitalize on the Kalpoe's decision to utilize the California courts in a frivolous claim for compensation, and give Natalee's parents the closure they need and deserve."

Great job by Klaasen for getting the here for the lawsuit


Sue! Sue! Sue! It has just been reported that both Satish and Deepak Kalpoe are suing Dr. Phil for the alleged 'tampered audio tape' of Jamie Skeeters and Deepak that was aired on the Dr. Phil show last year. In addition, John Q. Kelly filed a wrongful death lawsuit in California against the brothers. More details to follow. Why is Satish suing? He wasn't even involved in that taped conversation? I'd like to know what their cause of action is and where they are filing suit...which jurisdiction? This should be interesting to say the least.

I don't know how it can be PROVEN the tape was altered. I also don't know how or why JQK is choosing California as the state of jurisdiction to file the wrongful death action. Is this more money wasted full of empty hopes???


It has been reported there was a murder in front of Carlos & Charlies on December 2, 2006. A 16-year old boy fell victim to Aruba's murder rate statistics. Apparently there was a crowd that established themselves outside of Carlos & Charlies due to the large crowd inside. A fight broke out amongst the intoxicated people who were drinking and doing drugs outside of the bar. The boy was caught in the crossfire and died of blunt force trauma of an unknown etiology.

The alleged assailant, who was an employee of Tony Romas, was recently released from jail and then committed suicide. What the..??? What is with ARUBA AND SUICIDE???

I swear I'm not making this up.
Read this post from the Truth for Natalee forum:

I don't know if this has been published yet or not, but I am told there was a 16 year old boy was killed last night outside of Carlos & Charlies amounting to the 2nd murder in 10 days.

Here is what I was told;

"Last night there was another killing infront of C&C. A 16 year old boy was killed. From what I heard, there was a fight outside of C&C and the kid was not even involved in the fight. He was at the wrong place at the wrong time. There was no shooting. So, I guess, he was hit and punched and he died. C&C gets very very very busy on weekends. So, a lot of people dont bother going in. They just stand outside the bar, hangout, drink and do drugs and then start fights....Well, that's exactly what happened last night and a young boy lost his life. Well, this is the 2nd murder in 10 days on the one happy island..."

The alleged suspect was recently released from jail. (on different charges?) He was an employee of Tony Romas as of yesterday. He turned himself in today and has apparently taken his own life.


12/4/06 Diario article (not in english)

December 13, 2006


Summary - Murder & Crime on Aruba
Most Recent Year first as of 10/20/2006


1/06/2006 – An American couple is raging on Aruba. The couple was robbed yesterday … The Americans victim had become of a overval, where the robbers thousand dollars, credit card and the drivers license of the man buitmaakten. The victims were treated brutally with violence and incurred thereby light wounds.

(Source: Posted 9/14 at Scared Monkeys Murder & Crime (M&C) thread by msmarple, credit Blogs for Natalee (BFN)

1/06/2006 - A report which is circulating in Holland caught Diario’s attention, related to a declaration from the High Command of the police in Utrecht. Among other things, it is mentioned that with suicide cases, it is desired for all these cases, that DNA tests be conducted on the bodies. Two unsolved cases were illustrated, in the first instance the victim committed suicide but it resulted later after the test, that this was not the case.

(Source Diario)
posted 8/14 at M&C by msmarple; from LCD

3/20/2006 – The ship Rachel S arrived in Aruba the Sunday of Carnaval Grandi with a dead person, Bernard Ramsaran, on board, and a local autopsy determined that the man died of natural causes (heart failure). However, an autopsy conducted in his country of Trinidad and Tobago disclosed that he died of traumatic asphyxia; e.g. strangled and choked. The body had visible marks of violence. As Diario asks, how did Aruba miss this one? (Interpol is investigating as a High Seas case.)

(Source Diario) - also see
Posted 8/28 at M&C by msmarple, from Getagrip.

Update posted 9/13 by Anna.
Also 9/13 by Appeals

4/05/2006 - Dinesh ‘Pitbull’ Djoegan, found on/in Guadirikiri cave. His body was mutilated, crucified, and set on fire. Death initially ruled a suicide and/or overdose; do not know whether that has changed.

(Source: Amigoe)

Posted 8/10 at M&C by Anna; credit to SunFreak2.
Update posted 8/19 by msmarple

4/18/2006 – Raul Croes attacked in a restaurant with a machete.

Solo di Pueblo. Posted 8/10 at M&C by Anna; credit to leslie

6/23/2006 – Unknown woman found in trash pile; Bondia prints graphic photo of corpse.

Posted 8/13 at M&C by msmarple update posted 8/14 by msmarple

6/2006 – Male corpse found floating offshore; reportedly a fisherman, wrapped in tarp. No further detail available.

Posted 8/22 at M&C by lexie.

Update from Hotshot via msmarple posted 8/29

– U.S. tourist “bothered” by “false polis” attempting to exchange sex for a “fine” for an undisclosed, not revealed, offense.

(Source: Amigoe)
Posted 8/28 at M&C by msmarple, from LCD thread

7/27/2006 – Gang rape and cell phone taping of 16-yr-old girl at school. Tape is uploaded to internet. Girl’s parents not pressing charges.

(Source: Diario) Posted 8/14 on LCD by sandy leiva on LCD; to M&C via msmarple

–British woman reports attempted rape.

(Source: Diario)

Posted 8/22 at M&C by SunnyInTx, from Refugees Unleashed (RU)

8/21/2006 – Local female attacked at her Wayaca home by two men who hold knife to her throat; rob the house; demand to know where the woman’s husband, a polis officer, keeps his gun.

(Source: Amigoe)
Posted 8/25 at LCD by Sharon; at M&C 8/25 via msmarple

8/29/2006 – Diario reports the arrest of a man for attacking a female tourist at a restaurant.

Posted 10/17 at M&C thread by msmarple

9/03/2006 – U.S. tourist with 4 other people including 3 females, was assaulted by the bouncer and 5 patrons at Cafe Bahia. The tourist had 3 ribs broken and his left shoulder was fractured. Tourist says some of the patrons who attacked him were from the Curacao racing team.

Posted 10/16 at M&C thread by 2NJSons_Mom

9/18/2006 – Diario reports that a public employee working as a bouncer at a night club battered a tourist who subsequently required medical attention at the hospital. The bouncer was arrested and fired. The tourist returned home. This may be a report on the 9/03/2006 incident above.

(Source: Diario)
Posted 9/14 at M&C thread by msmarple,
posted by Klaas and Easywriter on LCD 9/18


3/2005 - Brazilian man murdered by another Brazilian man. BonDia? No details available now.

Posted 8/16 at LCD by Shizaru; to M&C via msmarple

4/30/2005 - Fatal shooting (victim “E.F.”) during a party near hotel La Cabana.

(Source: Amigoe)
Posted 8/20 at M&C by msmarple

5/20/2005 – Tracy Allen (US tourist) assault attempt near Marriott Fisherman’s Huts (Hadacurari Beach). Provided composite sketch to FBI in December 2005 (sketch also provided to Aruba Polis). Ms. Allen told her story on Fox Big Story (Rita Cosby on March 12, 2006) SM has a comparison photo of a local who looks exactly like the sketch - (
picture here)

Posted 8/28 at M&C by msmarple, after mrs. red & san mention on LCD
msmarple phoned the FBI on 9/15 regarding the composite sketch seen here (LCD 9/14, p. 7. See picture here.)

– Natalee Holloway last seen with 3 locals leaving C&Cs. On FBI site “Seeking Information” - (

5/31/2005 – Rastaman “C.E.M.” fatally stabbed another man (victim Juni Tromp) on the beach.

(Source: Diario) Posted 8/19 at M&C by Sharon; credit to dkpen & BLEACHEDBLACK. Also by Appeals

2005 – U.S. tourist, female, with friends, same week Natalee went missing. Odd incident resembling an attempted kidnapping.

Posted 9/14 at M&C by SunFreak2

– Aru-Bay videotapes from afar, the curious incident of rock painting in broad daylight by Visibility Police and Polis. Also captured in this tape is what appears to be the recovery of a body. It is eventually claimed to be that of a 7-yr-old illegal immigrant from Columbia, and also that the body “had been found” a year earlier.

Why was he there, not in cemetery?

Posted 8/10 at M&C by msmarple. SunFreak2’s timeline quoted 8/13 at M&C by msmarple

6/18/2005 – Rene Michel van Heyningen found at a cemetery; partially decapitated; wife and/or “companion” charged.

Posted 8/10 at M&C by Anna; credit to SunFreak2

– Body found on a
boat. No further details available now.

Posted 8/29 at M&C by Appeals

6/23/2005 – This is the date “Combat Jack” posted about an armed gang robbing several casinos (including one he was in). He was told the next day that Polis caught them and most were killed. (Not sure of the credibility of this s
tory. Also no idea of when the alleged incident occurred, but taken in context, it was before Miss Holloway disappeared.) See article here

Posted 9/10 at M&C by Sharon

Summer 2005 – Two security guards jumped off building (separate episodes). La Cabana Hotel was the site of one (maybe both) of them. That there are two instances, same occupation, maybe same building that make this suspicious. There were at least two other reported suicides that summer – one “on the beach”, and one “30-yr-old woman”.

Posted 8/16 at M&C by Tidycat; and 8/29 by Appeals

11/04/2005 - Margarita Nedd-Panaqua, 35, from Dominican Republic. Stabbed by a jealous boyfriend.

Posted 8/10 at M&C by Anna; credit to SunFreak2

11/4/2005 - Galyson Lucas Winster, a 27 year old, reportedly a drug addict, shot in the head.

Posted 8/10 at M&C by Anna;
credit to SunFreak2

11/16/2005 - Robert Wayne Benson, 56 year old American expat, a Harley
Davidson mechanic, found dead, locked in a storage container behind the shop in Cura Cabay where he worked. (Have read that it was a suicide and natural cause (how can it be BOTH suicide and natural causes?)– but it’s the locked container that that seems strange. It has been disputed that it was locked on the inside, and also that it was locked on the outside. No further details were never reported.

(Source: Diario) Posted 8/10 at M&C by Anna; credit to SunFreak2


2004 – A USAToday story of 6/14/2005 implies there were 5 homicides in 2004, per Martijn Balkestein of the Central Bureau of Statistics. “Police have not provided a breakdown of offenses since 1995.”

Posted 9/11 at M&C by msmarple

2004 – Dave Holloway stated on Dana Pretzer’s radio show of 10/01/2006, that another girl went missing on Aruba a year before Natalee.

Posted 10/01 at M&C by msmarple

1/2004 – Brian Battjer’s “Ikeepa Diary” web album records his and a friend’s vacation on Aruba in January 2004. The photo journal includes “the attempted abduction of Brian's friend Scott, by a gay local named ‘Ramses’, with local ‘polis chief’ in attendance.” The abduction was foiled by Battjer, who intercepted the car with an unconscious Scott in passenger seat, by running after the vehicle and physically accosting Ramses.

Posted 8/30 by the big hammer on LCD with credit to BLEACHEDBLACK;
to M&C by msmarple 8/30

5/2004 – U.S. tourist Max Devrees, 14, traveling with his mother and younger sist
er (father was recently deceased). Apparently Max drowned; body never recovered. David Stacey Sr. (56, U.S.) is the older man Max went windsurfing with. Max’s mother was not satisfied with the investigation and was suspicious of Stacey. She started a foundation in his memory to benefit a hospital in their hometown. Meanwhile, some on Aruba claim it was an insurance scam and that Max & his family are living well somewhere in S. America.

Posted 9/14 at M&C by SunFreak2 (see p. 6 for full account)

7/30/2004 – Security Guard suicide. (
See article here)

Posted 8/29 at M&C by Appeals


2003 – U.S. tourist from North Shore Boston told a local TV station that on her last night on Aruba in 2003, a local man "… took me to … Carlos and Charlie's. He bought me drinks, and after we left the bar, he proceeded to take me to a parking lot where he assaulted me." Reported to Aruba Polis; no result.

Posted 8/27 at M&C by yapperz1, link to Free Republic


1/29/2002 – U.S. tourist Gary Makings disappeared. Last seen when he left to go snorkeling. Was staying at the Arubahouse. More information on

Source) Posted 8/27 at M&C by yapperz1, link to Free Republic


3/9/2001 – Bulgarian Poli Pantev shot in an elevator at Sonesta Hotel; shooting captured on security camera. Appeared to be drug-related.

Source) Posted 8/24 at M&C by msmarple.
Updates 8/25 by msmarple.
Also by Appeals 9/14 and SunFreak2

12/24/2001 – U.S. tourist “Marie” from Boston was dragged into a car as she was leaving Carols ‘n’ Charlie’s; the car drove away from the area and she was raped.

Posted 8/27 at M&C by yapperz1, link to Free Republic


2000 - Registered deaths due to suicide in 2000: 6; due to homicide, 0.

(Source: Pan American Health Organization Special Program for Health Analysis - Core Health Data Initiative - Dept. of Public Health, Epidemiology & Research)

Posted 8/27 at M&C by ldstlou

2000 – “Five years ago a childhood friend of my husband was murdered in Aruba, a screwdriver was the weapon. As far as I know the murder was never solved, we were told it was drug related and the murderer was a local boy so the government did not do much of an investigation.” Ann Graham, Houston, TX (posted in 2005 to a message board here.)

Posted 9/04 at M&C by yapperz1


1999 – Registered deaths due to suicide in 1999: 2; due to homicide, 3.

(Source: Pan American Health Organization Special Program for Health Analysis - Core Health Data Initiative - Dept. of Public Health, Epidemiology & Research).
Posted 8/28 at M&C by msmarple

6/9/1999 – U.S. tourist Willard “Bud” Larson disappeared after a dispute at the Windsurf Village Board Shop

(Source) Posted 8/27 at M&C by yapperz1, link to Free Republic


2/6/1998 – Italian boy Gianni Ferrara was kidnapped from Aruba and taken to Venezuela. Through Venezuelan efforts, the boy was forcibly freed on 4/22/1998; 38 people were arrested.

Posted 8/27 at M&C by yapperz1, link to Free Republic

3/24/1998 – U.S. tourist Amy Lynn Bradley vanished from cruise ship just after dawn, while docked at Curacao. According to her parents, crew members had tried to get her to go with them to Carlos ‘n’ Charlie’s in Aruba, on the night before she vanished.

Source) Posted 8/27 at M&C by yapperz1, link to Free Republic. Updated 9/14 by msmarple


1996 – U.S. female tourist was shot and murdered by two robbers while in ARUBA.

Posted 8/27 at M&C by yapperz1, link to Free Republic

8/24/1996 – Richard Henriquez last seen on Aruba. He was being treated for a nervous condition at a local facility. Possibly in South America.

Source) Posted 9/16 at M&C by msmarple

1996 – U.S. couple traveling with four friends - the two of them were drugged and taken from the hotel casino. Husband was locked in a back room of The Rio Grande. Wife was taken “out to the desert” and raped and beaten. The group was staying at Holiday Inn. Reported to Polis, but no results.

Posted 8/27 at M&C by yapperz1, link to Free Republic

A Tourist in 1996:

My heart aches for Natalee and her family. I've known from the minute Natalee was announced missing on the TV, exactly what happened to her. I have been in touch with the FBI, and they have my statement. I have been to Aruba 3 times, and the last time was HORRIBLE.

In 1996, I went with my husband and 4 friends. We stayed at the same hotel Natalee stayed at. My husband and I were both drugged, taken from the hotel casino. My husband was locked in a back room of the bar The Rio Grande, I was taken out to the desert, and didn’t come out of the black out until the next morning. I had been raped and beaten. I was fortunate enough to talk my way out of the situation, promising I wouldn’t go to the police.

When I got back to my hotel, my husband and a friend did go to the police is just like you've seen on the TV for the Holloway-Twitty family. They did NOTHING to help us at all. Even with the police knowing, that the casino-workers and the Commissioner of the casino had a problem with the "man", and were also willing to help my husband and I.

We switched hotels that day, and stayed in most of the time we were there. The night before we were to leave all 6 of us decided to go to the beach. That "man" showed up. My husband and cousin got a hold of him, we asked a hotel worker to call the police (they took almost an hour to get there). We told them what had happened and they simply put him in the back of the police jeep uncuffed, and drove away with him.

I guess we were all in shock, my husband and I just glad to be leaving both alive.
They have never mentioned on the news the brothel out in the desert behind the Holiday Inn pass the light house, that’s were I was taken to, a police-woman told me that it was a whore-House, no big deal??

I have tried to get in touch with the Beth Holloway, I think I could maybe help her or at least tell her that Natalee didn’t feel any pain, as I said I was drugged and I don’t remember anything until the next day. A lot of parents are now coming on TV again with the same situations of missing children from all islands, but none have gotten any justice or even an answer. It seems I am the only one to have survived.

I pray for Natalee and her family every morning and every night, and badly wish there was a way to comfort her mom, who has been, and has had to be, a very strong woman. My husband had to only endure a couple hours of not knowing if I was alive or what happened. He said he can’t imagine how they feel. So our hearts and prayers are with them daily. I hope this all ends soon for them, no mother should have to be put through this.

I haven’t been able to talk about what happened to me for 9 years, but I would do ANYTHING to help Natalee and her family.

A.Cormier (Source)

December 12, 2006


Paulus' good friend, Ben King a/k/a Ben Vocking
and the case of Alexander Mathew

Excerpts below (full article here)

...The minister of justice, the political party MEP and the Dutch judges are portraying their partiality by bringing in a judge from a different Island to rule over the case yet the officials that are preparing the investigation are all friends and family of the suspect. How partial is this?

Those who are preparing the investigation/case have access to all declarations, forensic reports, suspects and suspects family. Several reports by the international press have proven that the van der Sloot family is very close to the investigating team (The Dutch prosecutors office).

The habitual impartiality has been demonstrated in the past with several cases, one case in particular stands out. The case of Alexander Mathew against a Dutch government official, Ben Vocking whom now goes by the name of Ben King. In this particular case, documents disappeared, forensic reports were over looked and witnesses were denied...Mathew's entire case was tampered with. King said that his friend Paul van der Sloot helped him in the Mathew case. How many cases has and will Paul van der Sloot help cover up?

Mathew was isolated for two years and eight months to ensure that the truth would not surface. The Arubian press and the minister of justice, Rudy Croes played a large roll in the defamation of his character to justify his isolation. Now that the truth has surfaced, certain politicians and senators have raised concern that this corruption will repeat itself in the Holloway case and justice will not be served.

The minister of justice Rudy Croes is attacking Alexander Mathew, the politicians and the senators in the local newspapers based upon lies...Mathew states that the government and the prosecution department is corrupt and is harming the Holloway family and the entire Arubian population. If the Holloway case had been investigated appropriately from the beginning it would have been resolved by now and Aruba would not still be suffering.

Where is Alexander Mathew now???

December 11, 2006



By Natalee's Freebirds

Department of Justice official and Dutch Judges drastically limited the search of the Van der Sloot property as a favor to Joran van der Sloot’s father. Despite what Aruban government officials led the U.S. media to believe, there was never a full search made of the Van Der Sloot property in order to find evidence in the case of missing Alabama teenager Natalee Holloway.

Dompig: That is correct. The fact is that we as a law enforcement agency always try to get the maximum. Meaning that we want to search as much places as possible. We were not granted by the judge a search warrant for the complete house, we only received the warrant for the apartment.

Reporter: But what about after Paul Van der Sloot was arrested, couldn’t you get a warrant to search the house then?

Dompig: It was also denied, we were a bit disappointed with that. The judge was coming from another island I must point out. He said we didn’t make a good enough case to get a warrant.

October 19, 2005

(Source)--Although a warrant for a search was originally requested and granted to the prosecutor, officers were blocked from searching the main residence and grounds by Justice Department official Ben King (Voking) and Dutch Judge Bob Witt, who were waiting at the Van Der Sloot’s premises when the search team arrived.

November 27, 2006

VAN SUSTEREN: What about the search of the van der Sloot property? Was that ever done, and was, you know--including, sort of, the cabana area where Joran lives?

DE VRIES: Well, the search in the home address of the family van der Sloot was very strange because the search warrant was made by head prosecutor Karin Janssen, and contained an allowance to search the whole address, “Montanja nineteen.” So, the gardens, the buildings--everything. But, when the police was on the spot, another high-ranking employee of the Justice office--it was Mr. Bob Witt--reduced the search warrant to only the room of Joran--and that was very strange.

November 28, 2006

Robert Jensen show

DEVRIES: Yes the police missed several changes to do things right: when they wanted to search the house the door was opened by Mr. Ben King, an assistant of the Procurements Gen. office, the highest justice-office on the island, and a friend of the family who wanted to support the VdSloots in these difficult times… So clearly the search of the house hadn’t been a surprise to the VdSloots. And the police had a warrant for the complete estate but a judge - Bob Wit - who was at the house as well said only Joran's room could be searched.

These are things a Dutch crime-reporter is of course totaly astonished about. Justice Department official Ben King, who later admitted to the media that he was a close friend of Paulus Van der Sloot, claimed he was on vacation and therefore not acting on behalf of the Justice department. It was King who personally informed the search team they could only search the small apartment of Joran Van Der Sloot, located in the back yard of the property just behind the main residence, when they arrived.

Also present at the Van Der Sloot residence was Dutch Judge Bob Witt from Curacao, who was one judge presiding over the case. It should be noted that Paulus Van der Sloot was a Dutch judge-in-training at the time of Natalee Holloway’s disappearance.

Although Joran Van Der Sloot was arrested on June 9, 2005 the Aruba Prosecutor Karin Janssen did not execute a search of the Van Der Sloot residence until nearly a week later on June 15th with members of her office, the Aruba Police department, and Dutch forensics specialists from Holland in tow.

The search itself of the Van Der Sloot apartment looks now to be nothing more than a “mock raid” for media consumption purposes. The search lasted only four hours and was conducted in the middle of the day, quite a contrast to the early morning raid the same Prosecutor ordered on the residences of two black security guards on June 5th. The two security guards were arrested at 6:30 am and “perp walked” for the mainstream media who also got to witness their residences being ransacked. It was later proven both guards had alibis for the night Ms. Holloway disappeared and no evidence was found at either of their homes which ultimately led to their release.

The fact that the Van Der Sloot residence and grounds were not searched was kept hidden from the media until mid-October when acting Police Chief Gerold Dompig revealed his department was denied a full search of the Van der Sloot property on not one, but two occasions. In addition to being denied a full search on June 15th, a second request to search the main residence was flatly denied by a Dutch judge when Paulus Van Der Sloot was arrested on June 23rd.

Judicial rulings in the Natalee Holloway case have been riddled with questionable decisions, leading many to believe Paulus Van der Sloot’s personal and professional connections to the Justice Department, Aruba Police Department, and the Dutch judges have deliberately tried to keep the case from being solved.

It now appears there has finally been a proper decision made in this case by Judge Rick Smid. The decision to retain three of Natalee's attackers as official suspects is the first positive step in a very long time. Will Aruban officials take their cue from this Judge and finally do the right thing for Natalee Holloway?

We will not let up until this victim and her family receive justice.

--Natalee's Freebirds